Today marks the 9th anniversary of Levupets, and with a heavy heart, I must announce that this will also be the day we close its final chapter.
Over the past year, I’ve moved from brainstorming ways to “revive” Levupets to realising that it’s not Levupets that has changed—it’s me. I’ve grown and entered a new stage of life, one where I’m focused on building a future and being fiscally responsible in a sustainable way.
I’ve thought long and hard about this decision. Would it diminish the brand I’ve worked so hard to build? But after much reflection, I know the true value of Levupets lies in the joy of seeing pets wearing my creations and their owners cherishing my work.
With that in mind, I have two announcements:
1. I will no longer be creating new collections or releases for Levupets.
2. All remaining stock will be available at up to 80% off until cleared.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your support over the years. I will truly miss connecting with all of you. If you see me at pet events or around town, please don’t hesitate to say hello—I’d love to catch up.
Signing off for the last time as Levupets,
Wishing you all the very best.