Outta the Cage

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Outta the Cage Outta the Cage is a Los Angeles-based non-profit helping at-risk shelter dogs find forever homes.


Camila was abandoned by her guardian. The dog she was dumped with was killed. Her rescue promised to reclaim her, but they are now unreachable.

Camila has lost her trust in humans—assuming she ever trusted us. A piece of her tongue is gone, some of her teeth are missing, and she has some upsetting wounds on her body.

Brian and I hung out with Camila in the shelter’s yard, and she accepted treats gently. The next day, she accepted light petting. Today, she met more friends. Her mouth is now open, her feet are kicked out, and she leans into you.

It’s a tough time to be a dog in an L.A. shelter. New rules limit what volunteers can do for the dogs. This exacerbates dogs’ anxiety and jeopardizes their chances.

Camila needs a unicorn: someone dog-savvy with no other dogs (or the means to keep them separate) who can earn her trust and make her comfortable. And maybe even happy.

The odds wouldn’t be great for Camila in the best of times. (Not to put too fine a point on it, but these are the Worst of Times.) Anyone out there who could take Camila on as a project dog? We can help. Please DM me.


Can you ever have too much Frenchie?

Mary and Farfalle enjoyed their 15 minutes of fame with Carrie and Dave on SCVTV's Community Corner. While Mary charmed the hosts, Farfalle made sad eyes at the camera. They KILLED it!

Mary (5) and Farfalle (7) would love to go home together or separately. They love kids and the company of other dogs—the bigger the pack the better!

Come meet these two this Sunday at and let them charm your socks off.


To hell with the shelter freedom walk. Here’s a DOG-GOING-HOME walk! And Bella (aka: Nelia) from East Valley shelter has absolutely hit the jackpot. Just look at her new backyard!

We rescued Bella in April and got her to trainer Joe DogFitLa, who helped her decompress and socialize with other dogs. She didn't need much. She has a lovely, calm disposition, is no drama with other dogs, and warms up quickly to humans.

We watched Bella BRING IT at the Nectar of the Dogs anniversary event in May. That’s where her new moms, Kiki and Teri, spent some time with her and decided she’d make a great addition to their family. Their two goldens, Whiskey and R***r, agree!

We’ll miss this girl. I’d like to think the feeling is mutual and that she gave me a little “thank you” at the end of the video. But it’s this new beginning that’s so gratifying. It's why we keep doing this.

SAVE THE DATE!There are adoption events. Then there are adoption events WITH WINE!Come on out to Nectar of the Dogs on S...


There are adoption events.
Then there are adoption events WITH WINE!
Come on out to Nectar of the Dogs on Saturday, June 29th to meet some amazing dogs. Take one home so we can save another.

(And remember: a meal without wine is called "breakfast.")


How long has Rex been in the shelter? Over 1 year. When is his euth date? Tomorrow, June 13th. And what’s in this video?

HIS FREEDOM WALK! (And don’t we all need to see one right about now?)

Today was Rex's lucky day. At the urging of volunteers Megan Karasch and John O'Looney, we were able to meet and spend time with Rex, and we got to experience what a happy, playful young boy he is.

Misunderstood, Rex was recently red-listed for poor kennel presence. Nevermind that he’s been kenneled with 5 other dogs since his arrival and has done great. His new mom Brandi has adopted other West Valley dogs and understands decompression and slow integration with the pack. And that’s exactly what Rex will be getting.

It’s not a good time for any dog to be red-listed at an LAAS shelter. But it’s always a good time to get one outta the cage!

Congratulations, Rex, you made it!

When we post working breeds like German Shepherds, many commenters suggest law enforcement. But it takes a very special ...

When we post working breeds like German Shepherds, many commenters suggest law enforcement. But it takes a very special set of skills for a dog to qualify for, say, detection training.
PUPDATE: Shelter dog Amy hits the BIG TIME!

Amy at East Valley showed that special sumpin' sumpin. Jennifer Downs captured it on video and we pitched her to K-9 Protectors. They saw what they needed to see, and we sent Amy to them.

Amy is now K9 Cali and she is now a Narcotics Detection dog! Read below for her before-and-after. Look at her face. She's doing what she was always supposed to do.

PUPDATE! Remember Shane, the puppy with the obstruction? Look at him now!We rescued puppy Shane from West Valley Animal ...

PUPDATE! Remember Shane, the puppy with the obstruction? Look at him now!

We rescued puppy Shane from West Valley Animal Shelter back in February. He had lost so much weight he was SKELETAL, and the shelter red listed him.

One intussusception surgery and $3500 later, we found Shane his forever home with mom Heather and her family. This past weekend, Heather sent us this graduation photo of Shane with his newly-earned AKC S.T.A.R. Puppy Certificate. His next goal? Canine Good Citizen.

Updates like these make the arduous work of rescue worth it. If you donated to Shane’s fundraising campaign, you did this.
Happy graduation, Shane!! 🫶


Over A YEAR in the shelter, yellow-listed, and still… no interest.

Ruby is one of those dogs that everyone takes for granted. “She’ll get out,” we reason. After all, Ruby is human- and dog-friendly and has that great balance between calm and playful that everyone wants in a dog.

And yet here she is, now YELLOW-LISTED at West Valley shelter, her “home” since last November. Ruby is a big potato of a dog and maybe it’s her size that’s jeopardizing her adoption. She’s been reliably kenneled with other dogs, enjoys playgroup, and has no problem cozying up to strangers. Still no takers.

Ruby is 3 years old, spayed, and ready to go home. We’re hoping that someone with another playful dog comes and scoops her up. At this point, getting her pics and videos in front of friends of friends is the likeliest way to make that happen. Can you share sweet, silly Ruby?

West Valley Animal Shelter
20655 Plummer
Chatsworth CA
Open 8-5 Tues-Fri, 11-5 Sat and Sun


We just met Rex at West Valley, not realizing that he’d been at the shelter an entire year. We’re spitballing here, but Rex strikes us as a beautiful blend of Labrador and Akita. He's 3 years old, medium-sized, and he is now red-listed.

We had the chance to talk to Randy, a good Samaritan who found Rex dodging traffic on a busy street and managed to get him into his car. Rex was wearing a harness that was too small for him. Whoever owned him didn't look very hard.

Friendly and engaging with other dogs in playgroup, Rex loves chase play with his buddies. He’s an active guy who’d make a great hiking or running partner. Given his tenure, he could use some quiet and deliberate decompression time. But he deserves it.

Rex’s last day is June 14. Please come meet him this weekend. DM us if you need help, we love this joyful boy!

West Valley Animal Shelter
20655 Plummer
Chatsworth CA
Open 8-5 Tues-Fri, 11-5 Sat and Sun

We have another puppy!We've recently rescued a few puppies who were in trouble. Sammie had a URI at East Valley shelter....

We have another puppy!

We've recently rescued a few puppies who were in trouble. Sammie had a URI at East Valley shelter. When we inquired, they said they wanted him out THAT VERY DAY. We rescued him, took him to the vet, got him treated, and he's good as new.

Sammie is around 12 weeks old. He eats kibble (sometimes mixed with steamed chicken, pasta, and other goodness), and he's slowly putting on weight. He loves other dogs and kids and his wonderful foster, Diane, says that he is "about 60 percent housetrained."

The question we get asked most is: "What is he?" He is clearly a mix--Malamute? Shepherd? He has a long, skinny tail like a greyhound, and a ridge like a ridgeback. What DO we know?
--It looks good on him.
--Sammie will not stay this size and is likely to grow to be a medium-to-large sized dog.

This happy-go-lucky pup gets his final round of puppy vaccines next week. Adopters must commit to having him neutered at a later date.

Please share Sammie with friends who have kids and/or dogs. Sammie would love a model dog to show him the ropes.

DM us if interested.

Getting a dog on the kill list to safety can be harrowing. Turned out I was collaborating with friends!On Wednesday good...

Getting a dog on the kill list to safety can be harrowing. Turned out I was collaborating with friends!

On Wednesday good buddy Dani Elle told us about Spice, a bouncy red pittie who was euth-listed for the following day. Little did we know, our buddy Laura Garrick had been networking Spice fiercely, and our other buddy Sue Tuxill had noticed Spice and sent her information to friend Debbie, who had recently lost her pittie.

The planets (and plans) collided. Our buddy Doug (Sue’s husband) drove down with Debbie, the interested adopter, to meet Spice. New pal Chynna rushed to the shelter on her day off to introduce Spice to Debbie. It was a love match.

Friends don’t let friends leave good dogs behind. Thanks Dani, Laura, Sue, Doug, Chynna, and Spice’s new mom Debbie for collaborating – be it unwittingly – to save a really nice dog!

Today, May 31, is day we've been dreading. It's Daytona's euthanasia date. But before we delve into solemnity, let's tur...

Today, May 31, is day we've been dreading. It's Daytona's euthanasia date. But before we delve into solemnity, let's turn this tale into a celebration—indeed, a triumph.

This savvy boy entered the shelter last November and immediately stole our hearts. A bundle of smarts and charisma, he was a natural with other dogs, relishing his dips in the kiddie pool and epic zoomies!

But the anxiety of shelter life weighed on Daytona, evident in his restless kennel behavior. In times of overcrowded kennels, dogs stressed within those walls face an uncertain fate.

But this isn't a eulogy; it's a tale of hope and jubilation. Enter Eric, a remarkable human who stumbled upon our Shep-Parade! video. Eric, clearly an extraordinary individual, saw beyond the chaos and decided to make a journey—from Sonoma no less—to meet our shepherds.

It started and ended with Daytona. Over 90 minutes, Eric forged a bond with Daytona, evaluating and establishing trust with patience and love. And just like that, Daytona found his way home.

Today, Daytona is thriving. He's found his joy, enjoying home life and learning the pleasures of walks in the park and the delights of cheddar cheese. Under Eric's care, Daytona's transformation is at once unsurprising and miraculous.

We bear witness to a truth—a truth about dogs in shelters. They lose themselves, confined in spaces that stifle their spirits. But once in Eric's care, Daytona flourished, showing how love and understanding can turn things around.

As we mourn the loss of some friends today, Daytona's story shines as a beacon of hope. With this, we express our gratitude to Eric and to all the adopters who have opened their hearts to dogs in need. We believe in the power of transformation and hope to see this for every shelter dog.

Thank you, Eric. Thank you to the saviors of pitties, shepherds, huskies, and all dogs who deserve a shot at a home. Today, we may part with some, but Daytona's not among them. He's truly a lucky dog. Cheers to Daytona, Eric, and the magic of second chances.


We had the honor of featuring Rylie in our "Shep-Parade!" video. It was immediately clear how smart and engaging she is.

Rylie would be a wonderful "smart companion" dog. And if you actually want a PARTNER, she can't be beat. Great job, Jennifer Downs and Kristin Laurene, testing Rylie against the Search Dog Foundation criteria. And a tip o' the hat to John O'Looney, Melissa, Ian Cohen, and all the volunteers at West Valley shelter who keep these dogs exercised and enriched.

Volunteers will be working with the dogs this weekend! Come meet Rylie!

West Valley Animal Shelter
20655 Plummer
Chatsworth CA
Open 8-5 Tues-Fri, 11-5 Sat and Sun

PUPPYdate: Biscuit's settling right in! From his mom:"He is great! He is napping next to me right now. He is sleeping in...

PUPPYdate: Biscuit's settling right in! From his mom:

"He is great! He is napping next to me right now. He is sleeping in his kennel through the night, great on walks, having minimal accidents, and bonding with everyone, including our dog, Isla. He is such a sweet pup."

Thanks to Nectar of the Dogs wine for letting us showcase Biscuit. And special thanks to Briana Flores at Humble K9 for taking Biscuit under her wing and doing the yeoman's work of puppy wrangling. Nobody better.


The shy brindle mastiff is Shimmer. We were part of a team who rescued her this past week based on this video.

The shepherd helper dog is Matilda. She is a greeter in the shelter's playgroup, performing the invaluable service of testing dogs whose behaviors are unknown.

Now it's Matilda's turn to find a forever family. She's 3 years old, bombproof with dogs, and stuck at L.A.'s most crowded shelter. C'mon, shep-lovers, it's Matilda's turn!

South LA / Chesterfield Square Shelter
1850 W. 60th St.
Los Angeles, CA 90047
Hours: Tuesday - Friday, 8:00am - 5:00pm
Saturday - Sunday, 11:00am - 5:00pm
(888) 452-7381


Back in March we were at South LA shelter rescuing a livestock guardian dog. We had to go “in back” and—as you’ve likely seen from all the Instagram reels—we were confronted with a hallway lined with crates full of dogs.

One dog in particular caught our eye. Dodger was hunched in his crate. There was p**p. South LA simply doesn’t have enough staff or volunteers—or, let’s be realistic, adopters. Dodger's low A number indicated that he’d been at the shelter before.

He lifted his head and made eye contact. “WTF happened?” he seemed to be asking.

At South again last week, we asked to see Dodger. Volunteer got him out. Dodger was dirty and a bit heftier than the last time. But he trotted around eagerly checking in with us as if the whole thing were too good to be true.

Maybe it was. Dodger’s a charming dog. He has a genuine smile and his enthusiasm is intact (Dodger is neutered). But he’s a 4-year-old pittie in a shelter bursting at the seams with them. Dodger is likely to be at least partially deaf. And it IS South L.A. after all, so anyone assuming a 5-month tenure isn’t cause for concern hasn’t been paying attention.

Watch Dodger’s tail and look at his smile. It’s a mirror that reflects his will to live and his joy spending time in the fresh air with friends. Please consider adopting Dodger. He’s one of hundreds. But maybe he’s THE one?

South LA / Chesterfield Square Shelter
1850 W. 60th St.
Los Angeles, CA 90047
Hours: Tuesday - Friday, 8:00am - 5:00pm
Saturday - Sunday, 11:00am - 5:00pm
(888) 452-7381

We don’t typically rescue puppies. But we’ve come across some puppies in trouble lately, and we have had some incredible...

We don’t typically rescue puppies. But we’ve come across some puppies in trouble lately, and we have had some incredible puppy fosters, and a life is a life, so… meet Sammie!

This 9-week-old muffin is ridiculously cute! He’s still a puppy through and through. We have absolutely no idea what breed type he is, but whatever he ends up being will be medium-sized and GORGEOUS!

The shelter listed him as urgent for having an upper respiratory infection. We figured he’d be scooped up. When we inquired, we were strongly encouraged to come and rescue him that day, so we did.

Sammie’s now being fostered by our buddy Diane. He’s doing puppy things like digging in the planter, gnawing on your hand, falling asleep in your lap, randomly napping, and letting you carry him around everywhere. (We dare you to resist.) He's seen our vet, and all is well.

Sammie is now available for adoption. Adopter will need to agree to follow up on his puppy shots and neuter him at a later date.


Euth-listed for May 31st. Reason? Poor kennel presence. Prognosis? Dire.

But today Daytona at West Valley shelter got a new date: a date with his new owner! That’s right, Daytona is outta the cage and on his way to his new life in Sonoma!

Daytona’s new dad Eric saw our “Shep-Parade!” video on Instagram. Although each of the dogs is only featured for a few seconds, he noticed Daytona. A few searches and he saw that Daytona was running out of time. That’s when he called Jill, who promised to convene a few Daytona-loving volunteers to show Eric what an amazing dog Daytona is.

Today was the day. We’d lined up several other shepherds just in case it wasn’t a love match. But in the end Eric—who spent an hour and a half asking questions and working with Daytona—knew he was the one.

Thanks to the volunteers at West Valley shelter for making today Daytona's best day in a future of many good days to come!

Come to our adoption event tomorrow to eat tacos, drink rosé, and meet your new family member!Nectar of the DogsChambers...

Come to our adoption event tomorrow to eat tacos, drink rosé, and meet your new family member!

Nectar of the Dogs
Chambers Business Park
791 Chambers Lane, Suite 110
Simi Valley, CA 93065
Adoptions from 1:00pm-5:00pm


Smartypants Chief is outta the cage!

3-year-old Chief has lived at West Valley shelter since last November. Belgian Malinois never do well when they’re confined in kennels. Chief surprised everyone by coming up with his own “enrichment” activities, including disabling the guillotine door in his kennel and playing creatively with toys.

But captivity is captivity, and when Chief began losing weight. He began spinning in his kennel, volunteers became concerned. They got him Chief out on regular walks with other dogs (he was pretty much avoidant), and played lots of fetch. But a stressed dog is a stressed dog.

Chief perked up today when he figured out (smart boy) that we were there to rescue him. He's now on his way to Noah, a Mal-savvy adopter who understands Mal smarts and decompression and will give Chief an amazing life. It’s Chief’s turn, and he deserves it.

Thanks to John O'Looney, Brian Gilles, and Luci, and the West Valley volunteers for keeping Chief entertained, and to Bonnie LaPierre for enduring the surprises that are transport, and for managing the project for getting Chief HOME!

Party on Sunday, May 19th at Nectar of the Dogs! 🍷What’s better than an adoption event with a food truck, live music, an...

Party on Sunday, May 19th at Nectar of the Dogs! 🍷

What’s better than an adoption event with a food truck, live music, and WINE? Brunch God NY is bringing his camera crew all the way from The Today Show to be there!

We have big dogs, little dogs, and puppies, and are excited to share the space with our buddies from Ventura County Animal Services. Come for the dogs, stay for the festivities!

Join us on this very special day as we will be hosting a dog adoption event in collaboration with Outta The Cage. In addition, the day will feature a live music performance by Adam & Sam and filming for an upcoming food & beverage travel show hosted by Garvey Alexander, the Beverage


Poor Violet has been at West Valley shelter since last August. She was adopted and returned—her family says she’s “loving and affectionate, but strong”—and she hasn’t had much interest since.

Violet is dog-friendly in the shelter’s play group and is kenneled with another dog with no issues. Except for Violet is an active girl. Like many larger breeds, she needs more exercise and engagement than she’s getting in the shelter. The volunteers play fetch with her, but they have lots of dogs to get out and it’s never really enough for poor Violet.

Violet is a stunning shepherd mix who has a gorgeous smile and a friendly demeanor. No issues with strangers. We’d say no little kiddos since she could knock ‘em down. It would be cool to see Violet run beside a bike or go on hikes with her human.

My dream for her is a guy or gal with a pickup truck would come get her, secure her in the passenger seat, and let Violet ride shotgun up to the ranch (or wherever she could run free and get her mojo back). Her smile would be even BIGGER!

Please come meet Violet in Chatsworth. They'll provide the tennis balls, you provide the pickup truck.

West Valley Animal Shelter
20655 Plummer
Chatsworth CA
Open 8-5 Tues-Fri, 11-5 Sat and Sun

We rescued three Frenchies from West Valley shelter last week.These are not the big-headed teddy bear designer Frenchies...

We rescued three Frenchies from West Valley shelter last week.
These are not the big-headed teddy bear designer Frenchies* who you see on Instagram in strollers wearing jewelry and who cost $6500. These girls were confiscated by Animal Control as a neglect case.
*Guess what? Even Designer Frenchies are overbred and will have health issues.

These sweeties were in rough shape. All three were underweight. They had alopecia from what looks like chronic flea dermatitis. Cauliflower ears from chronic infections. Little mammary masses. Nails that had curled into their paw pads, infecting them. And here’s a fun one: they all had C-section incisions despite being intact.

We are, of course, treating them. Butterfly is spayed and is now in foster getting calendula oil on her bare spots and eating nutritious food. She's sleeping indoors on a dog bed. Mary and Farfalle will be spayed next week, and in the meantime their foster has a grassy backyard with doggie friends for company.

These three dogs are the definition of resilient. They LOVE other dogs, ADORE people, and can’t stop smiling. They have personality for days, and it’s fulfilling to see them feeling better.

F**k backyard breeders. I blame them for so much suffering.
Butterfly is spoken for. Mary (5) and Farfalle (7) would love to go to a home together.



Murphy ended up at East Valley in June, 2021. He was friendly, quiet, and obedient. But he was also a burly brindle mastiff. People looked, oooh’ed and ahhh’ed—and kept walking. In October, he was transferred to North Central shelter and renamed “Goliath.”

He was still at North Central in March 2022 when came to see him. He was curled in a ball in his kennel and wouldn’t make eye contact. We rescued him and took him to Humble K9. His light came back, thank God, and he was once again a cheerful boy who loved his car rides and pack walks.

Then there were conversations between trainers John Flores and art_noumenon (Vo) and before we fully understood what was happening, Vo adopted Murphy. We couldn’t believe it! Vo renamed him Tiger and used him as a helper dog.

Now Tiger is the star in a national Subaru commercial. We figured we got lucky when John told us he was an amazing dog. Then Vo adopted him and we thanked the universe. And now he’s gonna be the face of Subaru.

Thanks, HumbleK9, Vo, and Subaru of America, Inc. Congratulations, Tiger, remember the little people!

We just received a wonderful box o’ fun from our friends at . They are a woman-owned business that offers all the canine...

We just received a wonderful box o’ fun from our friends at . They are a woman-owned business that offers all the canine necessities a dog owner or new adopter would need. (Lavender-scented p**p bags, anyone?) We love their sewn-on logo.

Founder Gina Castagnozzi walks the (leash) walk. Not only is she running a business with a mission, she’s a volunteer at East Valley shelter.

Giving Paws donates 20% of their profits to 501c3 non-profit rescues. This donation will help us set our dogs up right—they’ll be going home with brand-new collars and leashes. And our adoptable dogs will have adorable bandanas!

Check them out at givingpaws.com.


PUPDATE: Rylie has been ADOPTED! A very nice, working dog-savvy man drove out from Kentucky to get her. Yes, really. More of this, please.
Rylie is a stunning shepherd who volunteers describe as “a great dog who was well-behaved from the very beginning.” Seems she’s happy and social. So why has she been at West Valley shelter since last JULY?!?

The answer: too many shepherds. When adopters cruise the kennels, the abundance of German Shepherds becomes a blur. They’re just seen as “one more shepherd,” not as individuals. They become commoditized.

But to see Rylie in person, to play with her in the yard, to take her on a parallel walk with another dog, and to just hang out with her in the yard is to understand what a special dog she is.

Rylie even passed her search-and-rescue assessment (thanks, Jennifer Downs!). She particularly enjoyed the test where she had to find a toy under a pile of blankets.

Rylie is 3 years old. She was found as a stray with a microchip, but the owner registered claimed they had “sold” Rylie to another party. So she sits in the shelter, wondering where her people are, looking forward to her next venture out of her kennel to play some fetch, and wait for someone to notice her.

West Valley Animal Shelter
20655 Plummer
Chatsworth CA
Open 8-5 Tues-Fri, 11-5 Sat and Sun


The volunteers who know Dude feel he’s been misunderstood.

Since Dude arrived at West Valley Animal Shelter as a stray, he’s been anxious in his kennel. What that looks like: barking, spinning, running back and forth, and stiffness as people approach.

Volunteers Tom Kiesche and Brian, along with a shelter staff member, started working with Dude in December, and our video is proof that he’s become more social and engaged when he’s taken out. Volunteer John O'Looney walks Dude regularly says that he has “transformed” and now goes on parallel walks with other dogs.

A recent note says “Dude is very friendly…easy to enter kennel and leash, jumps up a little with affection. Dude walks well, pulls slightly at times, does a bit of smelling, but moves along happily. Very calm and well-behaved, he is truly a good-natured, friendly boy.”

Despite his improvements, Dude remains stressed-out in his kennel and is designated rescue-only. Those who know Dude would like to get in front of his networking, lest they red-list him soon. Dude would do best with a shep-savvy person willing to give him decompression and acclimation time.

Dude is 5 years old, appears to be house trained, walks moderately well on leash, and loves hanging out in the shade with a tennis ball. Please share him with your shep-loving friends who might have a spot for one more.

West Valley Animal Shelter
20655 Plummer
Chatsworth CA
Open 8-5 Tues-Fri, 11-5 Sat and Sun





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