In Castor’s third session learning the spin, I start asking him to skip a cone and continue with the spin. #horses #horsetraining #clickertraining #clickertraininghorses #positivereinforcement #positivereinforcementhorsetraining#mustanghorse #libertyhorse
This is part 2 of training a horse to line up at the mounting block using R+. #horsetraining #clickertraining #clickertraininghorses #positivereinforcementtraining #horses
Teaching a horse to line up at the mounting block part one #horsemanship #horses #clickertraininghorses #clickertraining #positivereinforcementtraining #libertyhorsemanship
Atlas’s second session learning the hug trick. #horsetraining #clickertraining #traininghorses #horsetricks #horsetricktraining #libertyhorsemanship #mustanghorse
Atlas’s first lesson learning the hug trick. #horses #clickertraining #horsetraining #libertyhorse #horsetricks
This is Castor’s second lesson learning how to spin. In the first lesson all I had him do was touch each cone and he went around the circle in both directions. #horsetraining #horsetricks #mustanghorse #clickertraining #positivereinforcement #libertyhorse
Working on the head down behavior with Atlas. We do both head down in response to a voice cue and to a tactile cue. #horsetraining #clickertraining #libertyhorsemanship #horsetricks #positivereinforcement #horses
I am increasing the amount of steps that Dakota can take backwards with the target. Once she will continue to back when the target is presented under her neck, I start adding a cue to the back up. #clickertraining #positivereinforcementtraining #horsetraining #horsetrainer #horses #quarterhorse
It’s important that the horse follows the target and you click while the horse is following it. You can frustrate the horse if you always click while they touch the target because they feel like they have to chase it. Build up the amount of steps the horse can take and make sure to add in a lot of standing breaks that you reinforce just as much or more than going forward. #horsetraining #clickertraining #clickertraininghorses #positivereinforcementtraining #horsemanship #quarterhorse
We are working with a wooden pallet to practice stepping up and out of the trailer. This lesson just breaks down the behaviors that I am looking for from him. Instead of having the walls and the sound of the trailer, he can work on just stepping up and backing off. This will build his confidence with this behavior, then I can take him back to the trailer and it should be easier for him to step up into it and back out. #horses #clickertraininghorses #clickertraining #horsetraining #mustanghorse #positivereinforcement #traininghorses
Once I have worked on the stay behavior and it is reinforcing for Sebastian to stay on the mat, I am now going to ask him to come to me when I call him. #horsetraining #clickertraining #clickertraininghorses #minihorse #horses #PositiveReinforcement
I build up the amount of steps I can take away from the horse. Eventually I can leave him in the stay and go and do other things or I can call him to me. Here I am reviewing the stay first, then I will start calling him to me. #horses #minihorse #horsetraining #clickertraining #clickertraininghorses #positivereinforcement
From teaching Dakota to stand on the mat I teach her that standing still and waiting for me can be really reinforcing. Now I have added a cue so that I can ask her to stand and wait whenever I’d like without the help of the mat. #horses #horsetraining #clickertraining #positivereinforcement #clickertraininghorses #horsemanship
Once a horse is wanting to stand on a mat you can use the mat to teach stopping, standing, going forward, and steering. In this example I am using the mats to help her stop, then I can cue her to walk forward from there. Then I work on steering with tactile cues with the lead rope to get to the next mat. #horses #horsetraining #traininghorses #clickertraining #clickertraininghorses #horsemanship #positivereinforcement
I build on the body targeting I had been asking Atlas to do earlier by asking him to target the girth. I offer the girth for him to touch and I click when he touches it. From here I want him to come up to the girth and touch it, eventually laying it over his back and adding in the pad and saddle. #horsetraining #horses #horsetrainer #clickertraining #clickertraininghorses #positivereinforcementtraining
I taught Atlas to target certain body parts to may hand when I ask. I started teaching this by asking him to touch my hand just like he would a hand-held target. Then once he was solid with touching my hand with his nose, I move my hand up a bit so he has to touch it with his face. I continue this process down his body. #horses #clickertraining #positivereinforcement #horsetrainingtips #horsemanship #libertyhorsemanship
This is part 2 of teaching the horse to stand on the mat. I am asking her to step all the way onto the mat with both front feet. Then I will continue to reinforce her for stand still ans straight on the mat so that it becomes a place she really wants to be. #horses #traininghorses #horsetrainingtips #clickertraining #positivereinforcement
You can use a mat to teach the horse to stay and ground tie. In the beginning you want to reward the horse a lot for standing on the mat so the it becomes a place they want to be. #horsetraining #horses #clickertraining #clickertraininghorses #positivereinforcement #horsetrainingtips
Once the horse wants to consistently follow the target with their head and touch it, then you can start asking the horse to move their feet to follow it. Start with having the horse follow it foward. Click and reward a weight shift then a step forward. You can do the same thing to teach the horse to back up. #horses #horsetraining #horsetrainer #clickertraining #clickertraininghorses #positivereinforcement #targettraining
An overview on how to teach a horse to target. #horses #clickertraininghorses #clickertraining #positivereinforcement #quarterhorse #traininghorses #horsetraining