aw man, what a night this was! kenzie and i met up with a longtime friend .vc to do a little local hike. i say little when it was like 4.5 miles lol. nonetheless we set out just to see anything, i had told nik how this spot has given me some amazing memories over the years. with days that have treated me extremely well, multiple double digit snake days, 5+ pygmy days with .taylor27 and at one point a double coral with it’s a nice spot. i was hoping to see a coral of course bc it’s been over a year since one was spotted here. but i was happy with even a pyg. we got a pyg maybe 1.5 almost 2 miles in, nothing else though. group of hogs, 3 armadillo, too many ticks and mosquitos… i say how it looks like this will end as a one pygmy night and proceed to tell kenz i want her to find us a coral before we leave….. well, she sure as hell did that, not even 5 minutes after i say that; kenz is maybe 100 feet ahead of me and yells “CORAL SNAKE”. it took me a minute to register what happened and i run to her and see this AWESOME eastern coral snake making its way thru a broken and fallen log towards the king grass and oak leaves. luckily it was long enough and visible to get ahold of it. couldn’t have asked for a better night, this years been really rough h**ping wise and has been quite disheartening at times. all of those feelings were thrown away thanks to kenz landing this beauty.