Please say a prayer for my Anni Banani. She’s got a bad upper respiratory infection again. Poor girl is so prone to that every winter. Her left eye is infected and I have to watch her closely so it doesn’t end up like the other one did. I only have a little bit of clavamox on hand but I fear she needs more than that. She isn’t eating and she feels feverish. I can’t afford to get her to the vet plus get insulin for Skittles and meds for Chico too. Pixel is also a lot worse but I do still have her meds on hand. It’s getting them into her that’s the problem. I am worried about Anni because she gets sick a lot and always so bad compared to the others.
I will call the vet in the morning and see what they say but at this time I can’t afford to take her in. Skittles literally has two doses of insulin left. I have to get a new vial tomorrow, that’s not an option and it’s $70 just for that plus Chico needs his meds as well. He’s okay but I don’t want him to have a relapse of his bladder infection. Vet is insisting that we need to keep the antifungal meds going a bit longer but staggered this time. 7 days on, 7 days off but in 3 cycles like that. I am so frustrated that we can’t seem to get out of this funk with sick cats. Please pray she doesn’t get worse overnight. I’ll update you tomorrow.
Thanks everyone. Have a blessed night!