Available for Adoption RSPCA VIC
Meet Adorable Daphne – Who Has Been Waiting 1 Year for Her Forever Home
Hi, I’m Daphne, a sweet and playful Maremma girl who’s been dreaming of my forever family for over a year now. I arrived at the RSPCA VIC on January 8th, 2024, and every day I hope today will be the day I find a loving home to call my own.
At 16 months old, I’m still a puppy at heart, curious about the world and full of joyful energy. I absolutely love smooching and snuggling with people, and I have a friendly nature. I’d thrive in a home where I have a furry friend to keep me company and help me learn the ropes.
I’m looking for a special family who understands my breed and can give me the life I deserve. My ideal home would be on acreage or a hobby farm where I can stretch my legs, explore the outdoors.
With your guidance and experience with Maremmas, I’ll grow into the loyal and loving guardian I was born to be.
A year is too long for a girl like me to wait. I have so much love to give and can’t wait to share it with my forever family. Could you be the one to make my dream come true?
If you think you’re my perfect match, please reach out to RSPCA Peninsula VIC 03 5978 9000, and ask about Daphne, Animal ID Number 1001919.
I’ll be waiting with open paws!
The wandering maremma who travelled many kms searching for a safe place around the Wedderburn, Bendigo, Axeldale and Bridgewater area in late 2022 turned 2 today.
Big Happy Birthday to CAS.
Hope you enjoy your birthday cake.
Maremma wandering the Bendigo VIC and surrounds Nov/Dec 2022.
This beautiful boy is now legally owned by an experienced maremma owner living the life he deserves. Advised by the vet he would not have lasted much longer wandering, extremely skinny under all that fluff, nasty infected grass seeds which had to be surgically removed, he was vetted and desexed.
We wish to thank everyone who followed this story, supported our team.
This was a complex case, involving strategic planning and perceptions. No it wasn’t a matter of just shutting a gate. We wish it was that easy.
Our team comprised of experience maremma owners, people experienced in the retrieval of lost pets, members who are very knowledgeable of the area with many connections, members with their expertise of map reading, member’s monitoring the social media posts and relaying vital information to the ground team, a supportive community and a dog who made friends with the maremma, together this story was a success.
Thanks to our team members and the countless hours offered. Huge thanks to the ground team who drove many kms using their own fuel, trekking through some hard terrain in hot conditions, door knocking, countless food anchoring him to the area where he was finally secured. No thanks to the people threatening to shoot him, causing unnecessary stress and anxiety to our team right up to the day of his capture.
This boy travelled many kms over a 4 week period. What was he searching for? Well it wasn’t his home. He was searching for a kind hand, a friend, somewhere safe.
The team from investigations already knew everything about this maremma before his capture.
This beautiful soul had been beaten, bashed repeatedly and dumped. We knew the area he was from; we knew he had been tied up with no water, no shelter. Made to stand in torrential rain for weeks tied up.
The owner failed this maremma. The RSPCA failed this maremma. The local council ranger in the area failed this maremma