My mom is continuing to get better since she’s been home from the hospital. She and dad went to hang out with the grandkids yesterday for Christmas. (Luckily they didn’t force me to go with them. Those kids have way too much toddler energy for me)). Mom said she was dancing and having pillow fights with them (sounds awful) I dont think that dancing was a recommended activity on mom’s hospital discharge papers, but she seems to have survived.
I’ve been a very good girl. No pooping on the bed since mom’s been home. I take good care of my mom. I even go to the bathroom with her every time she goes in there to protect her from predators. We dont get a lot of predators in my house but we do get the occasional spider. And once there was a tree frog in the shower and it jumped on mom. She screamed and screamed and dad wouldn’t help because he was laughing too hard. Ever since the frog, mom lets me come in the bathroom with her. It’s my job to keep her safe.