Please spread the word for this lost dog. Maverick was LOST on February 26, 2025 in Veblen, SD 57270 near Veblen, South Dakota
Message from Owner: Still no solid leads on Maverick…😭😩 He's been gone since 3:30 on Wednesday, February 26th. If you knew Maverick, you would know that is not like him whatsoever; he's more like a human than a dog. In the last nine years, he's never been away from Charles; they go everywhere together. Temps dropped last night into the single digits, making it even harder 💔. Please contact us if you know anything, and please be praying 🙏 for us, especially Charles; Maverick was so much more than a pet to him. He's literally the sweetest boy you'll ever meet! 😩😭😢💔
He could be anywhere from Veblen, SoDak to Fargo, NoDak, to Milbank, SoDak, Ortonville, MN to Watertown, SoDak to Aberdeen and Sioux Falls, SoDak and everywhere in-between.
If his collar is no longer on the identifying him by the lump on his back leg and saying his name will be huge!
Description: Name: Maverick
9yo Black Lab
Large, kind of chunky when last seen (~100lbs)
With a large, fist-sized lump (lipoma) on the inside of his back leg.
All black with a little white under his chin from age.
Super Friendly!
Will respond to his name being said.
Will give a high five if you stick your hand out and say "High Five"
The lump on his leg is a very good identifier if he does not have his collar anymore.
Listens very well.
For more info or to contact Maverick's owner, click here: https://www.pawboost.com/p/71319008
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