Nordic Topline

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Nordic Topline Nordic Topline stands for exceptional quality. It combines clean effective and scientifically proven

Most of you might have been wondering if the products will ever be back in stock and why is the company so quiet. đŸ€Simpl...

Most of you might have been wondering if the products will ever be back in stock and why is the company so quiet. đŸ€

Simple truth is that in fall 2021 the entrepreneur Jenni went to ACL surgery that created a cascade of other health problems that didn’t permit her to continue running a company. đŸ€•

I get a lot of personal emails and messages from you and there isn’t a day that would go by for me to not dream of getting back to work with this company again.

My head is full of ideas for the new products and can’t wait to see them become reality someday.

I searched a suitable investor and business partner without much luck in the last year. As this is one of the most important choices to make for the company’s future I want to be sure so the company’s values won’t be compromised now or ever.

But I also need to admit I need to put my health first and make sure I am really up for giving this company another chance and serve you my dear clients as well as possible.

So for now I am doing my best with the background work with my health and being able to finance the company a new beginning some day in the future. đŸ€đŸ’™

With love

Ps. I appreciate all the support and best wishes. Thank you so much 💙

Ranskan huippu-urheilukeskuksen asiantuntija Ralph Hippolyt jÀlleen Suomessa 22.11.2022 klo 17-20.00 KorpimÀen Ratsutila...

Ranskan huippu-urheilukeskuksen asiantuntija Ralph Hippolyt jÀlleen Suomessa 22.11.2022 klo 17-20.00 KorpimÀen Ratsutilalla Paimiossa!

Moni puhuu oheisharjoittelun merkityksestÀ urheilusuorituksen onnistumiseen. MikÀ Suomalaisesta urheilusta kuitenkin puuttuu on keskushermoston merkitys.

Nyt sinulla on mahdollisuus oppia ensimmÀisten joukossa Suomessa - miten mahdollistat esteettömÀn kommunikoinnin hevosesi kanssa ja pÀÀset kuulemaan oppeja, joita Isabell Werthkin hyödyntÀÀ omassa ratsastuksessaan.

Luennolla opit mm.:
🌟Miten samanaikaisesti aktivoit hermostosi ja sĂ€ilytĂ€t rentouden vaativissakin liikkeissĂ€
🌟MitkĂ€ tiedostomattomat tekijĂ€t hĂ€iritsevĂ€t hevosen kanssa kommunikointia ja miten voit purkaa niitĂ€ pois kehostasi
🌟MitkĂ€ ovat omat hermostosi vahvuudet ja miten otat ne kĂ€yttöön ratsastuksessa
🌟Miten sinun kuuluu istua hevosen selĂ€ssĂ€ ja miksi se saattaa erota isostikin jollekin toiselle oikeasta tavasta
🌟Miten sinun ja hevosesi yhteinen kehonkieli on löydettĂ€vissĂ€
🌟NĂ€et livenĂ€ ratsastusdemot ja miten kĂ€ytĂ€nnössĂ€ kahden eri ratsastajan istunta ja tapa vaikuttaa hevoseen eroavat toisistaan hermoston perusteella

Osallistuminen 75€

Ilmoittaudu mukaan suoraan yv:llÀ tai laittamalla viesti: ilmoittaudun Ralphin luennolle -
[email protected] tai 0453432284 đŸ’«

Again such a great day learning about the nervous system and how it could change the way you should communicate with you...

Again such a great day learning about the nervous system and how it could change the way you should communicate with your horse, the different variations to use your seat and the relaxation and easiness in movement it created for the horse. đŸŽđŸ™đŸŒ

Thank you all for the great evening! đŸ’«

4 pĂ€ivÀÀ Aivoilta apua ratsastukseen- luentoon! Luennolla opit mm.: 🌟Miten samanaikaisesti aktivoit hermostosi ja sĂ€ilyt...

4 pÀivÀÀ Aivoilta apua ratsastukseen- luentoon!

Luennolla opit mm.:
🌟Miten samanaikaisesti aktivoit hermostosi ja sĂ€ilytĂ€t rentouden vaativissakin liikkeissĂ€
🌟MitkĂ€ tiedostomattomat tekijĂ€t hĂ€iritsevĂ€t hevosen kanssa kommunikointia ja miten voit purkaa niitĂ€ pois kehostasi
🌟MitkĂ€ ovat omat hermostosi vahvuudet ja miten otat ne kĂ€yttöön ratsastuksessa
🌟Miten sinun kuuluu istua hevosen selĂ€ssĂ€ ja miksi se saattaa erota isostikin jollekin toiselle oikeasta tavasta
🌟Miten sinun ja hevosesi yhteinen kehonkieli on löydettĂ€vissĂ€
🌟NĂ€et livenĂ€ ratsastusdemot ja miten kĂ€ytĂ€nnössĂ€ kahden eri ratsastajan istunta ja tapa vaikuttaa hevoseen eroavat toisistaan hermoston perusteella

Lue lisÀÀ ja ilmoittaudu mukaanđŸ‘‡đŸŒ đŸ’«

Tapahtuma jÀrjestetÀÀn LempÀÀlÀn ratsastuskeskuksella.


Aivoilta apua ratsastukseen - luennon toinen demoratsastaja on 45-vuotias kouluratsastaja Sonja Danielsson.

Sonja ratsasti ennen kansainvÀlisellÀ tasolla kenttÀÀ, m***a kahden vÀlilevyn pullistuman ja leikkauksen jÀlkeen hÀn siirtyi kouluratsastajaksi.

Sonjan hevonen Donna on 9v tamma, joka tuli hÀnelle n. 1,5v sitten. Donna oli heA tasoinen tullessaan ja Sonja on vienyt sitÀ, eteen pÀin startaten muutaman PSG luokan tÀnÀ kesÀnÀ.

Jos haluat oppia miten keskushermostosi vaikuttaa ratsastukseen ja miten sen vaikutus heijastuu hevosen kanssa kommunikointiin ja omaan istuntaasi.

Tule mukaan 26.9 jÀrjestettÀvÀlle luennolle ja opit miten eri hermostotyypit eroavat ratsastuksellisesti sekÀ istunnan osalta toisistaan.

Klikkaa linkistÀ tapahtuman sivulle:


Aivoilta apua ratsastukseen- luennon toisena demo ratsastajana esteratsastaja Kaisla Roope hevosen kanssa.

Roope on ollut Kaislalla 4 vuotta ja kaksi viimeisintÀ kautta he ovat kisanneet kansallisella 130cm tasolla.

Varaa paikkasi luennolle ja opit keskushermostosi mahdollisuuksista ja hyödyistÀ osana ratsastusta.

Klikkaa linkistÀ ja ilmoittaudu mukaan. Paikkoja rajoitetusti.

Koska edellisen tapahtuman liput myytiin lÀhes loppuun jo ennen kuin tapahtuma ehdittiin julkaista.Nyt uusi mahdollisuus...

Koska edellisen tapahtuman liput myytiin lÀhes loppuun jo ennen kuin tapahtuma ehdittiin julkaista.

Nyt uusi mahdollisuus pÀÀstÀ mukaan oppimaan miten saat aivoilta apua ratsastukseen mm. nÀissÀ asioissa:
🌟Opit miten aktivoida hermostosi ja sĂ€ilyttÀÀ rentous vaativissakin liikkeissĂ€
🌟Miten hermoston turhat liikemallit haittaavat hevosen kanssa kommunikointia
🌟Miten kĂ€ytĂ€t omia vahvuuksia ratsastuksessa ja löydĂ€t juuri sinulle oikean tavan istua
🌟nĂ€et livenĂ€ ratsastus demot ja miten kaksi eri hermostotyyppiĂ€ eroaa ratsastuksellisesti ja istunnan osalta toisistaan

Klikkaa linkistĂ€ ja ilmoittaudu mukaan ennen kuin tapahtuma myydÀÀn loppuun. Paikkoja rajoitetusti. 🏆🐮

Info illassa toiminnallisen neurotieteen ja sensomotorisen metodin Suomen kÀrkihahmo Marko Siivonen antaa vastauksia ja keinoja siihen, miten ratsastajan ja hevosen yhteinen kieli on löydettÀvissÀ ja miten aivoilta saa apua ratsastukseen. NÀet myös sekÀ esteratsun, ettÀ kouluratsun kÀytÀnn...

Happy to announce a collaboration with our new ambassadors  &  đŸ€©đŸ†đŸ’«They tested Focuzed and was so happy with the results ...

Happy to announce a collaboration with our new ambassadors & đŸ€©đŸ†đŸ’«

They tested Focuzed and was so happy with the results and Nordic Topline’s unparalleled quality standards to create safe and natural products that actually works.

Warm welcome to the Topline family! â˜șLet’s spread the word and awareness together to create better standards in equine complementary feed market ❀

You really don’t own a 100k horse and expect it to thrive on cheap food and supplements? When high performance is expect...

You really don’t own a 100k horse and expect it to thrive on cheap food and supplements?

When high performance is expected, Nordic Topline provides the ingredients for the journey. đŸ€đŸ†

Halloween sale ends today! đŸŽƒđŸ‘»Your horse will love Focuzed because it.. 🌟Helps him to relax in training 🌟Helps him to sta...

Halloween sale ends today! đŸŽƒđŸ‘»

Your horse will love Focuzed because it..

🌟Helps him to relax in training
🌟Helps him to stay concentrated
🌟Balances hormones so he feels better
🌟Scientifically proven and natural ingredients
🌟Clean Sport, laboratory tested for naturally occurring prohibited substances

Feed relaxed concentration by 20% off.
Hurry up before the discount ends. đŸ’«

Before launching Focuzed we gave it to several professional riders, that had difficult horses to test the product. This ...

Before launching Focuzed we gave it to several professional riders, that had difficult horses to test the product. This is one feedback we got:

“I have always had tough mares in one way or another, normally, if it’s not a health issue, I get along with them.

This mare that I have now, even though she really sweet and friendly when ridden she is very temperamental and reactive, not always in the nicest way, when Jenni suggested the Focuzed I thought exactly the same as I thought with every other product available in the market, it’s not going to help, I gave it a try and the very next day this mare was as nice to ride as she is to handle, still super sensitive, but somehow more receptive to the riding aides.”

-Jose Bernardes, GP Show Jumping rider

Happy Halloween! Everyone loves discount, 20% off from everything!Hurry up! The sale will end tomorrow! https://nordic-t...

Happy Halloween!

Everyone loves discount, 20% off from everything!

Hurry up! The sale will end tomorrow!

Unlike any other product on the market, Focuzed's every ingredient is at top level.🏆🌟🌟Magnesium carbonate is gentle and ...

Unlike any other product on the market, Focuzed's every ingredient is at top level.🏆🌟

🌟Magnesium carbonate is gentle and form of magnesium
🌟The most clinically studied KSM-66 Ashwagandha¼ a full-spectrum ashwagandha extracted from 100% ashwagandha roots
🌟Bacognize¼ a safe, efficacious, clinically supported bacopa extract

KSM-66 ashwagandha root extract and Bacognize are well known, powerful and trusted brands. Literally no corners has been cut, when Focuzed was designed. 🏆

Every ingredient in Focuzed is also human grade. đŸŒŸđŸ€

Focuzed in action 🌟"Jenni did something that no one did before; changed my mind about supplements in horse food. I have ...

Focuzed in action 🌟

"Jenni did something that no one did before; changed my mind about supplements in horse food. I have been riding professionally 24-years and this was the first time I felt something straight up." -Jose Pedro Bernardes

"Jenni did something that no one did before, changed my mind about supplements in horse food, I have been riding professionally 24-years and this was the fir...

It’s finally here! đŸ†đŸ€©Do you wish your horse would behave like an angel in training and competitions, without losing the ...

It’s finally here! đŸ†đŸ€©

Do you wish your horse would behave like an angel in training and competitions, without losing the edge needed in the competition arena? 😇

Reasons your horse will love Focuzed đŸ€đŸŒŸ
🌟Support muscle contraction and relaxation
🌟Combat the effects of stress and anxiety
🌟Support memory & learning

”There is no other feeling in the world to compare with it if one loves a great horse. It gives a thrill that nothing el...

”There is no other feeling in the world to compare with it if one loves a great horse. It gives a thrill that nothing else ever can. It cannot be put into words, because words cannot express it.” đŸ€

— Samuel Riddle.

Avoid cheap food full of chemicals and cheap fillers. Your horse deserves to eat real healthy food that nourishes his bo...

Avoid cheap food full of chemicals and cheap fillers.

Your horse deserves to eat real healthy food that nourishes his body. đŸ€

That’s how any athlete can perform at his best.
# horsehealth

Thank you for choosing sustainable by buying Nordic ToplineđŸ€ŽThe awareness of choosing clean, real ingredients and having...

Thank you for choosing sustainable by buying Nordic ToplineđŸ€Ž

The awareness of choosing clean, real ingredients and having high standards on quality is a big act towards more transparent complementary feeds in the future.

We are doing our part of giving an option to equine complementary feed market, that is made from sustainable ingredients combined with latest science.

The best thing in complementary feeds is that they don’t only need to be natural as that alone doesn’t mean anything.

But you can actually combine natural, clean, laboratory tested and latest science to really make something magical đŸ€Žâœš

“The most important thing that is lacking today is humanity. Riding became a technique more than an art. The horse has t...

“The most important thing that is lacking today is humanity. Riding became a technique more than an art. The horse has to obey more than understand. And all too often it just there for achieving personal glory and success.”
- Colonel Christian Carde

When the aim in our riding is to make the horse to understand and enjoy the work. We are in a path to have healthy and happy horse.

I personally treasure the bond that’s possible to build with a horse, there’s nothing better than mutual understanding and the real enjoyment you can have when spending time with these beautiful and wise creatures.

Thank god for horse professionals like Christian Carde who reminds us what riding is really about đŸ€

Our team rider  flying over the jumps đŸš€đŸ”„ăƒ»ăƒ»ăƒ»Very proud of 6yo Bonne and Lady in their first CCI2*đŸ€©

Our team rider flying over the jumps đŸš€đŸ”„

Very proud of 6yo Bonne and Lady in their first CCI2*đŸ€©

Better together

Better together

Did you know that we have laboratory tests form every raw material we use in our products to make sure they are clean fr...

Did you know that we have laboratory tests form every raw material we use in our products to make sure they are clean from nasty chemicals and toxins?

We make the kind of products we would want to feed to our horses

Success is liking yourself, liking what you do and liking how you do it.

Success is liking yourself, liking what you do and liking how you do it.

Training on the field. What's your favourite training activity in the summer?

Training on the field. What's your favourite training activity in the summer?

A happy place

A happy place

Who else loves the summer and the heat! I hope you do, just remember to take care of your own hydration and your horse'....

Who else loves the summer and the heat!
I hope you do, just remember to take care of your own hydration and your horse'.

Electrolytes are great, but also real unrefined gray sea salt and himalayan salt contains all the needed electrolytes for the body. :) Which one do you use or both?

There are a lot of reasons why you will love Collagen Pro, here's some of them: 🌟Improves suppleness🌟Your horse recovers...

There are a lot of reasons why you will love Collagen Pro, here's some of them:

🌟Improves suppleness
🌟Your horse recovers faster
🌟Improves performance
🌟Lowers the risk of injuries
🌟Makes your horse feel better
🌟Has scientifically proven and natural ingredients
🌟Clean sport; FEI approved ingredients

Order yours before the official launch to get 30% off. 🏆👇



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About Nordic Topline

Nordic Topline is expression of passion in exceptional quality. It’s about strive for perfection in design and function, because high performance is about best or nothing.

Jenni Oksala, founder of Nordic Topline