We have adorable baby otters current on shots and all papers.
they are well trained and can do well with other animals. they don’t like to be kept for long in a cage. they always like to play around.
The Asian small-clawed otter is 1 of 5 different otter species that is native to Asia. This is the smallest otter species being only about 11 lbs. They do live in large family groups. Their diet in the wild is crustaceans, mollusks, and small fish.
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We have adorable baby otters current on shots and all papers.
they are well trained and can do well with other animals. they don’t like to be kept for long in a cage. they always like to play around.
The Asian small-clawed otter is 1 of 5 different otter species that is native to Asia. This is the smallest otter species being only about 11 lbs. They do live in large family groups. Their diet in the wild is crustaceans, mollusks, and small fish.
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