Lani Salisbury - For the Love of Horses

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Lani Salisbury - For the Love of Horses Follow as a I journey into the world of horses, devoting my time to learning the horses language to

This girl will be joining me for continued training soon!

This girl will be joining me for continued training soon!

Juno tired a new skill this week! She gave her very first rides at camp. She was adopted into our family of special hors...

Juno tired a new skill this week! She gave her very first rides at camp. She was adopted into our family of special horses who get to have the opportunity to work with kids in the summer months. Juno spent most of the summer at pasture living in a herd but came back recently for some attention. She tried her hand at one half day of camp! She absolutely rocked it…of course! She’s been set up for success from the beginning and we aren’t stopping here. A year and half ago she was meeting children for the very first time after being born wild. This year she gave a few kids a fun ride on a big, powerful mustang! ❤️

A great day of mustangs at Bear Creek Equine! Excited to return!

A great day of mustangs at Bear Creek Equine! Excited to return!

Progress seems to be what defines a trainers ability to successfully “train” a horse. Although this is true and progress...

Progress seems to be what defines a trainers ability to successfully “train” a horse. Although this is true and progress must be made it can differ and morph per individual. What is progress and why do we demand to see it develop so quickly? We seem to make our horses fit into a mold we have decided for them, on a timeline strictly provided, determined by our needs. Some horses may fit easily and other not so much. I believe not all horses are able to fit into a condensed timeline and be pushed through systems to be successful. To recognize, listen, and adapt to a horses needs no matter how slow the progress, is what should define a trainer.

I was reflecting on Whisper’s driving progress and beaming with how well she is doing and how many skills she has to handle new situations while driving. Her progress was slow. We began her driving journey when she was 3 years old, now 10 she’s only been hooked for about three years. We spent four years preparing her with ground driving and building coping skills. Not 30 days, 60 days, or 90 days but four years of fairly regular work. Not hyper focused on our goal of pulling a cart but not forgetting about it either. At this time it doesn’t seem possible for all horses to be trained this way, but it can allow us to learn from it and bring compassion to the horses when we are condensing and intensifying years of work into months.

So beyond proud of this driving mustang!❤️

She may be my least posted about mustang…Miles found me when I was 14 and she was 2. She taught me powerful lessons thro...

She may be my least posted about mustang…Miles found me when I was 14 and she was 2. She taught me powerful lessons through her fiery fun. Our path has been very different to my others. Miles went away, and came back, went away, and I’d though I’d lost her forever. For over a year I’d wonder where she was, knowing how easily she could get herself in trouble in the wrong hands, as she’d done before…just when I had thought I may never get an answer we found her! Eventually her owners decided to sell and graciously offered her back to us first. Miley’s Wild Style came home for the final time where she will stay. I am so proud of this horse, becoming a talented and confident ride who shares her opinions openly and demands excellence. This could easily been seen as naughty, disrespectful, or a pain…but this horse has gone through many hands and many places still shows up expecting to be treated as an equal. A testament to fighting for what you believe, standing up for yourself, and blazing a trail no matter what others think…the same things this powerful mare showed me all those years ago that has helped shape me into a better horsewoman and person. We see you Miles, keep being unapologetically you. Although I’m not her primary person anymore it’s beautiful to witness and be a part of. 💗


Two weeks ago this mustang graduated her c**t start and after spending a few sessions together went back home to her family. This journey out of state to training was a big deal for young Raven! Let alone develop into such a lovely riding partner. Raven had not ventured far from home before and it took her some time to settle and trust. Like most mustangs she did not just give it to us, we had to earn it. This video shows just snippets of things we did to build Raven’s skills and confidence for the rider. Every step of the way was done through shaping soft, kind steps all the while asking for permission from Raven. Growing up in one of the best horsey homes there is Raven was pretty good at rocking it! Not once was she flooded and filled with overwhelming fear, instead things were broken down into steps Raven could understand. Being her second c**t start she took to the rider and loved to hit the trails most! Under the skillful seat and hands of Chloe who could listen and know what Raven needed to succeed. There was no forcing this horse into anything! There is so much to be said for a c**t start filled with understanding, listening, compromise, and kindness. No rodeo or tying legs up, just communication and compassion.

Lots of action for all the horses here! Our weeks of many firsts continue to grow! From 2.5 years old to 27 years old ev...

Lots of action for all the horses here! Our weeks of many firsts continue to grow! From 2.5 years old to 27 years old everyone is getting to explore!

So beyond proud of these two! Proving to themselves that dreams really can become reality. Chloe, your dedication to Mes...

So beyond proud of these two! Proving to themselves that dreams really can become reality. Chloe, your dedication to Mesa and unconditional love for every part of her shines through when you work allowing her to be so truly her. It is inspiring to witness this journey and I’ve learned so much from the both of you!

And these are the moments that make it all feel worth it. Sometimes c**t starting feels gritty, and hard. Putting in the...

And these are the moments that make it all feel worth it. Sometimes c**t starting feels gritty, and hard. Putting in the work for days and weeks. Sometimes c**t starting feels stressful, and unnerving. Making decisions and judgment calls that can lead to big consequences. But sometimes and often, c**t starting feels like magic. Transformative, special moments shared between human and horse. There is a glowing energy that surrounds us all after successful first rides and milestones being met. This is the magic that keeps pulling me back.

Beyond proud of these two and how they have grown together. Feeling lucky that I have gotten to witness their first touches, first halters and many important moments between. An incredible first rider up, exactly how it should look, prepared, calm, and slow. Really great work Mesa and Chloe, it is a joy to watch your journey.

Busy weeks filled with field trips, working into the dark, and lots and lots of wind…and rain.

Busy weeks filled with field trips, working into the dark, and lots and lots of wind…and rain.


A day of driving! Unfortunately the wind rolled in for our driving outing. These two impressed us handling the blowing wind! Whisper tried her new harness and Melody loves to follow.

Adventures of horse training! First rides, pony trails, graduating young horses to big arenas, driving, long lining, and...

Adventures of horse training! First rides, pony trails, graduating young horses to big arenas, driving, long lining, and even some spook busting at Liberty! Some full days with these horses, it takes a team! Thanks Chloe!

Whisper and Juno have taken to wearing these pack bags! Trying something new!

Whisper and Juno have taken to wearing these pack bags! Trying something new!

Merry Christmas! Juno is having her first Christmas with us! And we had our first trail ride the day before the storm hi...

Merry Christmas! Juno is having her first Christmas with us! And we had our first trail ride the day before the storm hit!




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