Saluki Rescue Arabia

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Saluki Rescue Arabia We rescue, rehab and rehome Arabian Salukis found in the Middle East and rehome them internationally.

We have a bonded pair of male Salukis available for adoption. Vaccinated and castrated. Surrendered to us. They are now ...

We have a bonded pair of male Salukis available for adoption. Vaccinated and castrated. Surrendered to us. They are now at BarkPark Dubai (thank you for sponsoring their stay ❤️) and we would love for them to be ina foster home in UAE together but will consider separate if the foster or forever homes have another dog. So far they have been easy. Not cat or children tested yet.

Sharoof (the cream one) and Naham (the brown one). We will update once we have a better assessment of their personalities.

But without them being in a foster home it’s hard to access their personalities !! Will someone pls step up ? We can separate them if the foster home has other Salukis friendly and easy who can welcome them into their pack. 🙏🙏🙏🙏


We have sad news today. Amir was one of seven Salukis in terrible conditions we rescued many years ago who found a wonde...

We have sad news today. Amir was one of seven Salukis in terrible conditions we rescued many years ago who found a wonderful home in Netherlands with Heather. They were just about to move to a new country when he suddenly got ill. Heather had already moved to the new country and Amir (and April also adopted from us) was going to join her. Heather quickly flew home to be with him. Here’s what Heather says about Amir.

‘Amir has crossed the rainbow bridge. The heartbreak I feel is like nothing else I’ve experienced. We fed him a rotisserie chicken before he went. He was in his glory for that. He went very peacefully at home in his favourite spot outside in the garden. This is him after he indulged in the chicken and before he went. I cried over his dead body for awhile. He was one of the most special, beautiful and royal dogs ever. I can’t explain how much this hurts. I hope your doggies who have crossed the rainbow bridge are there to welcome him into their pack.’

Heather - thank you for giving Amir a wonderful home for 6 years. He is now pain free and with all our other angels. ❤️❤️

Haykal really needs our help. He was rescued in Feb 2023 which means he has been looking for a home for 18 months ! Duri...

Haykal really needs our help. He was rescued in Feb 2023 which means he has been looking for a home for 18 months ! During that period he has changed foster homes and have stayed at BarkPark Dubai ❤️ who kindly sponsors him. Haykal is an energetic boy who needs an active home. We think he’s better in a house with garden and able to go to secured dog parks to run. He is good off leash but can be reactive leashed. He improved a lot due to training from his wonderful fosters but of cos as now he’s in boarding he has less opportunities to go on leashed walks. So a patient and experienced home is necessary for this lovely boy who has a great personality. Friendly and sociable and loves people. Good with older kids who understand the breed. Halyal was found in the desert malnourished and scared but he has come such a long way and he knows the perfect home for him is waiting.

Pls can we all share his story.

Haya is back to her foster home !!! We have so many things to update on Haya. It has been a very stressful past weeks an...

Haya is back to her foster home !!! We have so many things to update on Haya. It has been a very stressful past weeks and you will not believe what she has been through. At one point we were positive she would loose her leg. We are now feeling more encouraged with her recovery. She still has a long way to go and of cos things can change. For now we will remain positive and we will update as much as we can.

SRA wants to thank Pete and Jules ❤️❤️❤️❤️ for being wonderful foster parents !! Pete has paid without question all bills upfront. He never once insisted that SRA should bear the cost so we asked that you continue to help us with contributions. So far we have received 11,000 aed. We expect the total bill to be 30k. So every cent count !! Pls reach out to us if you can help 🙏

Our lovely Saba is coming out of her shell every day. She’s such an easy chill Saluki who is happy with cuddles, her foo...

Our lovely Saba is coming out of her shell every day. She’s such an easy chill Saluki who is happy with cuddles, her food and walks. Being in a wonderful foster home has made such a difference in her. She was at first so shy and timid and it took a while for her to settle down.

If you are looking for an easy chill Saluki who is good with other dogs and kids pls contact us. She is vaccinated and spayed and ready for her forever home.

An update on Haya. Sadly her infection has not improved and she’s on a fourth round of anti biotics. If we see no improv...

An update on Haya. Sadly her infection has not improved and she’s on a fourth round of anti biotics. If we see no improvement, we have no choice but consider amputation.

We are so shocked at the turn of the event. We know she will be fine with 3 legs but can’t believe she has to go through another operation. So far we have received 11170aed in total ! Now the total is at 27k but we expect more as Haya cannot go home as she needs vet care for her infection. If anyone would like to donate pls msg us ! Every cent count. 🙏🙏. Pls skip those coffees and send them our way. 🙏🙏

We have a bonded pair of male Salukis available for adoption. Vaccinated and castrated. Surrendered to us. They are now ...

We have a bonded pair of male Salukis available for adoption. Vaccinated and castrated. Surrendered to us. They are now at BarkPark Dubai (thank you for sponsoring their stay ❤️) and we would love for them to be ina foster home in UAE together but will consider separate if the foster or forever homes have another dog. So far they have been easy. Not cat or children tested yet.

Sharoof (the cream one) and Naham (the brown one). We will update once we have a better assessment of their personalities.

Ramlah lives in Dubai with a family who has a farm and the camels just arrived from Oman to the farm and it’s her first ...

Ramlah lives in Dubai with a family who has a farm and the camels just arrived from Oman to the farm and it’s her first encounter with her new friends. ❤️❤️❤️

Cyrus one of our rescues who was adopted in Dubai and moved back to UK with his family just went over the rainbow bridge...

Cyrus one of our rescues who was adopted in Dubai and moved back to UK with his family just went over the rainbow bridge after a period of illness. Heres’ what his wonderful family says about him.

‘I had to let beautiful Cyrus go today 💔 Run free my gorgeous boy 🌈

My amazing brave boy went downhill very fast in the last two days, and it was his time to go.

From the streets of Dubai to the most pampered, loved life in the UK, Cyrus touched so many hearts along the way. So many people helped him, cared for him, loved him and let him be Cyrus and accommodated his fantastic quirks. I’ll be eternally grateful to for trusting me with him in the first place.

Cyrus was my first dog and we learned so much together. We had just shy of 6 years with him, nowhere near enough, but he was with me through some truly sh*te times and was absolutely a one in a million dog!

Run free beautiful boy, I hope there is sand between your toes, a warm sun and good smells on the breeze.’

❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ we will always be grateful to Lizzie and her boys for taking such good care of Cyrus.

An update on Haya’s recovery at the vet and also on funds raised so far. Haya seems to be doing well. So far we have ove...

An update on Haya’s recovery at the vet and also on funds raised so far. Haya seems to be doing well. So far we have over 6000aed!! We just need another 18,000. I’ve attached a photo of the excel sheet which shows who has donated and where it is held. Pls note the foster has to pay upfront and the vet won’t accept direct debit into their account except from the foster who is the main carer. Here are photos of Haya. She is still in the hospital but we are hoping she can leave soon for home care. The next x ray is 26 August to see if all is ok. This was a complicated surgery. Old plate taken off, new plate in and surgeon also had to remove some bone to ensure there is proper bone alignment.

Thank you to all who donated !! Pls continue to share the word about Haya. We can’t believe this wonderful girl who had a bad start in life with cut ears (💔), then dumped in a cemetery to survive there for a year before she was rescued and now this just because (we cannot say anything !!!! ))

Dear all. SEEK TO RAISE FUNDS TO COVER HAYA’s second surgery and after care. We have been quiet for a few days as we had...

Dear all.

SEEK TO RAISE FUNDS TO COVER HAYA’s second surgery and after care.

We have been quiet for a few days as we had to sit back and think about next steps for Haya, after she was let loose during a p*e break at her first vet who operated on her front leg to repair a bone.

Haya broke we leg during zoomies and had to be rushed to the vet for surgery. The vet added a plate to her leg but sadly she got loose while the nurse took her out for a p*e only a few days after her surgery. She was found in 13 hours (we had a group of 30 supporters and neighbours searching on foot for her) and because of her adventure which is NOT her fault not the Foster’s fault, the leg was further damaged and we had to think about what to do. After many discussions with vets, second opinion from another vet, and with us and the foster family we decided to take her to another vet to fix her injury on injury. We took her to The Vet Hospital and she’s under the care of Dr Reuber and Dr Amber. Yesterday she was operated on to remove the old plate and a new plate was inserted. She is recovering but the vet has warn us of a slow recovery.

Our foster had to pay upfront to TVH (25,000 AED or 6000 EUROS ) and we are now pleading for any donations to help Haya. The bills are on the photo section (last page is final invoice as of today).

If you can help, we asked that you contact Saluki Rescue Arabia or Rachel Hrh Thong directly on how to help us. Pls any dollar no matter the amount will help Haya. Updates will be posted while we collect the funds. SRA have pledged 5000 AED. So we just need 20,000aed or 5000 euros. 🙏🙏🙏🙏

An update on Haya. We took her to the vet yesterday and she was in IV drip for hydration and just for her to stay calm a...

An update on Haya.

We took her to the vet yesterday and she was in IV drip for hydration and just for her to stay calm and rested. Today x rays will be taken. Her operated leg seemed a mess and we will discuss with the vet next steps. We just wanted to thank everyone who helped search on foot, vehicles and bicycles and it was quite incredible how strangers and friends msged us to join our search chat group. Not surprising as the doggie community in Dubai is just amazing !!!! We want to emphasize that the vet clinic (esp the clinic manager) was actively involved in the search. We will have discussion with them on what happened and what we can learn from the incident.

Here’s a pic of Haya in the bushes between Safi and Al Quoda when found. Pete, Haya’s foster searches the same area twice and we will never know how far she traveled or maybe not we are just thankful she is found !!

With tears in our eyes, after a search party of 30 wonderful people with a lot of SRA supporters, strangers and the vet ...

With tears in our eyes, after a search party of 30 wonderful people with a lot of SRA supporters, strangers and the vet clinic we found her in the bushes hiding away from the heat. More updates later !

Update. Haya has been found ! Update on MISSING HAYA. Pls share. Our Haya is still missing  since 6AM despite a group of...

Update. Haya has been found !

Pls share. Our Haya is still missing since 6AM despite a group of us searching all over townsquare. She is wearing a reflective black collar and her front leg was just operated on. She could be now hiding anywhere. Last sighting was at Safi Townhouse maybe an hour ago but since then no sighting at all. Haya spent a year being a stray before she was caught. She is a strong dog but obviously weaken with the operation on her leg. She took painkillers this morning with her medicine and breakfast at 5:30am. We think she’s hiding now away from the heat and we will continue to look for her on foot. The foster will take his dogs out later when it’s cooler to look as well. The vet clinic is helping us with the search and printing and circulating the posters.

PLS CONTACT US IF you can help with the search. We have a WhatsApp group going.

DUBAI - LOST GREYHOUND WITH CROPPED EARS AND A BROKEN LEG. IN TOWNSQUARE. I have terrible news. Pls no negative comments...


I have terrible news. Pls no negative comments and do not comment unless you can help.

Haya broke her leg a week ago and she was at the vet after surgery recovering. This morning around 6am Dubai time the nurse took her for a wee and somehow she escaped. The vet is VetVeterinary Clinic in Townsquare. She was last seen at Starbucks Townsquare. This has been posted on all community pages but I need to get people to actively look for her. She cannot have wandered far but obviously with the heat and humidity we are all concern. Pls share this esp if you live in or near townsquare.

Pls call the foster Pete +971 52 586 6997 if you see her. We also have an active WhatsApp search chat if you would like to help us. Pls DM. She is a Friendly dog so pls try to get hold of her if you do see her without chasing her.

Update on Raya who just moved to France. Raya now Zaina cuddling up with her new forever family Ghazek the Iggy ❤️❤️

Update on Raya who just moved to France. Raya now Zaina cuddling up with her new forever family Ghazek the Iggy ❤️❤️

Poor Haya. While doing zoomies she broke a bone in her leg 🥲. But she has the best foster Jules and Pete who without eve...

Poor Haya. While doing zoomies she broke a bone in her leg 🥲. But she has the best foster Jules and Pete who without even a thought covered all his surgery and after care bill. Haya is still at the vet to ensure that the swelling goes down and that there is no post op complications and in a few days she will go home to her fab foster who have already set up the home with a pen and a crate to ensure complete rest. It’s gonna take at least 6 weeks for a full recovery and during that period she cannot walk or put weight on her leg and has to be confined to the pen or crate. And of cos they will be careful when she has to do her business.

Thank you Pete and Jules and pls send positive thoughts to Haya ❤️❤️

To think a few months ago Raya was found in an industrial area in Dubai desperately drinking water out of an aircon unit...

To think a few months ago Raya was found in an industrial area in Dubai desperately drinking water out of an aircon unit. I posted to ask for help and strangers who didn’t know me got organised and caught her ! Fast forward yesterday she flew to Nice to meet her forever home Gil and Valerie who drove from Lyons with their 13 year old Iggy Ghazek (who grew up with Salukis) to pick her up.

As always it takes a village for Raya to be in her forever home. From her fosters Jan, Ewelina and Magda and Marcin, to her sponsors for some of her vet bills and crate and to Kate of Paw Pals - Dubai for organising and sponsoring her paperwork and transportation, to BarkPark Dubai for sponsoring her boarding in between fosters and to Valerie and Gilman who trusted us to find the right match for them. Saluki Rescue Arabia is always so grateful to their friends and supporters and we could not have done this without them.

Raya was so calm and friendly and she already feels at home with her new human slaves and we look forward to getting more updates !!

Thank you to all of you ! ❤️❤️❤️

Soon Raya will be on her way to France to her forever home !!

Soon Raya will be on her way to France to her forever home !!


Our lovely Saba is coming out of her shell every day. She’s such an easy chill Saluki who is happy with cuddles, her food and walks. Being in a wonderful foster home has made such a difference in her. She was at first so shy and timid and it took a while for her to settle down.

If you are looking for an easy chill Saluki who is good with other dogs and kids pls contact us. She is vaccinated and spayed and ready for her forever home.


Do you think Dheeb is happy in his forever home in Germany ? We think so!! ❤️🥰❤️‍🩹

Why is Sana still looking for her golden basket? She is perfect! She is great with other dogs and love her human slaves....

Why is Sana still looking for her golden basket? She is perfect! She is great with other dogs and love her human slaves. She loves her foster family and she loves it when they take her out to the fields for coursing (not real prey of cos). She has one cut ear but that does not distract from her beauty. Can I pls ask my European friends to share this post?

She is now in Bremen near Hamburg. Adoption fees, home check will be done. She is originally from Dubai.

We had not one application for Haya our cropped ear greyhound. Is it cos of her cut ears ? It’s not her fault. She’s is ...

We had not one application for Haya our cropped ear greyhound. Is it cos of her cut ears ? It’s not her fault. She’s is such a lovely hound who loves her desert walks. Great with people and dogs of similar or medium size. She can get annoyed with small dogs. She is on a foster home with 2 other dogs whom she gets on well. Pls share so we can find her forever home.

Beautiful photos of Saba just to remind you all of her availability. She is looking for her forever home. Her foster sai...

Beautiful photos of Saba just to remind you all of her availability. She is looking for her forever home. Her foster said she is no problem. She is chill and relax and loves just hanging out at home. She’s great on her leashed walks, is house trained and loves her human slaves. She is ready for her forever home.

Sambuq loves his toys. Loves his food. Loves his people. Loves his companion Lily the older greyhound (although he would...

Sambuq loves his toys. Loves his food. Loves his people. Loves his companion Lily the older greyhound (although he would do better with younger dogs as he can be too much for an older dog) and loves life. Sambuq walks nicely and is house trained. Vaccinated and neutered. An active boy who loves to be on a sofa with you and good with older kids. An ideal home is one with another sighthound or similar sized dog who loves to play. He can also fly to Europe or UK.


Bonded pair of boys around 1-1 1/2 years old surrendered to us today. They will be at BarkPark Dubai until we find foster homes. Sweet boys already chipped vaccinated and neutered.

Dheeb arrived safe and sound although a little stress in Germany. He kept looking back to search for palm trees and dese...

Dheeb arrived safe and sound although a little stress in Germany. He kept looking back to search for palm trees and desert and all he sees is a long view of greenery. He takes in the green for a few minutes as he gazes at such a beautiful view and wonderful weather !!

It takes a global village to find our rescues forever home and this week, we didn’t think we could send him but because of , Sebrina, Vicky, Patricia, Jan Leitch who sponsored his travel crate, and Ewe who fostered him, he made it !!! Thank you to our supporters of Saluki Rescue Arabia. We could not have done this without your support ❤️🙏🥰
And thank you to Melanie Zisowsky for trusting us to find a good match for her, being patient and so gracious throughout. ❤️❤️

Anita now Riva loving her German life. She gets to go on holidays and to the beach with her fab forever home. Here’s wha...

Anita now Riva loving her German life. She gets to go on holidays and to the beach with her fab forever home. Here’s what her forever home has to say about her since they adopted her a few months ago. ❤️❤️❤️❤️

‘A wonderful day at the beach in St. Peter Ording with our beloved Riva ❤️.
Don’t know how we could live without her!

Saba is settling so nicely in her foster home. She loves her sofa. She loves to just chill out at home. She loves her fo...

Saba is settling so nicely in her foster home. She loves her sofa. She loves to just chill out at home. She loves her food ( yes she’s overweight and we are working on that). She is still hesitate when out on walks and is most happy when hanging out with her human slaves in her comfort zone. She plays nicely now with Goldie her foster’s Saluki mix and she’s good with people she knows. She’s ready for her forever home! Need we mention how beautiful she is ? Pls share.



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