Take me to the water and expect me NOT to lay down???
Mom took me swimming in a huge lake. I kinda liked it, but mainly I just wanted to roll. She wouldn’t let me. - Zeus
SOUND ON "How dare you cage me?! I don’t care that you are putting a round bale in my pasture and you need me out of the way. I have been locked in here for 5 minutes! LET ME OUT!" Zeus
My name is Thor and I am the wildest wild mustang of them all! Roar....! Ok. Meow.
Even though my mom is training me for a 25 mile nightmare, (🙄) I still have time to teach the kids. Charlie is riding bareback for the first time. -Thor
My name is Zeus, and I go where I want.
My mom gave me this toy. I have been trying to get the prize out of the middle for 2 hours now. I am seriously starting to get mad. 😡😡😡- Zeus
Mom let me “free jump” this morning. And they say mustangs can’t jump...🤣🤣🤣-Zeus
Just out for a canter in an open field with a 9 year old...
Actually I am loving life teaching people how to ride, and my mom says I am the most reliable horse she has ever had. Who knew? A former wild mustang stallion could be rounded up at 4, and at the age of 10 is the best lesson horse ever? - Thor
Mom and I show jumped today. In record time. So what if I knocked several down... the point is, I went FAST! - Zeus