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Beans Williams Beans Williams the cat.


its so lonely with BDP and PTSD, caused through childhood trauma, i miss my family so much, but they seem to push my buttons , it causses so much stress , and i end up exploding , recently read magnessiums good for reducing the cortisol , caused by stress, so im trying this now, all the different kinds of medication iv tried havent worked , lots of people drink as a coping mechanism, and really thats the worst thing to do , being alone makes you overthink , and thats not good either , i wish i was nt like i am , i put so much pressure on myself to be the best i could and its left me broken ,


how can you make a new flu jab for a new varient type of flu if it hasnt happened yet ?


look into the value of sea moss....


nothing to see here tday , go find ur own gossip n do your own research on healthy meds , sick of giving n getting nothing back !.....i defo do not need users in my life anymore, i always said id be here to help my kids if they ever needed it , they turnned their back on me , so i can and will turn mine on them , they will need me b4 i need them , neither have lost anyone that really means anything to them yet , lets see how they cope when they do


ignorance is bliss


i wonder how many of you are being treated for infections body conditions , when it all boils down to parrasitic worms /, maybe a good rub over with petrolium jelly and rapeseed oil mix will get those blighters out of ur body? i used it n it worked , u can see them comming out of your skin , check out the effects of having parrasitric worms in your body , anxiety, bloating, gas, disturbed sleep, grinding your teeth , all sorts n drs dont even test for it these days ? a friend of mine was in hosp , his bp was low , nurses said u need to drink more , he was drinking loads , what he wasnt doing was having salt , his food had no salt in it , he was nt putting it on , after one sachet of salt n was down with a gulp of water , his blood pressure was up what the hell are they teaching these nurses or being since it was palliative care , were they hoping he died ? ,,the salt sachet n drink worked for all 3 of the patients on the ward , i got banned off the ward cos i was doing what the nurses were not, people with dementia should be given zink and magnesium for the brain , we should all be taking a good multi vit tablet a day , your body needs more than you think and if ur imune system is comprimised maybe u should try two a day , it will just make u vomit it back if ur body does nt need it n too much vit c will give u the s**ts ...not a single one of u seems to be able to replyt to my post s , my question is ...why the flook not ?....esp bethan or her sister? so at least have the decency to reply or f u c k off ....too many ignorant users in this world .......who s the boss of who in the relationship ? why is it my son visits your family ...yet he does nt visit his own mother ? does nt he have the guts/balls to even speak to me face to face and tell me hus problem with me , turns out both my kids are more like their biological father ....he r***d me , he wished me dead, what is it ? if a woman stand s up to abuse shes called crazy ? should we just lie down n get walked over? be used ? whole family have done this to me ? my kids should nt do it to me too,,or is it because joe believes katie got more money than he did ..well i never took a single penny in keep of my kids , my parents took nearly half my wages off me when i left school, i never made my kid s decorate or even make me a cup of tea , the first time joe made me a cup of t i think he was about 14 ? he put salt in it ,,thiking id never ask again , clever , did nt work , i was earning my own money from a young age , my kid s did nt need to , katie knew every penny i had in my bank account n she was probs only 12, i tried to do my best for my kids , keep them safe , holidays , clean clothes food toys books days out etc , seem s the more u give the less u get back .........i used to be proud of my kids .....?...its sad ........its too late to say sorry when your gone like the opertunity to say sorry ...b4 its too late


been speaking to the amathyst team of north wales police t day , get the previous paperwork up n running, add in s*xual assault, done to me and witnessed apparently , police will be inverviewing another family member n hes got nothing to loose , i wonder when they will be knocking on their door , covid s not going to halt proceding s again , see all concerned in court the not to distant future , the words s**t fan hits are comming to mind and pot kettle black ......she s really gonna wish she drowned me at birth this time ,and had the cheek to call me selfish , she selfishly stuck with a skitzo , and did nothing to stop the abuse, only when she thought id suffered enough did she say thats enough now phil , thats enough , who s worse her or him , you tell me ?, what do u think Zanellan


Pieces of 8.


oh who s reading at this time of night ?


13 new views eh .......gossip mongers or what .....every familys got secrets ...its weather they own up to them or not ?...keeping nasty little secrets is defo not good for ur health eats at u one way or another..some hide the pain with alcohol. others with co***ne or heroine ...they become victims once again ...that hidden pain kills u in the end .........and iv never felt better in my life ,if ur on co codamol u may as well be on heroine its just the big pharm name for it .zapain turns into morphine in ur body , so there u go ,best drug for u is h**p its in the holy grail ffs .....


i wonder if joe n katie ever recall the time in 3rd ave when the hot water tank nearly blew up cos someone had fu**ed with the controls ...when it was taht hot the steam from the hot water tank had been diverted into the cold water tank n that had reached boiling point too ..i woke up to find all the wall paper falling off the cieling n walls n the landing covered in steam ..i certainly did nt do that ..i wonder if it was brian n if it was him that had turnned up the storage heatters so they were red hot too n thats why i burnned my leg on the one by the front door when getting the milk in ..n that s the real reasaon both u n katie got little blisters on the back of ur hands ? cos i thought it was one of u two ..or it was sian ..either way i know it was nt me that fu**ed with the heatting rads and the boiler ...brian is sick in the head ...i wonder if marie will ever tell anyone what he did or tried to do to her but if u listen to my family its me thats the bad egg ...has sian ever told u about danny mate steven that comes out to play when hes had too much vodka n how whe takes money of her own mother n father when she helps them n how she used to send them to ask if nanna n taid can buy them new stuff for school as her n danny cant afford it cos they are pi***ng the money down the loo n smoking it in f**s ....??? if i was an alki n druggie as they all say i am , how could i have afforded hols abroad n a car ffs n a nice clean home n food on the table ...yet its they that call me selfish n i selfishly sold my body to make sure joe n katie had the best chance at an education n getting decent jobs and all the time doing this when i had oestrogen poisoning n was too hot all the time to work in a so called proper job ...i can earn more money than both put together n dont need an employer to do so ...maybe its jealousy that im free to do as i please n not conform to the dull boaring society we live in , ever thought we are just the ants of the human race ? no one above u gives a s**t how ur treated as long as they are making money off u , ur taid called me the angel of death , that what the parras are called , talking about himself , he n ur nanna call me a liar , they are speaking about themselves ,,how long will it be till both are in jail ? n brads dad posting pictures of graccie on face book for every paedo to look at n fantasise about ...if she got abducted buy a maniac , who s fault would it be ?...katies for letting him do it or him for posting how gorgeous she is ? face book ..f**k book, fakebook, have a f**king good luck book, show off ur wealth book look at me trying to be someone else book , the list is endless ..........i will justify my every action , just u wait n c


according to some sorces italy has nt had a single birth in the last 3 months ? i wonder if the vaxine has steralised the women n men or if the women have misscarried , doe s nt seem normal ? any views ...? joe better tell brian the kops will be knocking his door soon for what he did to me as a kid let his nanna n taid know they will be comming to see them to ......i will let it drop if they all admit that what im saying is true ..police colaitted med recs and dentistry and also interviews old teachers in reguards to my appearance in school how i was a total nervous wreck n my body was covered in bruises n my dental records re why i only have one front tooth ..they located the kriss panther knife too phil sold in second hand shop


iv got a new kitten ...he was ferral n now hes not so ferral ,,,,new name not sure yet . i think he will grow into it ...might name him after my ex ...psychopathlly big when his pupils go really big when he sees prey ......saw a pic of my ex on line n his pupils were small in it ....unfortunately for me when we met his pupils were really big ...and whenever our eyes met they were ...he told me he had bad eyesight n thats why they were so big ...???......he conned me ....and whatever hes said to my kids about me ..i bet u any money he lied ......i even asked him if he had a soul that takes some doing ..he did however admit to me that he doesnt know what love feels like and that hes not even sure he can feel love ....what he does know is that su***de is the biggest killer ...and he nearly drove me to su***de ..he was nt bothered about s*x ...he could nt kiss with any feeling was like kissing a robot sure he feels jealousy though cos im absoluetly certain he was jealous of my eyesight ...and when i cured diabetic eye retinopathy in just 6 weeks he must have been infuriated ..cos there s no cure for his eyesight .......he got a cat ?..not sure why ..its an indoor cat ..must drive the cat insane to be able to see the outside n not be able to go outside cruel is that ? needs to be free to wander n smell n play ...must feel like a caged animal..its not right ......what do u lot think ?


im really really ill at the moment ..i can hardley breath cos iv got bronchitis or severe chest infection n i will not go to the drs n ask for medical help of antibiotics eatting all the right things n taking the herbal medication but it just wont break , loaded up on the vit c , vicks on me chest n hot water steaming etc . im certain i need anti bots ..but would u trust what the drs prescribe if they have given u stuff b4 that ur allergic to or stuff that was taken off the market because it was faulty ?.....i went to see my granddaughter just over a week ago n she got the cops on me ,,n all i did was give her a few home truths ...the copps failled me b4 covid u c ...i was all set n the records n ifo had been checked n i had all the proof i needed , even testimonies from school teachers .....n covid stoped me from getting justice for what my step father philip roberts n my so called mother had allowed ...the physical n mental torture they put me through as a kid , started the day we moved into 2 sunny view gwersyllt ..and then came the s*xual own biological brother , brian williams took my virginity , not long after my nanna passed away . he was now bigger n stronger than me , not by much , just enough ,,its sick , u can choose ur friends , but not ur family, people say ...let it go..but i cant ..i cant forget it happened ..s**t like that scars u .physically mentally n emmotionally .........and it makes u more suseptable to it happening again ,,im not purfect...far from it ...but u know what ..iv got the balls to admit it when i honestly think iv done something wrong ....i will stand up n justify my actions , and will take the hit , but cowards dont admit to anything , instead they put all the blame on u bdaughter called me a w***e cos i prostituted myself ....cos katie anya williams ..would not take no for an answer , instaead she would go on n on n on for days weeks even , knew every penny in my bank account n if she wanted it ,,,she made damn sure she got it ,,,did nt biother her she had the last 600 quid in my bank for a two wk 5* holiday in tenerife with her ex n his mum n dad ....i told her i was skint n that would clean me out ..but she got it ....i hope andrew hill bradley hills father gets to see it n stops putting photos of my grand daughter gracie noelle hill on the internet for the whole world to see , inc me ..cos if katie knew that i know what gracie looks like now , she might flip......whats good for the goose is goood for the gander in my book , n if u cant do the time, dont do the crime , dont gamble with what u cant afford to loose , n it might be to late to say sorry when ur gone ......i honestly think iv been cursed since i was born .......if i commited su***de because my daughter wont let me see my grand daughter ....would that make her a killer ?.......what if she d aborted a baby ?..whats ur view on that ?.....what about the argument of quality over quantity ?...two sides at least to everything everyone following to scared to even reply ?
it would be nice to get the odd coment now n again..well i tell u what ..while im typing this im not dead ....but how long till iv totally had a fulking nuff ?? how much could u take ?...hey andrew z ...pop n c phil n say hi from mee...n then he n my mum can get the cops on me again ? u realise drinking alcohol is a pain nummer ..alcohol is an annastetic ...try getting stone cold sober for 3 months n see how much u feel again ..instaed of being numb to another person s pain***de is the biggest killer ...and a lot of the su***des are caused by someone hurting somebody else emmotionally physically n mentally ....mostly done when they themselves are pi**ed or drunk n have no f**king idea about what they are doing n they say i wont do it again n nxt time they are drunk ..hey presto of the most lethat drugs on the plannet ?...ever question anuything ?..oe are u just a f**king sheeple the same as the pack mentality ??....


u can choose ur friends but not ur family ...u give n give n give n get f**k all back ...what have i done to deserve every bit of s**t in my life older biological bro took my verginity aged 11 a couple weeks after my nanna died n what i really needed was a hug of my mum ..she was to busy with the step dad that is a parranoid skitzo n ex parra beat me to a pulp as a kid for f**k all n believed i was sniffing glue ..ffs i had shingles on my face from stress ..n my kids keep contact with them ..instead of me their own mother that sold herself to provide them with what they needed in life , because she could nt work a proper job cos of oestrogen poisoning that put her whole endocrine system out of ballance n caused sleep deprovation for 15 years ..mind u , she was too scared to sleep as a kid cos she snored n her step dad would leather her for f**k all as it was n her mum is still with him ..cos she loves him more than her own kids ...ffs .....why me ?...n not one of u has the balls to give me any f**king feed back ..u want me to commit su***de like how dom nearly drove me too n held to hostage by my own daughter re my gracie lacie knickers ....when she grows up she will want to know why n i will tell her the truth ........i now my son gets to hear about this why does nt he come see me face to face or has his girlie/ wife got control over him or isnt he man enough to face his mother ?...i hope i bump into him soon ....i expect he would rather converse behind closed door s n have the decency to hear me out ?..or is he a tatal coward his sister ...with blue eyesd sign of domminance n if she heard me out shed understand why i walked away from mark the one she wanted as a dad ..if hed put the wine n beer down more often his dad might still be alive n she needs to start sucking lemons again as her vision is comprimesed by too much sugar ..did she get the vaxine too cos its causing diabetes in people ?...wake up u idiots n smell the coffee ...oh my iq tested again recently ..above 220 the megga n find out how unintelligent u all are u might supprise ureslves ...but its so easy to improve it ..i dare u to ask ??


been looking into naural remedied to cure apple cidre vineguar and honey vitamin c and aloe vera ...geletine and hyloronic acid ..this can be bought in home bargains ...avoid refined honey mannuka ..bought some holland and barray other day ,,half normal price ,,,add in msm ,,tablets on line ..add in spirulina tablets 9 a day n put mine needles in ur drinks ..obv eat health diet a detox with detox t and foot beel from home bargains ..think the jappanese might do detox thing u stick to sole of feet ,,sure saw it on u tube ages ago ....i mean its ur health after all n id defo spend what i could to help fix me ,,think id defo do cbt oil or whatever it is from holland n barrat ,,plz say hello to joe from me i love n miss him so so much ..i know bethan wynne has eds ..fingers crossed she looked into herbal remedies ages ago ,, love hugs n kisses to lunna n heather miss marlow ..welcome here any time u like its a secret from the other people in my family ...they defo not invited here wishes ,,B


Grandpa sticking that blood big camera in my face again. I was chilling. =^.^=


im living the dream so flooking happy i am finally just me ..not a mum..not a wife ..just being bee buzzing


if ur ill 9 spirulina a day ....if u take vittamins ..n u take more than u need ..ur body will eject what u dont need u will be sick ...




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