Hope everyone is fit and well now that it looks like some decent weather is trying to show itself and we may all be able to get out a bit more to enjoy ourselves rather than keep trying to dodge the rain.
Been visiting the Yorkshire coast recently and had our picture taken on the promenade at Whitby.
Also we have been actively involved with the Oldham Guide Dogs Fundraising group and yesterday met some lovely people in the afternoon at Tesco in Greenfield and then later on at Alkrington & Providence United Reform Church in Middleton where we were entertained by the Ashton on Mersey Showband. Thanks to everyone who made us feel so welcomed and to the band for such a great evenings enjoyment
Picture shows Layla (black labrador working guide dog wearing her harness) in the centre of the photo laying down and Hetta (golden labrador/retriever retired guide dog) to her right in a sitting position both in the foreground with a modern sculpture showing the 2 Fish Girls to the left at a table working with the catch with another sculpture in the background of another fish girl standing behind a large barrel. The girls used to follow the fishing boats around to gut and clean the fish ready for market