mspca.angell Action needed from Massachusetts residents! Two amendments have been filed to the Senate budget that would really help animals in Massachusetts! Please ask your State Senator to co-sponsor amendments #4 and #856 in the Senate Budget!
#4: Mass. Animal Fund
Sponsored by State Senator Bruce Tarr, this amendment would allocate $125,000 to the Vassachusetts Animal Fund, which helps provide health services (spay, neuter, vaccines) to animals who are homeless or who live with families who cannot afford these critical services.
#856: Protecting Vulnerable Animals
Senator Mark Montigny and @senmikemoore have filed amendment #856 to the Senate budget, after a standalone bill had critical provisions stripped from it. This amendment strengthens our animal cruelty laws by providing more tools to prevent harmful situations involving animals from escalating. It protects animals from convicted abusers and addresses animals in cruel conditions. This amendment will give law enforcement, animal control officers, judges, and district attorneys more options when it comes to addressing animal situations before they become life threatening.
You can email or call! Not sure who your state senator is or need contact info? Visit or email [email protected]!