🌸N E W • P E T A L • C A P S U L E 2025🌸
Davide and Chloè introduce us the new PETAL CAPSULE from our new Spring Summer collection 2025, only available in not too pet®️ official Boutiques.
Always faithful to Lucia’s vision of beauty:
“distinguersi con eleganza” “standing out with elegance”
✨ not too pet®️ made in Italy since 2014 ✨
#nottoopet #distinguersiconeleganza #ntp #SS24 #madeinitaly #luxury #exclusive #accessories #chihuahua #poodle #spring #summer #dressfordog #petfashion #woof #cool #pets #puppy #style #nottoopetboutiques
Corduroy Series - Fall Winter collection 24/25
FW❄2024/25 • T H E • N E W • E X C L U S I V E • F A L L • W I N T E R • C O L L E C T I O N
Capsule ❄️ C O R D U R O Y • S E R I E S ❄️
Let’s discover the 10th anniversary fall winter collection, available only in the not too pet®️ official Boutiques.
Always faithful to Lucia's vision of beauty:
"distinguersi con eleganza" "standing out with elegance"
not too pet®️ since 2014
#nottoopet #distinguersiconeleganza #ntp #FW2425 #madeinitaly #luxury #exclusive #accessories #nottoopetboutiques
FW❄2024/25 • T H E • N E W • E X C L U S I V E • F A L L • W I N T E R • C O L L E C T I O N
Capsule ❄️ F L U F F Y • S E R I E S ❄️
Let you discover the 10th Anniversary Fall Winter collection only available in the not too pet® official Boutiques.
Always faithful to Lucia's vision of beauty:
"distinguersi con eleganza"
"standing out with elegance"
not too pet® since 2014
#nottoopet #distinguersiconeleganza #ntp #FW2425 #madeinitaly #luxury #exclusive #accessories #nottoopetboutiques
FW❄2024/25 • T H E • N E W • E X C L U S I V E • F A L L • W I N T E R • C O L L E C T I O N
Capsule ❄️ M O N T O N E ❄️ The sheepskin collars
Let you discover the 10th Anniversary Fall Winter collection only available in the not too pet® official Boutiques.
Always faithful to Lucia's vision of beauty:
"distinguersi con eleganza"
"standing out with elegance"
not too pet® since 2014
#nottoopet #distinguersiconeleganza #ntp #FW2425 #madeinitaly #luxury #exclusive #accessories #nottoopetboutiques
FW❄2024/25 • T H E • N E W • E X C L U S I V E • F A L L • W I N T E R • C O L L E C T I O N
Capsule ❄️ M O N T O N E ❄️ The sheepskin series
Let you discover the 10th Anniversary Fall Winter collection only available in the not too pet® official Boutiques.
Always faithful to Lucia's vision of beauty:
"distinguersi con eleganza"
"standing out with elegance"
not too pet® since 2014
#nottoopet #distinguersiconeleganza #ntp #FW2425 #madeinitaly #luxury #exclusive #accessories #nottoopetboutiques