In DOG we trust
Hey everyone! To introduce myself, I am Deanna Hammond BSc MSc of Partners in Paw, you will find all you need to know about this business in the about and services section. I also have an Instagram page and Twitter page, search @partnersinpaw
I am a Clinical Animal Behaviourist offering services in 1-2-1 puppy and dog training, behaviour modification with domestic pets and pet sitting; I am fully insured and qualified to offer these services. I am also DBS checked and fully trained in Canine First Aid. I have a vast history of working with animals and have 5 dogs and 7 cats of my own. I am also a volunteer for @SPDC- Saving Pound Dogs Cyprus, where I am part of the re-homing and fundraising team.
Please contact Partners in Paw for help with any of the above and follow this page for all the doggie and feline updates, blogs and pictures you’ll need!