Blue Star Labradoodles

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  • Blue Star Labradoodles

Blue Star Labradoodles Offering Mini and Medium Multi-Gen Australian Labradoodle puppies with "therapy dog" temperaments. Call to reserve your puppy online today!

At Blue Star Labradoodles, all our puppies are multi-generational Australian Labradoodles. All puppies receive their puppy vaccinations, microchips, and a complete veterinarian checkup to confirm they are in tip-top shape and parasite-free.

** DOES OWNING A DOG IMPROVE YOUR HEALTH? **Dogs are wonderful companions and the health benefits of owning a dog go way...


Dogs are wonderful companions and the health benefits of owning a dog go way beyond companionship. It has been proven that the Human-Animal relationship offers additional rewards that improve overall well-being and health. Here are some of the Health Benefits you could experience by considering a furry best friend.

Review of many studies over the last 50 years found that people that own a dog have lower blood pressure and the bond between humans and dogs lowers stress. Pet ownership is high on the list of ways to relax, making your pup a valuable asset to your mental health.

Sharing a few quality minutes with your pet can minimize anxiety, lower blood pressure and raise serotonin and dopamine rates, two neurochemicals our bodies produce that play a major role in relaxation and well-being!

Many people who would otherwise do little or no physical activity get quite a bit of exercise simply by caring for, playing with and walking their dogs. Those walks with their dog add up and dog owners are nearly 4 times more likely, than non-dog owners, to get the exercise that will help keep them healthy.

Walking your dog can open up new opportunities to see, hear and experience new things. Researchers have found that dogs are the perfect way to meet people, great conversation starters and possibly new friendships. Doggie Play Days also offer many opportunities for interaction.

Watching your dog play brings many smiles, much joy and laughter. It's like mental and physical therapy just petting them and having them next to you provides a special calmness and peace.


RUBY & BLAZE PUPPIES do that for me every day!!
Both Ruby and Blaze have that sought after "Therapy Dog" Temperament and Gentle Nature. Their 7 puppies have followed in their parent's footsteps. They are gentle souls, have the softest wavy fleece coats and are full of joy! Puppies will range from 25-30 lbs. as adults depending on the puppy. I'm thrilled to share their 8 Week Photos.

For More Information & Puppy Availability Contact Carol
[email protected]" rel="ugc" target="_blank">[email protected]

THE AUSTRALIAN LABRADOODLE - HISTORY***(No Australian Shephard in the Australian Labradoodle!)***The Australian Labradoo...

***(No Australian Shephard in the Australian Labradoodle!)***

The Australian Labradoodle began over 45 years ago in Australia due to a request from a Family in Hawaii, The wife was sight impaired, needed a therapy dog and her husband had allergies.

They wanted a puppy and 3 things were the most important.
1. Sweet, loving family companion.
2. Very smart so they could be trained to be a Therapy Dog.
3. Allergy friendly.

Hawaii is a Rabies free country and so is Australian but the US is NOT a Rabies free country. if they got a puppy from the US, it would be in quarantine for 6 months. So, they contacted the Royal Guide Dog Institute located in Victoria, Australia, and Wally Conron honored their request and decided to try to accomplish their goal.

He chose one of their top Labrador Retrievers and decided to pair with a Standard Poodle. The intent was to create an allergy and asthma friendly dog with a Therapy Dog Temperament. The Poodle was selected because they are allergy friendly, non shedding, intelligent and easy to train.

lst Breeding (F1) - NO Allergy friendly puppies.
2nd Breeding (F1b) - NO Allergy friendly puppies.
3rd Breeding - allergy friendly puppy!

During this time two Breeding Kennels in Australia (Tegan Park and Rutlands) were paying attention to these breedings and the results. They were so impressed with these puppies they decided to continue these efforts. They began breeding Australian Labradoodles and were determined to produce litters with consistent conformation/structure, coat type, and temperament. During the 90's, the English Cocker Spaniel and American Cocker Spaniel were bred into the Labradoodle lines to assist in this effort.

All my Australian Labradoodle puppies are Multi-Generation from the old Australian Lines.

E-MAIL: [email protected]

Zeus and Ollie with "The Girls"

Zeus and Ollie with "The Girls"

Puppy fun at Blue Star Labradoodles.

Puppy fun at Blue Star Labradoodles.

Working on the "Sit" and having lots of fun.

Working on the "Sit" and having lots of fun.

Puppies experiancing new things in their wagon.Contact Carol at Blue Star Labradoodles 509-979-0949 for availablity.    ...

Puppies experiancing new things in their wagon.
Contact Carol at Blue Star Labradoodles 509-979-0949 for availablity.


Don't miss the Importance of "SNIFF TIME"!

We dog owners enjoy numerous health/social benefits by walking our dogs including improved cardiovascular fitness, lower blood pressure, stronger muscles and bones and decreased stress.

And, it's about SO MUCH MORE than just “Potty Breaks” for your dog. Dogs need "Sniff Time"! When dogs sniff, they are gathering vital info about their territory and their four-legged neighbors. Yes, they are checking out the other Pee-Mail in the neighborhood. Ha! It gives them an opportunity to engage in their natural instincts, including sniffing the world around them—and this is why we need to let them stop, unrushed, and smell along the way. Dogs were born to sniff! Please let them enjoy this important exercise! Walking your dog provides the opportunity for them to burn tons of mental energy as they SNIFF in addition to physical exercise, socialization and behavioral training while growing the bond they have with you.

BE AWARE of the Temperature. Walking your dog on Hot Pavement and Asphalt can cause permanent damage to your dog's Paws. See Chart.



Loud noises may scare your dog so badly that they run off or hide in fear. At Blue Star we work at getting our puppies exposed to noises. Even so, we recommend that you start now and every day, before July 4th Fireworks, expose your puppy/dog to loud noises and sounds keeping each experience positive. I even laugh after the big noises and give them a treat so it's a good experience and NOT scary. See if your iPhone/YouTube or Alexa can play Loud Fireworks Noises and Thunderstorms. Use anything that makes noise that you can introduce your pup to. Drop unbreakable things on the floor that make a loud clang and laugh and give your dog a high value yummy treat. If they startle, just act happy and confident and move away from what is scaring them. If you have a friend that can help, maybe drop the item further away and then move closer to drop it. Be creative, stay happy and calm and your pup is more likely to be calm too. If at any point your pup stops taking the treat, they are too nervous. So, lessen the sound so it's not as loud and gradually build up to getting closer and closer to the loud noises.

You can enjoy exposing your dog to rock music at different volumns while you dance to it and include them, give treats, run the vacuum while singing, save up paper you can run through your paper shredder, play CD's with Thunder/Rain storms, give treats.

On July 4th it's better to keep your dog inside. While the loud Fireworks noises are going off, have fun playing with your dog wrestling/loving with them. Be relaxed/happy/upbeat while the noise is all around them and yummy treats so it becomes a good experience with you.

These are the other 2 Callie & Onyx puppies and two of Lilly & Redd puppies.  They thought the wagon ride was great fun!...

These are the other 2 Callie & Onyx puppies and two of Lilly & Redd puppies. They thought the wagon ride was great fun! Got to hear lots of new noises, kids coming home from school and the UPS truck making deliveries. It's important to give puppies lots of new experiences with people, places, things, sites, sounds, smells, etc.

Call Carol 509-979-0949 to check on availability.

These gorgeous Callie & Onyx puppies had a great time enjoying new experiences in their wagon.

These gorgeous Callie & Onyx puppies had a great time enjoying new experiences in their wagon.

This precious Lilly & Redd little boy is a gentle soul, is expected to be 25-30 pounds as an adult.  He's an Apricot/Red...

This precious Lilly & Redd little boy is a gentle soul, is expected to be 25-30 pounds as an adult. He's an Apricot/Red color with Black nose, dark eyes and a lovely wavy fleece coat.

Call Carol: 509-979-0949 to check on availability.

My Lucy and Rocky (Gus) had an incredible litter of 8 puppies with a wonderful variety of colors.  They were just Evalua...

My Lucy and Rocky (Gus) had an incredible litter of 8 puppies with a wonderful variety of colors. They were just Evaluated for Temperament and Struture and received Top Scores! They are extremely smart, very intuitive, have that sweet Therapy Dog calmness that I so enjoy and they have lovely soft wavy fleece coats. They also just had a complete check up with the top Veterinarian at Fairwood Animal Hospital, received their lst Set of Puppy Shots and Microchips. Now they are in training to understand, and respond to, commands like Come, Sit, Down and Roll Over.

If you are already a Blue Star Puppy Owner, be sure to contact me to learn about the significant benefits you will receive if you choose to add a 2nd Blue Star Puppy to your family.
Contact Carol
Blue Star Labradoodles

As an Australian Labradoodle breeder in Spokane WA, our pups are bred to have the best temperament, making them the perfect therapy dogs. Solid colors and Parti colored available. Click to learn more about our Australian Labradoodle puppies and for shipping inquiries.

ZOE & ROCKY (GUS) PUPPIES HAVE ARRIVEDOh my goodness...what an extraordinary litter of puppies!!!! Although Zoe, call na...


Oh my goodness...what an extraordinary litter of puppies!!!! Although Zoe, call name Pua, was supposed to have 7 puppies, she blessed us with 10!! We have 5 lovely girls and 5 handsome boys. This is their Birthday photo 3.14.23.

We focus on "Therapy Dog" temperaments and both parents received top scores on Temperament and Structure from Pat Hastings. We look forward to enjoying these same exceptional characteristics in these puppies.

We have some very unique Parti, Tri Color and Phantoms. Puppies will range from about 25-35 lbs. as adults. Guesses on adult weights for each puppy will be provided families when they are 7 weeks old.

Of course every Blue Star puppy is fully crate trained and sleeping through the night before they join their new families. They will also know basic commands like Come, Sit, Down and maybe even Roll Over.

Family Visit Days are scheduled for 4/22 and 4/23 and puppies will join their families on May 14th.

Call, text or e-mail Carol for more information and/or availability.
509-979-0949, or email [email protected]



Have you ever noticed your dog twitching and making little noises while they are sleeping? You probably already guessed this.......
Yes, dogs can dream just like we humans do. When we sleep our brains limit our body movements but some movements manage to break through.

So, if you see your dog twitching and making little noises, don't worry. They are acting out their dreams as best as they can while asleep. Maybe they are dreaming about playing fetch with you, getting treats, chasing balls, chewing on a yummy bone or playing with one of their buddies.

Dreams are like images/movies, thoughts and feelings that happen while we sleep. Our most vivid dreams occur during the rapid eye movement (or REM) stage and the same goes for our dogs.

Dr. Gary Richter, DVM, shared that, once in a while, your dog can have a nightmare. Maybe they dream about something that caused them pain or something scary that happened. They may even growl or bark in their sleep. Even though our first tendency is to wake the dog up, DON'T. If you wake them, it may startle/scare them and they could lash out. It's better to let them get through it. When they wake up, show them how happy you are to see them and give them lots of attention, love and do something fun.

Doggies do enjoy naps. The next time your dog lays down to nap, put on some soothing, relaxing music, grab a pillow, maybe a blanket and enjoy sweet dreams as you nap together.


Dog Eyesight: Your Questions Answered
Posted March 9, 2023 by Blue Star Labradoodles

Face to face with dog and human eye
It’s a common fun fact that dogs see the world differently than humans, but that does not mean their vision is bad! Dogs typically have 20/75 vision. This means they must be 20 feet from an object to see it as well as a human standing 75 feet away. Certain breeds can see better, like Labradors, commonly used as seeing-eye dogs, are bred for better eyesight and may have vision closer to 20/20!

How Do Dogs See Color?
The human eye can operate because of three kinds of color-detecting cells called cones. By comparing how these cones are stimulated by incoming visible light, our brains distinguish red wavelengths from green and blue wavelengths from yellow wavelengths. Like most other mammals, dogs’ eyes contain just two kinds of cones. These enable their brains to distinguish blue from yellow but not red from green.

Dogs are not completely colorblind, but their eyes are structured similarly to those of people with red-green color blindness, whose eyes also lack the third kind of cone normally present in humans.

What Colors Can Dogs See?
Dogs’ retinas can distinguish two colors: blue-violet and yellow. They can also differentiate between shades of gray. They can see blue really well, but purple looks the same as blue to them. Dogs cannot recognize the colors green, yellow, or orange as separate colors as they all look slightly yellowish to them.

Our canine companions must rely on other cues like smell, texture, brightness, and position rather than just the color of an object to determine what it is.

Do Dogs Have Night Vision?
Dog’s night vision is relatively blurry at about 20/250, but it is much more sensitive than a human’s night vision. Human eyes have many cones that help them detect color and work best during daylight, but dogs’ eyes have light-detecting cells known as rods, which distinguish between dark and light and thus are at their best in low-light conditions.

So, although dogs don’t have night vision comparable to a pair of night-vision goggles, they can see better in the dark than humans.

Our furry friends can be of great service to those of us with poor eyesight or disabilities who need help getting through life and performing daily tasks. Not all breeds of dogs make good service companions, but the Labrador Retriever and Poodle make great service dogs. In fact, the Labradoodle was initially created to be a guide dog!

At Blue Star Labradoodle, we raise Multi-Generation Australian Labradoodles that are nonallergenic and make perfect guide or therapy dogs. Our mission is to bring you the most healthy, gently tempered, and loving canine companion you could ask for.

Contact us at (509)979-0949 to learn more about the breed, and browse our upcoming litter’s page to find out when puppies will be available!

5 SIGNS YOUR DOG LOVES YOUValentine’s Day is right around the corner, and love is in the air! In February, we celebrate ...


Valentine’s Day is right around the corner, and love is in the air! In February, we celebrate the people in our lives we love the most and who love us back just the same. But what about our pets?

Our animals are a huge part of our lives, and we show them love and appreciation every day, from walks and cuddles to treats and belly rubs, but how do they show us love in return?

Here are five clear signs your dog is showing you love!

1. Maintains Eye Contact
When you are uncomfortable around someone or intimidated by them, you usually tend to break eye contact quickly, so when your dog keeps their eyes locked on yours, it means they feel safe and trust you. This is why eye contact is so important in dog training because your furry friend will search your eyes for reassurance when trying to problem solve.

2. They Sleep With or Near Your
A dog understands that sleeping is a vulnerable time when they are not on their highest alert and do not feel completely safe. If your dog decides to sleep in bed with you or right next to you on the floor, they consider you a member of their pack and trust you completely.

3. Tail Wagging
When you come home from a long day of work and your dog comes running to the door with their tail wagging in excitement, this is love in its purest form. A dog uses its tail to communicate with other animals and humans. If their tail is slightly raised, straight up, or wagging like crazy, they are happy to see you.

4. They Seek Physical Contact
If your dog actively seeks you out for cuddles, snuggles, and pets, that is another way they show their love. Your dog feels comfortable enough to bond with you when they come to you for physical affection or if they allow you to give them light hugs and kisses randomly.

Some dogs also love to sit with you to feel close. So, when your dog comes up to you and leans their full weight against you (almost like a hug), they are showing you love.

5. They Check on You
If you catch your dog “checking in” on you throughout the day while you travel from room to room, it is their way of ensuring you are safe and nearby. When you get home for the day, your dog might even start following you around the house because they love to have you near and seek your attention. They follow you into the bathroom to make sure all is well and you're ok.

If you notice your dog exhibiting any of these signs, you can rest assured that your pet loves and appreciates you as their owner.

At Blue Star Labradoodles, we raise our puppies in a loving and nurturing environment giving them a solid foundation built on human connection and trust. By the time our Multi-Generation Australian Labradoodles are ready to become a part of your family, they are prepared to give and receive the love you require.

If you are looking for a new furry friend to join your family, consider filling out our puppy reservation form and browse our upcoming litter’s page for more information!



The Health Benefits of Owning a Dog
The benefits of owning a dog go beyond just companionship. It has been proven that the Human-Animal relationship offers additional rewards that improve overall well-being and health. Here are a few health benefits you could experience by committing to a furry best friend.

Dogs Are Good for Your Heart
A comprehensive review of studies published between 1950 and 2019 found that people that own a dog have lower blood pressure levels and improved responses to stress. Even people who had experienced previous coronary events had improved health.
Research has concluded that the bond between humans and dogs reduces stress, a major cause of cardiovascular problems.

Stress Relief
While many health professionals might point to stress reduction techniques like yoga or meditation, owning a dog can be equally beneficial. Pet ownership is high on the list of ways to relax, making your pup a valuable asset to your mental health. Sharing a few quality minutes with a pet can minimize anxiety, lower blood pressure, and raise serotonin and dopamine rates, two neurochemicals that play a major role in relaxation and well-being!

Boosts Physical Activity
Despite their physicians’ recommendations, many owners who would otherwise do little or no physical activity get quite a bit of exercise simply by caring for, playing with, and walking their dogs. Those walks along sidewalks, trails, and paths add up. Dog owners are nearly four times more likely than non-dog owners to meet daily physical activity guidelines. Dog owners spend nearly 300 minutes every week walking with their dogs. That’s 200 more minutes walking than people without a pup of their own!

Increases Socialization
Walking with a dog can make us more approachable and give people a conversation starter. Think about how often you’ve talked with other people while with your pet, whether they’re neighbors or new friends you met on walks.

Researchers have found that dog owners typically have an easier time making friends. Dogs are the perfect way to get to know strangers and form new friendships.

Contact Blue Star Labradoodles if you want to add a furry best friend to improve your and your family’s quality of life. Enjoy all the benefits of being a dog owner with one of our healthy and gentle-natured Multi-Generation Australian Labradoodles!
Contact Carol at (509)979-0949 to learn more about the breed and adoption information.

This sweetie pie has a wavy fleece coat and is a very unique Chocolate Phantom with Tan & White Marks. She just turned 7-1/2 weeks old, is already crate trained, sleeping through the night, incredibly smart and is a real cuddler!

The Top Ways Children Benefit from Having a DogPosted August 10, 2022 by Blue Star LabradoodlesMost children dream of ha...

The Top Ways Children Benefit from Having a Dog
Posted August 10, 2022 by Blue Star Labradoodles

Most children dream of having a furry best friend, but many parents cringe at the work and effort it takes to own one. It is important to recognize that dogs and children can be the best of friends when raised together and offer several benefits, from increased playtime to happier mindsets.

Here are a few of the top ways children can benefit from growing up with a dog!

Teaches Responsibility
Having a pet is a great way to teach responsibility to kids. Making sure that the family dog has food and water gives children a first glimpse of accountability and obligation. It will help children learn to take the initiative, remain grounded, and teach them that another living thing depends on them. Children also learn empathy and compassion by caring for their pets while developing a higher level of self-esteem by taking care of their pet-owning responsibilities.

Encourages an Active Lifestyle
Caring for a dog encourages a more active lifestyle. Many dogs require daily walks or runs and plenty of playtime. Those adorable puppy eyes they give you will motivate you even when you’re not feeling up to it!

Forms Better Cognitive Skills
Some research has suggested that kids who talk to pets, whether by giving praise and commands or just babbling, show improved cognitive development. Some schools and animal rescues even have programs where children practice reading to animals. The benefits apply to both the kids and the dogs!

Enhances Emotional Intelligence
Caring for a pet does more than teaching your child about responsibility; it also helps them grow emotionally. Studies have shown that contact with a family dog develops nurturing behavior in children, encouraging them to show empathy and enhance positive self-esteem.

Children with a pet dog are also less likely to suffer from feelings of isolation and loneliness. Canine companionship gives them a furry friend to rely on and helps them develop the ability to understand friendship and connect well with others from an early age.

At Blue Star Labradoodles, we recognize how important and beneficial dogs can be to the family unit. That is why we raise exceptional Multi-Generation Australian Labradoodles bred for exceptional health, intelligence, therapy dog temperaments, allergy-friendly, loyal and loving personalities.

The photo below is of Blue Star's Roses are Redd, aka, Rosie/Lady with her Guardian's son who is now 1-1/2 years old and is growing up with his best friend. Rosie/Lady and Bedrock's A Star Is Born, aka, Blaze, are expecting puppies at the end of August, 2022.

Contact us at (509)979-0949 for questions regarding our upcoming litters!


Hi Carol,
Sir Cooper is a delight to behold. At 8 months he is weighing in at 26 lbs. just like you guessed with a beautiful fleece coat with curls. He is very affectionate, loves to play and gets lots of exercise here on our 2 acres. He has brought such joy into our lives. Thank you so much for this little guy!!


Lilly (Caramel and White Parti) and Zeus having fun with the frisbee. Lilly just delivered 7 incredible Red & White, Caramel & White and Apricot & White Parti Puppies. She Honeymooned with Blue Star's Jackson and puppies will be ready for their new families end of July.


Thora and Blaze Puppies at 1 Week Old Nursing. Listen closely to those precious nursing sounds after the milk actually comes in.

2022 Summer has begun!  YippeeTips from Bluestar:Don't forget to male sure your dogs always have fresh cool water! It wo...

2022 Summer has begun! Yippee
Tips from Bluestar:
Don't forget to male sure your dogs always have fresh cool water! It won't be long before temps will be 80 + everyday. Make sure your doggies are safe and don't burn their feet when out walking. See the TEMP of Asphalt on Chart below! Take them on early morning or late evening walks when the pavement is cooler, refresh their water several times a day, set the sprinkler on for them to run through or find a kiddie pool to cool off in. NEVER leave your dog in the car while out and about, a temperature of only 70 degrees is hot enough for the inside of a car to become dangerous and cracking the windows/ parking in the shade does very little to help.

Flea and Ticks:It's Flea and Tick season and there are a lot of treatments out there making it hard to know which one to...

Flea and Ticks:
It's Flea and Tick season and there are a lot of treatments out there making it hard to know which one to choose. If you feel the need to treat your Dog/Puppy, here are the only ones I recommend:

1. Frontline Gold or Frontline Plus (found at Costco)
2. Revolution
3. Natural Flea Spray by Paw Tree

And never use an oral treatment!

If you have time, take a quick minute to read through this great slideshow on Ticks by WebMD.

Are you battling fleas and ticks? See the warning signs of infestation and the best treatments for dogs, cats, and your home in this slideshow from WebMD.

Healing Heart's Charlie and three of his girls, Callie, Lilly and Bella, got to have a reunion and playday this last wee...

Healing Heart's Charlie and three of his girls, Callie, Lilly and Bella, got to have a reunion and playday this last week.

Kenzie had a very small litter, but these three girls are truly a blessing 🥰 Born 6-14-21

Kenzie had a very small litter, but these three girls are truly a blessing 🥰 Born 6-14-21


Opening Hours

Monday 08:00 - 18:00
Tuesday 08:00 - 18:00
Wednesday 08:00 - 18:00
Thursday 08:00 - 18:00
Friday 08:00 - 18:00
Saturday 08:00 - 18:00
Sunday 08:00 - 18:00




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