UNOFFICIAL enthusiast page of a community that brings people together in the park, giving cat lovers a place to exchange information about making our cats happy and healthy. Some cats actually like leash walks, others stroller walks, and still others just to come to the park in their pet carriers to listen to the birds singing. It's completely fine if a cat decides, nope, no park for me please. To
tally fine if a cat doesn't like First Caturday and wants to go straight home. Or it's completely fine if a cat decides to stay inside the pet carrier and not come out on the leash. But if you try bringing your cat in one of these safe and supervised ways, you may find that your cat likes fresh air and the change of scenery. This is one more option to enrich your cat's life. If you have a shy kitty, you can skip the big group, and just try sitting in your backyard with your cat in the carrier, and give your cat the chance to sit close to the bird feeder to watch. With or without a cat, you're welcome at First Caturday. Send a message if you'd like to help organize this in your city. "Ever wonder why homeless people have extremely mellow cats? That's because they're exposed to social stimulus every day. Their adaptability becomes conditional to their surroundings. " -Daniel Quagliozzi
“Consider that cats are not easily adapted to new environments; for many cats, it can take upwards of 8 months for them to build a friendship with another cat; cats are not easily calmed; cats are very territorial and they feud; most cats hate leashes.” -anonymous comment, bold italic
"Going outside on a leash certainly isn't for every cat — and it may not even be for most cats. But it can certainly benefit many cats, and it's a much safer option than allowing cats to free roam. " - Adventure Cats