✨️Sharing for the local community help✨️
Anyone recognize these 4?!
✨️Found in Terracina near Morgan Hill✨️
A man coming home from work today pulled in her driveway to have these 4 dogs come running up to him. No tags or collars. He went door to door plus drove around the neighborhood looking for frantic owners or an open gate. He left her number on mailboxes and posted on here to no avail. Now realizing it’s a mom and dad plus 2 male pups. He's worried someone abandoned them. Since nobody has claimed them, he would like to see them go to good homes. He can keep them for a bit to try and get them re-homed. They are all very sweet and loving. You can see in the video how well they already listen.
If anyone recognizes them and knows anything about the owners, please let him know. Otherwise any good homes will get some sweet pups. He really doesn't want to take them to a shelter in fear of them being euthanized