not too pet

not too pet luxury accessories for dogs
made in italy Ci occupiamo di abbigliamento ed accessori di lusso per cani.

Il progetto nasce dall'idea ambiziosa di creare una linea esclusiva, rivolgendosi principalmente alla ristretta nicchia delle Boutique per cani. Il prodotto è stato concepito sin dall'inizio rispettando gli aspetti tecnici necessari al comfort del cane ma in netta controtendenza all'aspettativa del settore, definendo un look molto più sobrio ed elegante. La linea not too pet, nasce dall'idea di ve

stire il proprio cane, come vestire se stessi. La ricerca stilistica si ispira ai "mood" delle nuove tendenze, ed il prodotto sconfina dal semplice concetto di "accessorio per cani", dando vita ad un vero e proprio "accessorio moda" opportunamente studiato e dedicato al cane di piccola e media taglia. La guinzaglieria è interamente realizzata in pelle, spesso in abbinamento a materiali di ricerca innovativi. Gli accessori metallici, sono stati progettati e realizzati artigianalmente in ottone, con incisioni a pantografo e galvaniche Nickel Free. I capi di maglieria sono caratterizzati dall'utilizzo di filati pregiati, cura nei dettagli e corretta vestibilità. Ogni singolo articolo not too pet, prende forma dalle abili mani di artigiani Italiani, pensato, realizzato e confezionato in Italia.

🌸 PETAL INSERTS T-SHIRT 🌸from the • N E W • S S • C O L L E C T I O N 2025 •OCEANO color variant.Raffinata T-shirt unise...

from the • N E W • S S • C O L L E C T I O N 2025 •
OCEANO color variant.

Raffinata T-shirt unisex in fresco cotone elasticizzato con inserti in sofisticato tessuto petalo con applicazione del logo not too pet in light gold. Vestibilità regolare.

Elegant unisex T-shirt in fresh stretch cotton with the application of a sophisticated petal fabric inserts and not too pet light gold logo. Regular fit.

Only available in not too pet®️ official Boutiques.

Always faithful to Lucia’s vision of beauty:
“distinguersi con eleganza” “standing out with elegance”

✨ not too pet®️ made in Italy since 2014 ✨

🌸 PETAL  INSERTS T-SHIRT 🌸from the • N E W • S S • C O L L E C T I O N  2025 •Raffinata T-shirt unisex in fresco cotone ...

🌸 PETAL INSERTS T-SHIRT 🌸from the • N E W • S S • C O L L E C T I O N 2025 •

Raffinata T-shirt unisex in fresco cotone elasticizzato con inserti in sofisticato tessuto petalo con applicazione del logo not too pet in light gold. Vestibilità regolare.

Elegant unisex T-shirt in fresh stretch cotton with the application of a sophisticated petal fabric inserts and not too pet light gold logo. Regular fit.

Only available in not too pet®️ official Boutiques.

Always faithful to Lucia’s vision of beauty:
“distinguersi con eleganza” “standing out with elegance”

✨ not too pet®️ made in Italy since 2014 ✨


🌸N E W • P E T A L • C A P S U L E 2025🌸
Davide and Chloè introduce us the new PETAL CAPSULE from our new Spring Summer collection 2025, only available in not too pet®️ official Boutiques.

Always faithful to Lucia’s vision of beauty:
“distinguersi con eleganza” “standing out with elegance”

✨ not too pet®️ made in Italy since 2014 ✨

Ma quanto è stilosa Chloé nella variante colore Oceano, della nuova capsule Petalo?How much stylish is Chloè in oceano c...

Ma quanto è stilosa Chloé nella variante colore Oceano, della nuova capsule Petalo?

How much stylish is Chloè in oceano color variant, from our new Petalo capsule? 😍

N E W • S P R I N G • S U M M E R • C O L L E C T I O N 25. Only available in not too pet®️ official Boutiques.

Always faithful to Lucia’s vision of beauty:
“distinguersi con eleganza” “standing out with elegance”

✨ not too pet®️ made in Italy since 2014 ✨

🌸 La nostra dolce Chloé indossa la nuovissima capsule Petalo, in variante colore avorio.Our sweet Chloé is wearing the b...

🌸 La nostra dolce Chloé indossa la nuovissima capsule Petalo, in variante colore avorio.

Our sweet Chloé is wearing the brand new Petal capsule, in an ivory colour variant. 🌸

N E W • S P R I N G • S U M M E R • C O L L E C T I O N 25. Only available in not too pet®️ official Boutiques.

Always faithful to Lucia’s vision of beauty:
“distinguersi con eleganza” “standing out with elegance”

✨ not too pet®️ made in Italy since 2014 ✨

FW❄2024/25 • C O R D U R O Y • S E R I ESFrom the 10th Anniversary Fall Winter Collection.Available in the not too pet®️...

FW❄2024/25 • C O R D U R O Y • S E R I ES
From the 10th Anniversary Fall Winter Collection.
Available in the not too pet®️ official Boutiques.

T H E • R E V E R S I B L E • C O R D U R O Y • B L A N K E T

Pratica coperta con un lato in morbida eco-pelliccia di volpe e l’altro in elegante velluto a coste Progettato per essere aperto e richiuso facilmente, al ristorante, in auto, in viaggio, a casa di amici...
Una elegante soluzione in alternativa alla cuccia.

Reversibile plaid, one side in soft synthetic Fox fur and the other side in corduroy fabric. Designed to be opened and closed easily, in the restaurant, in the car, on the go at a friend’s house...
An elegant solution as an alternative to the Dog Bed.

Always faithful to Lucia's vision of beauty:
"distinguersi con eleganza" "standing out with elegance"

Always faithful to Lucia's vision of beauty:
"distinguersi con eleganza" "standing out with elegance"

✨made in Italy since 2014✨

FW❄2024/25 • C O R D U R O Y • S E R I ESFrom the 10th Anniversary Fall Winter Collection.Available only in the not too ...

FW❄2024/25 • C O R D U R O Y • S E R I ES
From the 10th Anniversary Fall Winter Collection.
Available only in the not too pet®️ official Boutiques.

T H E • C O R D U R O Y • P O O • B A G

Pratica pochette porta sacchetti in velluto a coste con pratica cerniera in tinta.

Corduroy bag holder clutch with practical matching zip.

Always faithful to Lucia's vision of beauty:
"distinguersi con eleganza" "standing out with elegance"

✨made in Italy since 2014✨

FW❄2024/25 • C O R D U R O Y • S E R I ESFrom the 10th Anniversary Fall Winter Collection.Available in the not too pet®️...

FW❄2024/25 • C O R D U R O Y • S E R I ES
From the 10th Anniversary Fall Winter Collection.
Available in the not too pet®️ official Boutiques.

T H E • C O R D U R O Y • B A G

Morbida Borsa in velluto a coste con imbottitura in soffice pelliccia ecologica. Pratica chiusura con bottoni a pressione.

Soft corduroy bag with soft ecological fur padding. Practical snap button closure.

Always faithful to Lucia's vision of beauty:
"distinguersi con eleganza" "standing out with elegance"

✨made in Italy since 2014✨

C O R D U R O Y • S E R I ESFrom the 10th Anniversary Fall Winter Collection.Available only in the not too pet®️ officia...

C O R D U R O Y • S E R I ES
From the 10th Anniversary Fall Winter Collection.
Available only in the not too pet®️ official Boutiques.

T H E • C O R D U R O Y • H A R N E S S
ZUCCHERO FILATO - Color variant

Elegante Gilet e pettorina unisex in velluto a coste imbottito in morbida eco-pelliccia. Pratica chiusura con bottoni a pressione.

Unisex gilet and harness all in one. Corduroy fabric with soft synthetic fur inside. Practical snap buttons closure.

Always faithful to Lucia's vision of beauty:
"distinguersi con eleganza" “standing out with elegance"

✨Made in Italy since 2014 ✨

C O R D U R O Y • S E R I ESFrom the 10th Anniversary Fall Winter Collection.Available only in the not too pet®️ officia...

C O R D U R O Y • S E R I ES
From the 10th Anniversary Fall Winter Collection.
Available only in the not too pet®️ official Boutiques.

T H E • C O R D U R O Y • H A R N E S S
ZUCCHERO FILATO - Color variant

Elegante Gilet e pettorina unisex in velluto a coste imbottito in morbida eco-pelliccia. Pratica chiusura con bottoni a pressione.

Unisex gilet and harness all in one. Corduroy fabric with soft synthetic fur inside. Practical snap buttons closure.

Always faithful to Lucia's vision of beauty:
"distinguersi con eleganza" “standing out with elegance"

✨Made in Italy since 2014 ✨

C O R D U R O Y • S E R I ESFrom the 10th Anniversary Fall Winter Collection.Available only in the not too pet®️ officia...

C O R D U R O Y • S E R I ES
From the 10th Anniversary Fall Winter Collection.
Available only in the not too pet®️ official Boutiques.

T H E • C O R D U R O Y • H A R N E S S
NERO - Color variant

Elegante Gilet e pettorina unisex in velluto a coste imbottito in morbida eco-pelliccia. Pratica chiusura con bottoni a pressione.

Unisex gilet and harness all in one. Corduroy fabric with soft synthetic fur inside. Practical snap buttons closure.

Always faithful to Lucia's vision of beauty:
"distinguersi con eleganza" “standing out with elegance"

✨Made in Italy since 2014 ✨

C O R D U R O Y • S E R I ESFrom the 10th Anniversary Fall Winter Collection.Available only in the not too pet®️ officia...

C O R D U R O Y • S E R I ES
From the 10th Anniversary Fall Winter Collection.
Available only in the not too pet®️ official Boutiques.

T H E • C O R D U R O Y • H A R N E S S
NERO - Color variant

Elegante Gilet e pettorina unisex in velluto a coste imbottito in morbida eco-pelliccia. Pratica chiusura con bottoni a pressione.

Unisex gilet and harness all in one. Corduroy fabric with soft synthetic fur inside. Practical snap buttons closure.

Always faithful to Lucia's vision of beauty:
"distinguersi con eleganza" “standing out with elegance"

✨Made in Italy since 2014 ✨

C O R D U R O Y • S E R I ESFrom the 10th Anniversary Fall Winter Collection.Available only in the not too pet®️ officia...

C O R D U R O Y • S E R I ES
From the 10th Anniversary Fall Winter Collection.
Available only in the not too pet®️ official Boutiques.

T H E • C O R D U R O Y • H A R N E S S
COGNAC - Color variant

Elegante Gilet e pettorina unisex in velluto a coste imbottito in morbida eco-pelliccia. Pratica chiusura con bottoni a pressione.

Unisex gilet and harness all in one. Corduroy fabric with soft synthetic fur inside. Practical snap buttons closure.

Always faithful to Lucia's vision of beauty:
"distinguersi con eleganza" “standing out with elegance"

✨Made in Italy since 2014 ✨

FW❄2024/25 • C O R D U R O Y • S E R I ESFrom the 10th Anniversary Fall Winter Collection.Available only in the not too ...

FW❄2024/25 • C O R D U R O Y • S E R I ES
From the 10th Anniversary Fall Winter Collection.
Available only in the not too pet®️ official Boutiques.

T H E • C O R D U R O Y • J A C K E T
COGNAC - Color variant

Giubbotto unisex in velluto a coste con cappuccio. Doppia abbottonatura con bottoni automatici.
Disponibile anche per cani di grossa taglia e con vestibilità Bulldog.

Corduroy unisex jacket with hood. Double snaps button closure. Also available for big dog sizes and for Bulldogs and Pugs fitting.

Always faithful to Lucia's vision of beauty:
"distinguersi con eleganza" "standing out with elegance"

✨Made in Italy since 2014 ✨

FW❄2024/25 • C O R D U R O Y • S E R I ESFrom the 10th Anniversary Fall Winter Collection.Available only in the not too ...

FW❄2024/25 • C O R D U R O Y • S E R I ES
From the 10th Anniversary Fall Winter Collection.
Available only in the not too pet®️official Boutiques.

T H E • C O R D U R O Y • J A C K E T
COGNAC - Color variant

Giubbotto unisex in velluto a coste con cappuccio. Doppia abbottonatura con bottoni automatici.
Disponibile anche per cani di grossa taglia e con vestibilità Bulldog.

Corduroy unisex jacket with hood. Double snaps button closure. Also available for big dog sizes and for Bulldogs and Pugs fitting.

Always faithful to Lucia's vision of beauty:
"distinguersi con eleganza" "standing out with elegance"

✨Made in Italy since 2014 ✨

FW❄2024/25 • C O R D U R O Y • S E R I ESFrom the 10th Anniversary Fall Winter Collection.Available only in the not too ...

FW❄2024/25 • C O R D U R O Y • S E R I ES
From the 10th Anniversary Fall Winter Collection.
Available only in the not too pet®️ official Boutiques.

T H E • C O R D U R O Y • J A C K E T
PHARD - Color variant

Giubbotto unisex in velluto a coste con cappuccio. Doppia abbottonatura con bottoni automatici.
Disponibile anche per cani di grossa taglia e con vestibilità Bulldog.

Corduroy unisex jacket with hood. Double snaps button closure. Also available for big dog sizes and for Bulldogs and Pugs fitting.

Always faithful to Lucia's vision of beauty:
"distinguersi con eleganza" "standing out with elegance"

✨Made in Italy since 2014 ✨



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