Horse Welfare Organizations Unite to Protest at Shelbyville Celebration
Shelbyville, TN – For the first time ever, a dozen horse welfare organizations from across the United States are coming together to protest at the Celebration in Shelbyville, Tennessee. The protest will take place at the side entrance of the celebration, located on Celebration Drive, on August 29th at 5:30 pm.
The organizations are protesting the abuse of Tennessee walking horses, a practice known as "soring." Soring involves the intentional infliction of pain to a horse's hooves and legs in order to produce an exaggerated gait that is prized in the show ring, but is only achieved through abuse and suffering.
The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has ruled against soring, stacks, and chains, and these organizations are coming together to show their support of the USDA's final ruling to end this abuse and to be the voice for horses.
"Soring is a cruel and inhumane practice that causes horses immense pain and suffering," said Tawnee Preisner, a representative of Horse Plus Humane Society. "We are calling on the USDA to enforce its ruling and put an end to this abuse once and for all."
The organizations are also calling on the Shelbyville Celebration to adopt a zero-tolerance policy for soring and to ban the use of stacks and chains.
"The Shelbyville Celebration has the responsibility to protect the horses that are shown at its event," said Tawnee Preisner. "We urge the Celebration to do the right thing and end the abuse of Tennessee Walking horses."
The protest will feature speakers from various horse welfare organizations. The organizations coming together to protest are from Tennessee, Utah, South Dakota, Nebraska, Texas, Wisconsin, Indiana and Michigan. Never has there been such a large presence at a protest representing horse welfare organizations across the United States that are saying no to horse abuse, no to stacks and chains, and that this abuse must be stopped!
Full Circle of Life Horse Shelter Network