*** Price Increase Periha ***
If you love the pumps now is the time to order them, starting november 1st we will increase the Periha Pump PB-25000 Version 2 to $159.99 shipped.
Current price now is $139.99 shipped, so please order them before its too late https://www.seasideaquatics.com/pond/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=9_11&products_id=35
You also can order with your favor dealers, just have them contact us.
Please help us share this among your friends and your groups, we are greatly appreciate your support.
Along with the new Version 2, we will be offering a free upgrade to the new YC-25000 Pump, which is better and currently the newest version. It comes with a new updated controller software that provides better control of flow. Variable Frequency Amphibious Pump PB-25000 Output: Level 1 - 5280 GPH at...