Thanks Gunner. We love you.
Gunner here… Let’s have a chat.
I was at the vet today… $800 later, I got meds for an ear infection, a cytopoint shot, and an aspiration of a very suspect mass on my front leg. That’s not really what I wanted to talk about, but stick with me… I tie it all-together at the end of the post.
I’ve been seeing chatter all over FaceBook recent days about rescue adoption fees. Animal rescues and shelters charge them to partially recoup some of the money spent while the animal was being cared for… this is not a payment to “buy” the dog or cat. But some people still complain that the rescue/shelter got an animal for free and are turning around and “selling” it.
Adoptions are subsidized by the good nature of other people’s donations. A typical intake costs more to a rescue than a $300-$400 adoption fee, let alone the occasional $1k-$5k dog. I know many people do not understand, but they are getting a life-long companion off the hard work of other people in the rescue/shelter... mostly, volunteers.
501c3 are non-profits, so the average person should understand there is no profit (the “non” kinda gives that away). Puppy mills and back-yard breeders are for-profit, so maybe some room for negotiation on payment there… be sure to ask for your discount.
Final thought… anyone that balks at a $300-400 adoption fee should be turned away immediately, and not allowed to adopt… big red flag. What happens when that first $1000+ vet bill occurs; turn the dog/cat back into the rescue and the cycle starts all over again?
Many humans don’t deserve to add a dog/cat to their family, but all dogs and cats deserve humans with hearts and brains. I know all of my followers have both.