Ring and Run Dog Walkers

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  • Ring and Run Dog Walkers

Ring and Run Dog Walkers Pet care, Dog walking and Adventure company! We’re insured, bonded and CPR/first aid certified!

Pretty cool deal especially for trainers.  Cosmetic seconds! We give the enrichment ones out to puppy clients! Comes out...

Pretty cool deal especially for trainers. Cosmetic seconds! We give the enrichment ones out to puppy clients! Comes out to roughly $5 a toy. The rubber ones we keep the few we like and it’s still worth it!

If you're a Dog Day Care or Kennel operator or an Animal Shelter you know that you go through dog toys like nobody's business. You need toys that are built to last and won't break the bank. SodaPup is here to help. Purchase a box of 20 cosmetic second durable RUBBER dog toys for $99.99 including fre...

We’ve been visiting the Newark animal shelter and their interest in keeping the pups enriched and as stress free as poss...

We’ve been visiting the Newark animal shelter and their interest in keeping the pups enriched and as stress free as possible is a HUGE undertaking! We’d like to help them as much as we can! Choose “Amanda Anderson” for shipping and we will hand deliver them!
THANK YOU! Thank you! THANK YOU! Laura Valois


Please Share! No Wednesday evening blues here with this sweet potato showing up in front of your eyes!! Meet Bougie! Remember Rudy? This is his sis and came from a similar situation being chained up in the house all day BUT dogs being the beautiful creatures they are she cares very little for her past! We shouldn’t either!
We like dogs but holy smokes something about this girl just melted our hearts! She took every opportunity to get cozy and we happily obliged. All about that from this pint sized p*e wee of a perfect starter pittie!
Leary of men for 1/2 a second but completely dissipates. Pretty darn environmentally sound. All wiggles at a manageable level. Friendly with pups but would probably do fine as your only dog.
Sharing these dogs helps more than anything! Let’s get her into her new home as quickly as possible because she deserves it! Available for adoption through Grateful 💚


No Monday morning blues here! Just a beautiful bouncy Trinidy reunion!! We always lay low when our fosters get adopted. We wait to make sure they know it’s their new home before we go visit. We also want to respect the fams privacy!
As we got closer the excitement was off the charts and she didn’t disappoint! She was so so happy, waggy, healthy, just straight up beautiful! This is the first adoption we did where we hadn’t met the humans personally but they were vouched for by people who had. They didn’t disappoint either!
They have her HANDLED! Vet visits and her lumps and bumps are all good, no cancer. Grilled food to her hearts content. Pooping regularly every few days. Keeping her slim because of her arthritic back legs. THAT IS LOVE! They know she’s not easy and they didn’t bail. Top notch humans!
Initially Mom said Dad had another rescue pup in mind but they were willing to meet Trinidy. He now cooks for her, walks her back and forth as many time as she wants, dresses her and adores her. Mom loved her from the start so she was our favorite but now it’s a tie!
They will read this so please drop some love in the comments below because we could not possibly do that enough! Grateful💚

There’s always a “righter”  place to be once you learn how to walk out of the wrong one 💚

There’s always a “righter” place to be once you learn how to walk out of the wrong one 💚

A father told his daughter, "Congrats on your graduation. I bought you a car a while back. I want you to have it now."
Before I give it to you, take it to a car dealer in the city and sell it. See how much they offer.”

The girl came back to her father and said: "They offered me $10,000 dollars because it looks very old"
Father said: "Ok, now take it to the pawn shop".

The girl returns to her father and said: "The pawn shop offered $1,000 dollars because it's a very old car and a lot of work done".

The father told her to join a passionate car club with experts and show them the car. The girl drove to the passionate car club. She returned to her father after a few hours and told him, “Some people in the club offered me $100,000 dollars because its a rare car that's in good condition.”

Then the father said, "I wanted to let you know that you are not worth anything if you are not in the right place. If you are not appreciated, do not be angry, that means you are in the wrong place. "Don't stay in a place where no one sees your value ."

Please share these safety tips! Happy Halloween insta ghouls!👻Keep them pups safe👻🎃Kids in costume with the front door o...

Please share these safety tips!
Happy Halloween insta ghouls!
👻Keep them pups safe👻
Kids in costume with the front door opening over and over, makes it very tempting for pups to run out and say hi (or bye) so please have id tags on them. Its also a good reminder to consider micro chipping them if they aren't already! Not everyone thinks a loose pup is as cute as we do. ESPECIALLY the big heads.
This day only happens once a year so being cool with everyone and everything is a lot to ask of them! We’ll drain our personal pups as best as we can to take the edge off. A pup full of energy will have a harder time with this and won’t be as open to a training “conversation” about it.
If you’re compelled to dress them up PLEASE make sure THEY like their costume and are not merely tolerating it. If your pup is uncomfy it's only a matter of time before he lets you or someone else know!
If Fido is hanging back while you go trick or treating please consider disconnecting your doorbell, put the tv on and leave them with plenty of safe toys to keep them occupied. A stuffed KOnG is our personal favorite!
Keep them happy, keep them safe and keep them out of your candy stash!



💃👏🏻🕺Learn to teach and they’ll learn to learn. Communication comes in a few forms. We try our best to meet owners where they’re at. Training will not be everyone’s passion or hobby and most just want us to fix the “thing” with little interest as to why the “thing” is happening in the first place. Once you can break that down. The problems often dissipate on their own.
Nova is a VERY strong and VERY exuberant pup. Mom hasn’t walked her since she was a teeny labby. Sure we could have taught her to walk for them but that would fade if they didn’t understand how and why it happened.
We insisted on teaching Dad the “why” so he understood when and how to mark behavior, add or release pressure and feed her with good timing. He didn’t spend a TON of time but made the time spent count! Quality over quantity. Now he was able to coach mom though it and EVERY SINGLE piece of criticism he was asked to give was on point! He can now effectively teach them. He doesn’t realize it yet but he can teach her other things as well.
Learning to be a student so that you can learn to teach will go VERY far with you and your dog. Don’t wait for little problems to get bigger. Enjoy the process! Make the learning game fun and they’ll always want to play! Grateful 💚


A-DOPTED!! ZERO Monday morning blues here! Trinny girl is officially home! This was an absolute team effort. advocated for her to be pulled from the shelter. Mike from Pitbulls and Addicts stepped up and snagged her, Carla from Near & Far Animal Foundation stepped in as medical
consultant and laurascupcakeshacksi fundraised for her medical care.
The biggest help and driving force to get this pup a forever home? EVERYONE on here falling in love, advocating and posting! Teamwork makes the dream work.
Her new parents had an American bulldog. Their work schedules are favorable. They are familiar with having to cook for dogs but of course we packed her some bbq to-go.
Trinidy is happy. She checked herself into the crate to sleep. She already ate and the best part, she poooped! The few concerns we had quickly dissipated. Thanks to she is officially home and our Ring and Run family just grew some more. Happy Monday kids! Grateful 💚


PLEASE SHARE!! Are you looking for a hiking buddy? Trinidy is NOT IT! Running buddy? Nope! If you’re looking for a pup to lounge around while you go about your day then Trinidy is your girl! Some of her favorite things to do so far in this order are sleep, lounge outside and be nosey, slow paced sniffari walks and short naps in the grass. We are looking for someone that is cool with letting her live the retired life she deserves!
Trinny is AWESOME on leash. She gets excited over the occasional squirrel but VERY manageable. She’s crate trained and house broken. She sleeps the entire night and prefers to wake up late. She LOVES going for car rides!
She’s been happy to indifferent with calmer dogs but not so much with higher energy pups. As an older dog we completely understand her not wanting to be jostled around by a youngster! We’d prefer she be the only pup in the house so she can fully relax.
She has been SUPER tolerant of ALL handling! Nails buzzed, Ears cleaned, teeth inspected and baths! She was on a plethora of medication that we were able to give her easily as well. Even vet visits are a breeze which makes life easy considering older dogs may need more frequent visits and she is no exception.
Trinidy will need supportive care as an older gal. She has mammary tumors that will need to be addressed but the rescue is standing by their dog and assisting with this financially. She also has hip displaysia and prefers to saunter, not trot on walks. She hasn’t had it easy AT ALL so we’re making sure she finds a good home and learns to feel comfort and continues feeling loved and cared for. Please help us find that for her by sharing far and wide. You can message us for details or fill out an application at www.pitbullsandaddicts.org Grateful 💚


iiiiiiTs Friyayyyyyyyy 💃👊🏻🕺Time for the bulldog/big head/pancake face edition of with an unbeatable cast of characters! May your Friday be quick and painless but most importantly, filled with laughs. Gotta have laughs! Grateful 💚


iiiiiiTs Friyayyyyyyyy 💃👊🏻🕺Time for the bulldog/big head/pancake face edition of with an unbeatable cast of characters! May your Friday be quick and painless but most importantly, filled with laughs. Gotta have laughs! Grateful 💚


💃👏🏻🕺 Set your intentions and believe them. First and most importantly thank you all for sharing this boy far and wide. He found a new home because of it! So did Boss, Tank, Banger and Ammo!
The drive to the dock was “I hope the dude gets on this boat. I hope he likes it.” I didn’t have hours to spend acclimating him the day I went and if you don’t take your time it’s a waste of time!
Quickly shifted the brain to “I can’t wait to see him get in the boat! He’s gonna LOVE it! I was so certain he would because the stars were aligning and he deserves this! We know what we’re doing! We got this! ZERO doubts! Imagine your desired outcome and commit to seeing it through.
It truly takes a village. It’s pretty cool how people will do just about anything to help a dog. Especially to help one find a home!
They took him home and he’s already having a blast. Boat. Big yard. Loving parents. It just doesn’t get any better. Grateful 💚

A no brainer local fundraiser! Jonas Black  is headed to Juicy Lucy BBQ in Staten Island to host a dog training question...

A no brainer local fundraiser! Jonas Black is headed to Juicy Lucy BBQ in Staten Island to host a dog training question and answer session to benefit Pitbulls and Addicts Music! Food! Raffles! This is not to be missed!!! Come hang out and support a local dog rescue while having some fun! Link below to purchase tickets.

Featuring special guest Jonas Black, America's Pu***ss Dog Trainer.


An oldie but goodie Train the dog in front of you. “Comparison is the thief of joy” Is your dog a punk? My dogs a punk too! Some of you need to hear this more than others. Others reality is not ours!
We just left a “learn to lead” workshop by hosted by There was a woman there that was worried about her dog when other dogs approach and get in her pups face. Truly one of her only concerns, awesome little dog. Cheri asked the entire room “how many people’s dogs here would have an issue with a dog running up into their dogs face” and just about every hand went up. The woman was absolutely floored to know that almost NO dog would appreciate this. She needed to hear and KNOW that to move on.
I spent time with her that evening walking dogs through bustling downtown Knoxville and the weight lifted off her shoulders changed EVERYTHING! It was absolutely palpable. She was proud of her little dog in their new, even if momentary reality! Not their past. She felt empowered and her dog believed her.
Until that moment she didn’t know it was ok to not have a dog that couldn’t handle a dog park and that walks WERE indeed still socialization. What so many people needed to hear was that everyone has the same struggles. Their perceived reality wasn’t reality at all.
Social media is a great place to post great things. Perfect things. Polished things. We are addicted to it. I KNOW the truth will be more helpful than the perfect for anyone that stops on our page. Just about done posting perfection. Guess what Make the learning game fun and they’ll always want to play! Grateful 💚


Posted • Please share and oldie but goodie on a Thursday!!!
We’ll hit a serious note today. Pups and pools. Pools are an awesome way to exercise your dog. Good cardio, low impact, high fun! There are definitely a few things we can do to make doggie paddling a little safer.
Water toxicity is a very real and dangerous thing. It happens when too much water is consumed whether it be from attacking a spray hose, drinking in excess due to heat, or gulping excess pool water while fetching a toy.
You can google for all the nerdy details but in a nutshell, the over consumption of water depletes the sodium levels. Salt water has a different affect but is equally as dangerous. A proper sodium level is required for a body to function. In short, it’s fatal.
Plan for problems🤔If you plan to let your pup use the pool TEACH THEM where the exit is.
•Make exiting an easy task so if they accidentally fall in, getting out will be a perfectly rehearsed act.
Please don’t let your pup bark incessantly while you are in the pool🗣 There are a few reasons why this could be happening. They want to join in, it’s something new they aren’t used to, they’re concerned you’re in trouble. NONE OF IT MATTERS.
What matters is that they’re stressed and whether it’s happy, sad, protective etc. it’s still stress. There is a chance it will mount and not end well.
Help them acclimate and get comfy or remove them from the stressful situation. Summer is time for fun! We just have to keep our buddies safe. Grateful 💚


A throwback back Thursday of a 💃👏🏻🕺Here comes that dirty word again....DISCIPLINE and the story of the “sometimes boss”. Is your dog doing whatever it wants most of they day and then expected to pay attention to you out on a walk because for 20 minutes you’re pretending or want to be the boss?
Most pet owners, especially new ones allow the dog to do what it wants most of the time, until it does something wrong, then they yell and try to convince the dog they’re in charge and worth listening to for those few seconds. Here’s a news flash, the dog DOESN'T believe the “sometimes boss”!
Are you spending most of your time as the CEO fairly running your house or are you a tyrannical clown?
Imagine walking into a new job and the boss hugs you 55 times a day, SUPER nice but gives no direction, then screams at you when you can’t perform a task no one trained you to do yet!
Do you have the discipline to snag a trainer?
Do you have the discipline to put the work in?
Do you have the discipline to decide on a method and stick with it instead of trolling for “magic” info?
Do you have the discipline to stop walking or change direction EVERY SINGLE TIME your dog pulls?
Do you have the discipline to crate or restrict your dogs freedom during the day WHILE YOU'RE HOME because it’s better for them in the long run and just because you said so?
Do you have the discipline to follow through when you say a command, or the discipline to not say it at all?
Do you have the discipline to not over-socialize your dog by letting every single stranger pet them because you think it’s cute?
Do you have the discipline to get the dog off the couch and out of your bed?
You get the point. A fair amount of change needs to happen on our end in order to have our dream dog but it’s not impossible. The knowledge of it and willingness to change is a good start. We’re guilty here as well and making moves🥰 Grateful 💚


Throwback time!!!
iiiiiiTs Friyayyyyyyyy 💃👊🏻🕺Time for the “non compliant” edition of with an unbeatable cast of characters! May your Friday be quick and painless but most importantly, filled with laughs. Gotta have laughs! Grateful 💚


Oldie but goodie Posted • Let your dog be a dog! We put A LOT of pressure on our pups to behave and co exists peacefully on a daily basis and it often goes against who they are at their core. "Stop chasing cats and squirrels🐱🐿 Stop sniffing all over, just walk with me🙄 Stop pulling on the leash.
Try to remember your pups didn't ask for this. They can’t break up with you. You brought them into your home. Hopefully grabbed a trainer to help you translate YOUR rules to them.
They spend most of the time in the house, then we walk them a bit and demand that they behave somewhat decently in a very stimulating world that we don't always take the time to expose them to.
This comes easy to a balanced and trained pup but PLEASE once in a while let your dog be a dog. Take a walk for THEM. Let them sniff to their hearts content. Let them walk as swiftly as they want even if it means you run or bike with them🚲 Find a gated area and let them sprint and stretch their legs. (Not loose in the freakin woods unless they come back when you call them)
Food rewards are awesome but when you can find ways to tap into them and their doggie ways, it's a beautiful thing! Your dog will thank you for it 🙏🏻 Grateful 💚


Adopt the dog that truly fits your lifestyle! We have seen our fair share of decisions made from the heart vs the brain. Dogs purchased or adopted for looks or lack of shedding with little thought given to whether or not they actually fit into the dynamics of the home. Imagine Being a family of six and buying a Lamborghini as the family car because you like the way it looks? It will never work! A bulldog as a jogging buddy? An Aussie or border collie couch potato? NEVER WORK. We’re going to tell you a little bit about Leah so you can make an educated decision and not just want her because she’s adorable🥰
Leah is AWESOME. She LOVES to play but energetic dogs and toddlers don’t often mix well so we prefer her to be with kids a little older if at all.
She takes a minute or 2 to warm up to new people and men a hair longer thus far but improving literally daily. She needs someone with patience who will respect her boundaries and advocate for her space.
She’s a 2yr old 35lb energetic dog but has a nice off switch. She is crate trained, no accidents but we think she’d do best with someone who is home more often than not as she likes to be in the mix.
She’s been EXCELLENT with dogs we’ve introduced her to but we haven’t let them play. We prefer to proactively keep the peace while we foster pups. The dogs in her last home were attacking her when she had puppies and it’s VERY likely she defended herself. She hasn’t elicited play with our dogs which tells us she’d be ok as the only dog in the house. It may be best that she is your only dog.
Bulldog experience is preferred as this breed comes with its own health and behavior needs. She’s a typical pushy bulldog but takes fair direction easily.
Congratulations if you’ve read this far! Here’s the truth. She’s a score of a dog. With continued training/structure she’ll be the perfect sidekick. She already is and we adore her. If you do not fit most of this criteria please do not get our hopes up. We are asking that you put her needs first and wish her well on finding a new home. You can apply to adopt at Near & Far Animal Foundation Grateful 💚


We are much more active on Instagram but here is a taste of the stuff you’re missing! iiiiiiTs Friyayyyyyyyy 💃👊🏻🕺Time for another episode of with an unbeatable cast of characters! May your Friday be quick and painless but most importantly, filled with laughs. Gotta have laughs! Grateful 💚


You know the drill! don’t swipe the screen another second until we let little Leah girl know how awesome she is! Our new foster pup is coming out of her shell in a few short days and is turning out to be and awesome pup with no major issues thus far. We do have a few things to work on to help her be the best she can be and after todays vet visit we’ll have a full plan moving forward.
Leah is a little bit hand shy. She’s also a tiny bit leery of strangers, more do with men but we think with a little help she’ll be OK. She also eats a little bit quick which is understandable as she’s on the thin side and being in a home with other dogs may be the reason she sp*eds up a bit when we approach however in a few short days she’s already less urgent at meal time!
Other than that she’s a perfectly normal energetic two-year-old little bulldog and we adore her. 49% is already in love which alleviates a lot of the pressure to fulfill her needs! Teamwork makes the dream work🥰
Grateful 💚



Please share this post about the upcoming and probably most dreaded holiday for dogs, the 4th of July💥 Here are a few, VERY simple tips we hope can make the day go a little easier and a lot safer.
Please please please have ID tags on your pups! Accidents happen!
A normally calm dog around guests can suddenly bolt out of the front door with a properly timed firework! Tags can mean the difference between a quick phone call and a sp*edy return OR a very traumatic shelter visit until they find you. If you don't have the time to get them tags within the next few days we'll lend you one of our Ring and Run collar tags. Just ask!
Please have your microchip information ready ahead of time. If Fido escapes CALL YOUR MICROCHIP COMPANY. You should also call your vet and shelter to alert them that your dog is missing. Accidents happen!
KNOW which vet has hours that day! Dogs can scale fences and stress eat random things etc. Accidents happen!
Below is a 24hr vet on Staten Island as well as the shelter👩🏼‍⚕️.
-Greater Staten Island Vet Service
3135 Victory Blvd
-Staten Island shelter
Center for Animal Care and Control
3139 Veterans Rd 10319
You know your dog best! Fido may not want to be hugged, pet, wrestled or played with by guests when he's stressed out😕! Let's not set him up to fail. Accidents happen!
Keep an eye on your pup. Be a confident doggie parent so they know you've got their back!
🚨Have plenty of toys and other exciting distractions. Get some puzzles, Kongs or other frozen type toys/treats ready to go. You want things they can "work" on instead of stressing. Mix some Greek yogurt, veggies, snacks or even their dinner with a little water and freeze in a red plastic solo cup (there may be some of those around this weekend) It makes a great treat to enjoy outside😋!
Notice the recurring theme here? Accidents happen BUT we can lessen the impact with a little bit of prep work. Our buds deserve it 😊 💚



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