Please spread the word so we can reunite this found cat with its family! FOUND on March 3, 2025 in Brooklyn, NY 11206 near 2nd floor of Throop Corners apmt building
Message from Finder: This poor little lost soul was wandering around the 2nd floor of the apmt building, crying outside doors, seemingly looking for help. No collar, no ear-tip. Not sure if it came from outside or elsewhere in the building. Let me scoop it up quite easily and is now safely resting with me in my apmt. Very cuddly, trusting, and full of purrs! Let me know if you’re missing a sweet little kitty like this. Will try knocking on doors in the building tomorrow, and if that fails, will take this little buddy to the vet and check for a chip.
Description: Gray-brown tabby/calico mix, green eyes, well-fed and very friendly
Do you have information? Contact finder here: https://www.pawboost.com/p/71320226
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