APA, ABA, ARBA, NALRC and PBC members. Thanks for liking Lost Elm Farm, these are breeds we currently have breeding stock for, I can't guarantee laying at all times and having them at all times! Thanks and here are our breeds:
Ok, Current Breeds we raise are: LF Silver Laced Polish (Frizzle, Smooth), LF BBS Ameraucanas, LF Buff Brahma, LF Dark Brahma, LF BBS Orpingtons, LF White Leghorns, LF Whit
e Plymouth Rocks, LF Spangled Orpingtons, LF White Polish and LF Partridge Brahma. Bantams: White Crested Black Polish,White Crested Blue Polish (Frizzle/Smooth), Buff Laced Polish (Frizzle/Smooth), Silver Laced Polish (Frizzle/Smooth), Blue/Black/Splash Silkies, Partridge Silkies, Seramas, Mille Fleur D'Uccle, Partridge Wyandotte, Blue/Black/Splash Bantam Cochins, Mottled Cochin Bantams, Salmon Faverolle, Buff Brahma Bantams, Dark Brahma Bantams, White Leghorns, Barred Plymouth Rocks, Gold Laced Polish (Frizzle/Smooth), Blue Orpingtons, Quail D'Anver, and Blue Wheaton Old English Bantams. Located in NE Ohio but we plan to be NPIP in April so once that comes we will begin to ship! :)
Also, we have Ducks! Call Ducks: White, Blue Fawn and Grey but due to Call Ducks having a certain season they decide to lay in, which changes every year, I can't guarantee having them for sale! Ducks: White Crested, Black Runners, Blue Swedish, Gold Welsh Harlequins! All Ducks and Call Ducks are mixed together, so you can get any color or mixed. We have hatched mostly Runners, White crested, Harlequin and Blue Swedish in Large. White, Grey and Butterscotch in Bantam. SO FAR we have hatched all pure in both bantam and large.