Dusty traversing the woods and water on a trail ride. They don't come much better than this boy. He gives lessons, works cows, runs patterns, loves the trail, and he is great with kids. This is how a horse should be. Call today for a showcasing and come meet Dusty. 805 415 2665 - www.ryangoldsmith.com
Shoshoni (SOLD)
Shoshoni (MD Sensation) is a remarkable Appaloosa brought to you by Ryan Goldsmith, and he is undoubtably one of a kind. He is extremely calm and well mannered, as seen in his videos. Even a drone whizzing by his head doesn't phase him. He's kid safe and husband safe. Shoni is athletic, young, easy to ride, cool under pressure, forgiving, beautiful, and to top it off he's sweet as sugar. For more info and videos visit www.ryangoldsmith.com
The Art of Horsemanship
Horsemanship is an art form. True Horsemanship is mastering that art form. - ryangoldsmith.com
Tips & Tricks #4
Ryan Goldsmith goes over some great basic tips & tricks on getting your hands and horse lighter. www.ryangoldsmith.com
How to pick up mares...
A little horse humor. Ryan Goldsmith helps his horse out as his wingman.
Moving cows with Callie
This mare did a great job for her first time. She executed all my cues like a pro. Especially considering her dinner was interrupted to do this job, AND we were riding solo. - ryangoldsmith.com
Sierra Chick Te (SOLD)
Congratulations to Sierra Chick Te's new owners! She was purchased before her video was released, but we didn't want to deny this pretty girl her debut!
View the sale barn for your perfect horse @ www.ryangoldsmith.com/horses
Tips & Tricks #2
Ryan Goldsmith goes over some great basic tips & tricks on horsemanship. Bits, spurs, halters, ground work, and cleaning your tack. www.ryangoldsmith.com
Tips & Tricks #1
Ryan Goldsmith goes over some great basic tips & tricks on horsemanship. Tying your horse, mounting safely, treats, and education. www.ryangoldsmith.com
AZ Polo Association
It was an honor to put this together for the Arizona Polo Association. It is truly a great sport, and True Horsemanship is proud to be involved. If you'd like info on getting into the "Sport of Kings", visit: azpoloassn.com
2012 Mustang Mare - "Suzi"
Call to setup a showcasing (805) 415-2665
Video available @ ryangoldsmith.com
Holts Dakota Blue (SOLD)
2006 AQHA Gelding - Holts Dakota Blue (Jaybird Hancock)
Call to setup a showcasing (805) 415-2665
Video available @ ryangoldsmith.com