Explore Our Products: https://nutro.com/ The NUTRO® page is a place for our fans to discuss the NUTRO® Brand, our products and build community with each other. We expect that participants post content and commentary that is both relevant and respectful to this community as a whole. NUTRO® reserves the right to remove any posts that don’t adhere to our guidelines and to block anyone who vi
olates them repeatedly. Specifically, we do not tolerate these kinds of posts:
- Abusive, harassing, stalking, threatening or attacking others
- Defamatory, offensive, obscene, vulgar or depicting violence
- Hateful in language targeting race/ethnicity, religion, gender, nationality or political beliefs
- Fraudulent, deceptive, misleading or unlawful
- Violations of any intellectual property rights
- Commercial solicitation or solicitation of donations
- Link baiting (embedding a link in your post to draw traffic to your own site)
While we will always try our best to answer your questions, please understand we’re not able to address everyone’s comments or posts. Please send us a private message for more personalized support and consult your veterinarian for inquiries regarding your pet’s health. For Customer Service by Phone:
1-800-525-5273, Monday – Friday between 8am and 4:30pm CST
About Mars: https://www.mars.com/about