It's fireworks time!
Time to bring out the favorite toys and treats. It's difficult but not impossible to change noise phobias in our pets, no matter their age.
Of course, it's easier with young animals.
With any semi-loud noise, I am praising Dancer and saying 'Whoo hoo! What was that? Isn't that loud?" in a happy tone, to show it's no big deal and doing whatever it takes to move her to a happier emotion.
Doing things the pet loves will help change their emotional state from scared to happy. Tug or squeaky toys, feeding toys and treats, playing chase, it doesn't matter, just use whatever they really like.
Use the randomness of the situation during these holidays with fireworks to your advantage. It's hard to practice for the specific sounds of firework nights, but you can start the "whoo hoo" phrase on normal days.
Use the phrase and your distracting toys/treats with any loud noise, especially ones that makes the dog (or other pet) 'freeze' for a second. They are looking to you for reinforcement. Is that scary? Should I be afraid? Or is it a sign that good things are coming.
Use a phrase like "whoo hoo" to let them know "it's all good" - I use "whoo hoo" because it's almost impossible to say in a low tempo way LOL.
It does take longer with an adult pet to change how they react to loud noises, but their noise fears are probably well-known to you and can be anticipated or even gently replicated to help teach them an alternative behavior.
If you start now and continue to practice all through the year, maybe by the next fireworks season you and your dog will have an easier, more 'happy' holiday.