How many behaviour markers does your dog have? 🤓❓❔
Here's Seija showing off her continuation marker, and her food reward marker 😃
When she hears "good!" she knows she's on the right track and should keep going, and when she hears "yes!" she knows she's finished and that her food will arrive very soon and will be given straight to her 🥳
I also use a release marker, and a reward marker for toys, and a specific cue for food that should be sniffed out that can be used/seen as a marker too, ... All to make training clear for dog and handler 🥰
We don’t just train you, we also get training to do better ourselves 🤩
Aiming for a good performance at the national world and European team tryouts at the start of next year 🤞
Training with Tamara from Fly On, always a pleasure 🥰
Fun fun fun and run run run for wocker puppy Lotus 🤩 Showing some impressive agility foundations!
Another game! 🎲
What can we see here and who’s saying what? 🐾
Seija 4 years old, unrelated to the puppies but lives with them
Pikachu 4 weeks old 🥰
Competition day!
Our last outdoor trial this year 😊
…After having only practiced once since the EO 🤭
So no results today:
☀️ Agility: pulled her too far off the threadle wrap and then some confusion around the weave entrance (sped that bit up for you 😁)
☀️ Jumping: all good and clear until Jura heard “tunnel” and just went in the one she was facing instead of the one I meant 😁
Lovely day, nice runs and good teamwork with my doggie 🥰
Let’s play a game! 🎲
What are these guys up to? Are they arguing, playing, or something else?
What body language clues can you see that support your idea about this behaviour? 😀
Two females who live together, 5 and 6 years old… more clues available on request!
Training ourselves to help you train even better 😀
Practising verbal discrimination whilst being a stooge dog for behaviour adjustment training with BK9!
So nice to work together with another trainer 🥰
Here Jura’s reward is going to dig a hole 😁
Working on our own skills: Only 6 weeks to go until the European championships! 😬😀
Jura’s also getting extra fitness training including swimming at Piscin-O-Dog 😊😊
We looove teaching agility in Jodoigne 😀 Make sure you book early enough in advance, there are only limited places left in July and August is already filling up 😊 Yesterday we had a jack russel, four border collies, an aussie, a poodle, a cobberdog, and a schapendoes in class 🤩