Kittens To Cats

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Kittens To Cats All about cat care, kitten love, feline feeding, and keeping your furry friends happy.

Ever wonder what your cat is thinking?According to researchers, their body language is a giveaway as to how they feel, a...

Ever wonder what your cat is thinking?

According to researchers, their body language is a giveaway as to how they feel, and what they may be thinking.

I have nine cats left out of 15. All have been rescue cats. The main thing that cats will do if they like you is to want your lap, nuzzle your armpit (go figure), or will grab the car keys, drive around to the front, and honk the horn for you to come and give them a ride. My cats have become pretty good drivers (Just kidding)

Actually, cats have very expressive eyes that can translate into various facial looks. Also watch the ears. Those things can write a book!

My cats have me very well trained. I pet and feed in the morning, and bring them their slippers in the evening.

So, if you ever wonder what your cat is thinking, do what I do, Pay close attention to their body language, and then take your best guess.

I hope Christmas and New Year were, and are, being good to you.We sent out some Christmas love with a photo of Hermes (C...

I hope Christmas and New Year were, and are, being good to you.

We sent out some Christmas love with a photo of Hermes (Charlotte's first rescue cat from Greece during her PhD. studies).

I reassured hermes that Santa's head would not get cold - and that he has other hats. He obviously was not convinced.

I hope you had a GREAT Christmas. Here is wishing you a Happy New Year.If you would like to help give a large number of ...

I hope you had a GREAT Christmas.
Here is wishing you a Happy New Year.

If you would like to help give a large number of rescue pets
in a country that has very little, and struggles to get food and
medicine for all of the needy cats and dogs, then here is how you
can help.

Voting for a favorite non-profit is going on right now, but will
end in a few hours.

If you have the time, please go to this site and vote. You get one (1) vote,
and it costs you nothing but the click of your mouse.
Here is the link:

The photo you see is two of the several hundred dogs that Charlotte-Maxwell Jones has rescued, and found home for in and around Kabul, Afghanistan.

Food is scarce, it is very cold at this time of year, the electricity is turned
on for only two to three hours a day making hard to keep the animals, and
the caretakers warm.

Again, here is that link:

You can learn more about her rescue efforts on her page,

Thank you so much.

Help them share in $500,000 worth of grants this year

It's Black Friday. Most people are busy scooping up all of the sales that are out there.Busy shopping and spending money...

It's Black Friday.
Most people are busy scooping up all of the sales that are out there.
Busy shopping and spending money.

Here is what "Black Friday" is about around our house (Barnaby & Denzel)


No, not for political results, for KSAR, the animal rescue group that needs your help. Vote here, there is no charge. Just click for KSAR:

KSAR is a U.S. non-profit, but is located in Kabul, Afghanistan.

My stepdaughter (Charlotte) has been risking her life for over 8 years rescuing, healing, and caring for animals (cats, dogs, sheep, cows, donkeys, peacocks, and even turtles).

Now winter, it is extremely cold, and the electric grid is only turned on for 2 or 3 hours a day. This takes a toll on people, but especially the animals that cannot find shelter.

Those under KSAR's ( care are at least fed (also difficult to get food), and have minimum shelter, but no heat.

So, if you can help out with a just a button click, the animals under KSAR's charge will be very grateful to you. Check out her page at the above link.



If you've followed a few of my posts from August, 2021, you will have seen a few highlighting KSAR (Kabul Small Animal R...

If you've followed a few of my posts from August, 2021, you will have seen a few highlighting KSAR (Kabul Small Animal Rescue), a non-profit (U.S. based) that was started by my step daughter Charlotte.

She survived the U.S. exit (was waiting for a charter flight that never came), and has since rescued several hundred cats and dogs.

A group (My Giving Circle) that raises money by votes for charities will help fund the charity that gets the most votes. This weekend they are doing a two for one voting challenge; vote once, and it will count as 2 votes. This is only for this weekend Nov. 11th - 13th. You won't have to wait in line or show your I.D.

If you feel up to a challenge, and there is no charge at all to vote, KSAR could really use your help with a few minutes of your time to vote for her charity.
Here is the link to vote:

She also has a page if you would like to see what she is up to.

Thank you.

Each year we give $500,000 based on your votes

Oliver, our latest rescue from the outside world, is making himself right a home.     He is mostly an inside cat now, bu...

Oliver, our latest rescue from the outside world, is making himself right a home.

He is mostly an inside cat now, but does enjoy being outside. Here is what he usually now does outside. . .

Who said cats can't communicate?

Who said cats can't communicate?

Wimsey stays in my bedroom most of the time, and likes to sleep on my pillow. I'm not sure how he does it, but he manage...

Wimsey stays in my bedroom most of the time, and likes to sleep on my pillow. I'm not sure how he does it, but he manages to dup piles of litter between the sheets.

I always make the bed, but somehow the litter still gets into the bed. I'm considering keeping an extra scooper on my bedside table.


As I'm still not used to this new format, I will continue to try to do the best I can.

Okay, so how are the cats (dogs, racoons, birds, reptiles, etc.) in your life doing?

I found a snake in one of our kitties beds just yesterday. Well, unfortunately the kitties found it first. I felt badly about it, but we do have the occasional small critters get inside. Normally I see them and can rescue them, but I missed it this time.

Wimsey has decided that he must have a few minutes outside before he eats.
He (Wimsey) will go outside, bounce around for a few minutes, and when I open the door with his food, he does the "Kitty Walk". If you have a cat you have probably seen it. It is that walk appears to be nonchalant and indifferent, but if I go to close the door, he bolts for the door.

I leave you with this today...
Remember what your cat always tries to convey to you.


Something that I recently learned from my cat Wimsey. If you want to make sure that you are warm, you can always take a ...

Something that I recently learned from my cat Wimsey.

If you want to make sure that you are warm, you can always take a nap on your computer. Wimsey did, and I'm still trying to figure out what he did to hide, lose, and delete so much stuff - just by lying on the keyboard.

Here he is getting ready to come with me to the gym.🙂

To all of you outdoor kitties these days, I hope you have enough water if you are in a dry climate. High heat and dry da...

To all of you outdoor kitties these days, I hope you have enough water if you are in a dry climate. High heat and dry days around here lately.

Just something I have learned from my cats:

See something you want? Move toward it slowly to make sure it's what you want, then quickly pounce on it so it doesn't get away.

Well, I now have a helper who assists me in writing these posts.My cat Wimsey has decided that I am not hitting the corr...

Well, I now have a helper who assists me in writing these posts.

My cat Wimsey has decided that I am not hitting the correct keys, and so punches a few of his own.

Here is Wimsey taking a break.


In one of my last posts here I gave out the link to the amazing and successful Afghan rescue of dogs and cats to Canada.

SPCAI apparently very helpful in the rescue efforts that took place several months ago to get a great many dogs and cats to safety and security in Canada.

Unfortunately, it seems that personality issues may have take over, and the only ones to suffer will be the animals.

I am certain that mistakes have been made by both entities (both KSAR and SPCAI). These are two businesses, and negotiations are alway difficult, but are usually handled.

Now I see that SPCAI is throwing out random and possibly unsubstantiated allegations at the KSAR organization. This is like Russia shooting off its many rockets to destroy Ukraine.

I will post a link at the end of this post. When this SPCAI post was first set up, there were a large number of comments questioning the content.
SPCAI has taken all but a few (positive) comments down.
The fact that all negative comments have been taken down would tend (for me) to indicate that most of these allegations are likely overblown, or simply not true. Notice the number of comments, then try to read them. I could not.

I do find it suspect that of all the comments posted, most all have been taken down. If anyone actually has read or taken any of them, feel free to post them here.

There is a post talking about one dog (Max) who contracted distemper. A dog that gets distemper will exhibit symptoms within 1 to 4 weeks, with symptoms usually showing earlier than later. The impression I get is that this outbreak is somehow to be blamed on KSAR. These dogs have been in a facility completely run by SPCAI for almost 3 months. The math is simple since an oubreak will show within 1 month.

Here is the link to the SPCAI page:
I am not here to cast negativity or make accusations at either party. It would be nice to see a little bit more politeness and integrity from the SPCA International. It would certainly be nice if both parties could work a little harder to find homes for the remaining animals.

Wishing you the best...

Keep on petting!

The mission of SPCA International is simple but vast: to advance the safety and well-being of animal

You could also consider looking at things the way that your cat does...

You could also consider looking at things the way that your cat does...

So many things can go wrong in a day.Here's how cats handle it.

So many things can go wrong in a day.
Here's how cats handle it.

Our cat Tinkerbelle has recently gotten into magic, and she showed me this awesome trick where she levitated a leaf off ...

Our cat Tinkerbelle has recently gotten into magic, and she showed me this awesome trick where she levitated a leaf off of the ground.

I asked her how she was able to such a great trick, and she answered - MOUSE DIRECTION!

I want to thank everyone for their response to the need for help in Kabul. So far things are okay. As people are leaving...

I want to thank everyone for their response to the need for help in Kabul. So far things are okay. As people are leaving, Charlotte is still rescuing more dogs and cats, and is determined to get them homes where they will be appreciated.

I have not asked that anyone shares the post, especially the links, but I am asking now. I know that many of you already have. Thanks.

So far we have not had any more stray cats come calling, but I do know that some of our neighborhood cats will occasionally show up for some of our kibble. I do think that Barnaby may have something to do with it as he is not so friendly to strangers - cats that is.

Here is Barnaby in our garden resting on my shoe, and untying my shoelace. We all have things to learn.
We all have things to learn.

Life Lessons From Your Cats Leave a reply Lesson #1 We all get ticked off at something or other now and then. Sometimes more “Now” than “Then”. You know how it feels to become “Labeled”. I some cases it is acceptable (Cat lover, Cute, etc.) as they seem complimentary. But then there are ...

I'm back with more about Oliver.In a recent post I talked about our newest family member (Oliver) who kind of just showe...

I'm back with more about Oliver.

In a recent post I talked about our newest family member (Oliver) who kind of just showed up a couple of years ago.

Oliver is really a sweetheart, but it took some time for him to get to know, and trust us. Smart cat. Living in the country, there are those nasty individuals nearby who like to use animals, that are obvious pets, for target practice.

Oliver still spends some time out-of-doors, but often would rather enjoy being inside with Ziggy (our dog).

You can read more about how we met Oliver, and how he became a member of our family at:

I said I would talk a bit more about (homeless) Oliver, our latest homeless rescue. Oliver has settled in nicely. He sti...

I said I would talk a bit more about (homeless) Oliver, our latest homeless rescue.

Oliver has settled in nicely. He sticks around and doesn't seem to want to go back to his old haunts - where he got beat up by other cats (or people).

He is now neutered, has his shots, and is as happy indoors as he is out. He is always close by, and comes when he is called.

He gets along with most of the other cats, with the exception of Barnaby who wants to terrorize most every other cat he sees.

Here is a photo of Oliver enjoying his new deck.

Cat LessonsLesson 1:Don't stew. Don't bitch. Don't dwell.Just. . .

Cat Lessons

Lesson 1:

Don't stew. Don't bitch. Don't dwell.

Just. . .

Kabul Small Animal Rescue is only $879 away from reaching her matching goal.The CDC has banned dogs from coming into the...

Kabul Small Animal Rescue is only $879 away from reaching her matching goal.

The CDC has banned dogs from coming into the U.S. for a minimum of a year. No one knows the real reason - yet.
That said, there are only a few days left to get as many dogs out as possible.

There is a time element as logistics, crating, vaccinations, and flight plans all have to be put together before any dog can be sent out.

She is sending out 20 to 30 at a time at $1500 per dog.
Any help she gets is appreciated.

If you can help that would be great. If not, maybe a prayer or two for the well-being of these folks risking their necks in the midst of a great deal of incertainty.

While the dogs can no longer get out, there are still many cats that can be adopted.

Something else you can think about.

I have her first rescue from Afghanistan - Bobby

You can read more about Bobby at the "Kitties To Cats"

An Update on a few of our other cats next time.

Kabul Small Animal Rescue Kabul Small Animal Rescue Was started in Kabul, Afghanistan several years ago. Even before KSAR began, the very first rescue pet wassent to the U.S. while Charlotte (founder of KSAR) wasstudying for her PhD. in Kabul. This first rescue was a cat that she called Bobby.Bobby....


Does your cat enjoy having its head rubbed? Mine all seem to like it.

Here is a video that I just ran across with a kind of innovative idea for cat head rubbing. The cat seems to like it.


In case my "Just Posted" entry (a video) does not show up, Kittens To Cats would like to wish everyone celebrating the 4th, to have fun, to reflect, and enjoy the day.

It finally showed up!



In my last post I mentioned that Oliver was now a loving memberof our family. Unfortunately, Barnaby does not think it w...

In my last post I mentioned that Oliver was now a loving member
of our family. Unfortunately, Barnaby does not think it was such a
great idea, and causes trouble for Oliver when he gets the chance.

He is not a young cat. I thought he
was around 7 or 8 years old, the vet guessed about that too.

Oliver has been hanging around for a couple of years. He was
very skittish at first, and finally I was able to lightly pet him.
Then I could rub his back.

Finally, he was jumping up in my lap. This took a bit of time,
but in the end it was worth it. Not too long after he warmed up
to me, he came around with this nasty gash on his cheek.

The problem was that he was still “Hit And Miss” about coming
around, and we didn’t see him for a week. By the time he came
back, his face wound was getting very infected.

That was it - off to the vet. Neuter, shots, and fix that face.

Well, just as the vet warned “You know that once you do all
of this that he will be YOUR cat?”

Sure enough, he’s our cat. He’s also very loving, friendly,
and loves to play.


Hi folks. I hope things are settling down for you after lockdowns, tests, and inoculations. I have been away for a while...

Hi folks. I hope things are settling down for you after lockdowns, tests, and inoculations.

I have been away for a while, and much has happened since I last posted.

I will go into things more as I will be posting more regularly again.

Briefly, Barnaby is still a little devil, but cute as can be.

We lost a couple of pets, one dog (Cloudy), and our cat Corky.

We have been able to get Oliver into our house, and he no longer will be living outside during the winter months. More in the next post.

I want to ask everyone to spread the word about the rescue groups that are doing work overseas.

One of them is my stepdaughter's rescue in Kabul, Afghanistan, the Kabul Small Animal Rescue (KSAR). Yes, for those of you still following, she is still there.

The CDC is banning dogs from coming into this country as of July 14th. This is leaving very little time to get these dogs out of the country.
Since the U.S. is leaving Afghanistan, and this ban is for 1 year, this is a real problem for KSAR.

Please spread the word. Here is a link to a post that I just wrote that tells more:

You will find a PDF download (no email required) listing the dogs available for adoption, her page link and Go Fund Me link.

I will be back again with more on Oliver (with photo) and more rescue information. Thanks.

CDC Ban Emergency Rescue For Dogs Leave a reply Emergency Rescue From Kabul! This site is usually about kitties and cats, but this post is going to be about dogs. These poor souls are in a world of trouble right now, and the “Angels” that are helping to rescue them are having their hands tied by...



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