It has been a long time since a post has been made. A lot has changed. Regrettably Max has passed over the rainbow Bridge. Six months after Max's passing Bella joined him. We all figured that was fitting since Max was six month old when Bella joined the family. They left the same way they came. The two of them were the canine alphas for the pack. Not just our service animals or beloved friends. Thankfully Max picked and helped trained his successor, Lillian. Lilly wasn't ready to have both Max and Bella leave her so quickly. It's been three years, nearly four. Lilly figures it out but I'm sure she'd rather have them back. I know she misses Dante and D too.
Angyl is still with us. One of our last remaining pups from the original pack. Her sadness with missing them shows. Even with this much time having passed. I believe Angyl has picked her successor finally.
We've had four pups join the pack. Three of them wondered into our yard after having been abandoned from an abusive neighbor that moved. Lilly and Angyl accepted them in. Angyl took to one of the pups. The pups have been learning the same training as Lilly and Angyl so they can also work as service animals. Depending on their temperaments, it will be determined if they are suited for public work or not. They are great for our active life style needs though where our smaller service dogs aren't. An example is out on hiking trails. With these pups turning a year old on May 8th, they aren't being allowed any weight bearing training at this moment. When the proper time arrives, they will be allowed to assist. Until then, the pups find the hikes and training to be fun. Socializing is still done of course, but they seem more interested in working than making friends.
The one pup out of the four is a pup that was born deaf. We were asked if we could take him in. They wanted to ensure he would have the best with life since he was born deaf. So the little guy joined the ranks. He's taught how to do some task for his size (he's a full blooded Boston Terrier). While yes the pup is deaf he has one heck of a nose on him to smell. His deafness we don't treat like a handicap for him. He doesn't realize he even has a handicap. So it's all good. We sign to him what we want or use a vibration collar when we have to get his attention.
The mama who birthed the three pups was also abandoned. She too also came over to us with her babies. She's living a good spoiled life here with everyone. We give her jobs to do, while she learns her basics. So for anyone who may have wondered what happened to the mama pup, she is alive and thriving. She's never been more happy and spoiled. Her birthday was just celebrated this past weekend with along with her human owner's birthday. I haven't seen her human so happy since he lost Bella. It was really nice to see the two as happy as they were.... and blowing out birthday cake candles together!