Capone the Wonder Dog

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  • Capone the Wonder Dog

Capone the Wonder Dog My name is Capone, and I am a do**he canoe.

Dear Mr. Fake Capone,First of all, how dare you impersonate a Labrador? Do you really think you have what it takes to be...

Dear Mr. Fake Capone,

First of all, how dare you impersonate a Labrador? Do you really think you have what it takes to be this much of a do**he canoe? Because it requires a lot of work, dude. I put many long hours into this stuff.

Secondly, how dare you try to scam my humans? No one has time for this nonsense. You've already been reported to Facebook a gazillion times, so the gig is up. No one is falling for your silliness.

Mark my words: you are not going to succeed in your evil plot to trick my readers. Most of my readers are pet owners. They know when they're being deceived, and they recognize a real dog from a fake one. Trust me on this.

The REAL Capone

PS. And I'm letting my readers know one more time that they should block the heck out of you and not accept a friend request or give any info in a private message. When I announce the winner of the books, I'll announce it here. I will not send weird, creepy messages asking for private information, you big scamming scammer.
PPS. I can't believe you did this because of a book giveaway. That means you truly are a horrible person. What are you? A book hater? I bet you return your books late at the library. I bet you borrow books from friends and never return them. I bet you (gasp) dog ear your pages.
PPPS. One last thing: you are low, mister. Lower than the tick that was just sucking blood from my neck. And even though I've never had fleas, you are lower than that, too. But I know you'll get what's coming to you because that is how karma works.
PPPPS. I hope it's fleas. I hope you get fleas because of this. And a big tick, too. Not one infected with lyme disease. I'm not that vindictive. But I do hope that as you're walking along, doing your nefarious deeds, in whatever country you live in, a big tick latches onto you. And, at that moment, I want you to think of me. Capone the Wonder Dog. The one and only. Peace out.

Good morning! It’s Thursday, which means we have another adorable adoptable fromThe good folks at Judge's Park Small Ani...

Good morning! It’s Thursday, which means we have another adorable adoptable from
The good folks at Judge's Park Small Animal and Exotic Rescue.

Meet Sid the gecko!!

Here’s more about him from the shelter:

-He’s a single male leopard gecko.
-Sid came into the rescue after he needed a safe place to land.
-The person that had him previously said he was 14 (!!) years old!
-Leopard geckos can live between 10-20 years of age.
-They said he was a grumpy old man who likes to nip, but we haven’t seen any of that here.
-He’s been very laid back and doesn’t mind being picked up and held.
-He has a very high feeding drive and though he needs someone to hold his prey (unless it’s something slow) for him to grab, he does really well and LOVES to eat.
-He is full of personality and loves to watch the world go by his tank.
-Adopter would need their own tank of proper size and with a proper setup.
-Adoption fee is $40.
-Adopter must provide pictures of his future cage prior to adoption.
-Interested adopters can fill out our adoption application here:

I'm sad to say that once again someone tried to create a fake Capone account. I've blocked this person and deleted their...

I'm sad to say that once again someone tried to create a fake Capone account. I've blocked this person and deleted their posts.

Just to let you know: when I announce the winner of a giveaway, I will NEVER ask you to click on a link to claim your prize. I will ask you to send me a private message with your mailing address so that I can forward you the gift, but I'd never ask for any other info.

People are imitating Labradors now? Geesh. What's next?

Anyway, please do not click on anything unless you're sure it's legitimate. I'll announce the winners in a post sometime next week. :)

The day before yesterday was National Dog Day. Once again, Madame forgot all about it (typical), but I'm sure she's plan...

The day before yesterday was National Dog Day. Once again, Madame forgot all about it (typical), but I'm sure she's planning to bring a gift for me home with her from St. Louis.

At least, one can always hope, right?

Anyway, as a way to celebrate (belatedly), I wanted to give away a few copies of Madame's book, "A Royal Pain." It won the Contemporary Romance Writers of America Stiletto Prize a few weeks ago, which is also cause for celebration. And I thought you'd all enjoy it.

To be entered to win, share a picture of you pooch in the comments. That's all you have to do.

I can't wait to see your doggies. And if you don't have doggies, I will accept kitty cat photos as well. Or hamsters. Or mice. Or dolphins.

Who doesn't love dolphins?

Basically, I'll accept any animal. And no matter how you celebrated, I hope your National Dog Day was wonderful in every way. I bet your dog got lots of great treats. And I assume I will also get lots of great treats as soon as Madame gets home from her trip.

Could someone please pass this message onto Madame? Also, if someone could give Madame a heads up on these holidays ahead of time, it would be much appreciated.

If you're unfamiliar with Madame's books, this is her author page on Amazon:

Have a wonderful Wednesday! We'll announce the winner next week. :)

Hi, there! I’m Nova! I’m a four-year-old, 54-pound, Pit Bull Terrier mix. Can you believe that I’ve been at the shelter ...

Hi, there! I’m Nova! I’m a four-year-old, 54-pound, Pit Bull Terrier mix.

Can you believe that I’ve been at the shelter for over a month? It's inconceivable, but it’s true!

I'm not sure why this is happening. Like a lot of my dog friends, I can be shy at first, but I warm up quickly. Once I get to know you, you’ll find out that I am super playful and fun! I love all types of toys and games.

I love other dogs too. I go to doggy playgroup every day, and it's a blast!

I have spent time with kids before and have done very well with them. I really am the whole package! Please come and see me today.

Here’s what the staff have to say about Nova:

“I spent with Nova this morning out in a yard while her kennel was being cleaned. She has definitely opened up a lot since the first time I met her! She was excited and was just happy to sit in my lap and give hugs and kisses. She was being so sweet and loving! We worked on sit and stay and she did so well!”

For more information about Nova, please contact: The Beaver County Humane Society, 3394 Brodhead Road, Center Township 15001, or call 724-775-5801.


Sometimes, it’s better just to come clean and admit your mistakes. What I did to Elliot was wrong on so many levels. I figured I should make a grand gesture, and what could be better than a very public apology?

Therefore, that’s what I’m doing. I’m sorry, Elliot. I took my hu***ng a step too far. I feel awful about it. And I promise it will never happen again.


Sometimes I have a little love eruption and I just can’t hold back. I have to express it. To let it out (so to speak). And that’s what happened. Elliot was just the unfortunate recipient of my unwanted advances.

Madame wonders how this even happened. I am neutered. I haven’t had cajones in nearly a decade. I don’t think I regenerated. I’m not a starfish.*

*When starfish lose an arm, they can grow a new one. In fact, they can grow an entire new body from just one arm.

Oh, glory be. That’s a troubling thought. What if I am part starfish?

I still don’t have my cajones (I checked), but what if my cajones regenerated on their own and built a new…me.

Dear heavens. Is that even possible?

I think we need to find out. Until then, another sincere apology to Elliot for my terrible behavior.

And if you see another me running around, one with cajones. Please let me know.

Oh, snap is right.


Thanks for sharing this, Jules! I know exactly which kind I am.

I have had drool in many places.1. On my head.2. On my back. 3. On my butt.4. Above my eyes, like freaky eyebrows.5. On ...

I have had drool in many places.

1. On my head.
2. On my back.
3. On my butt.
4. Above my eyes, like freaky eyebrows.
5. On every pair of Madame's black yoga pants.
6. In Monsieur's slippers (that was super slimy).
7. On the couch.
8. On each window and mirror at nose level in our house (and some not at nose level).
9. All over the floor.
10. In Monsieur's coffee.

The last one was a total accident. I shook my head while drooling and - plop - right in his coffee.

Don't worry. He didn't drink it. Ew. That's gross.

But in all my drools, I've never had a drool like this. It's quite unusual.

Monsieur was watching a soccer game on TV. He got very excited, so I got very excited. I wasn't watching the soccer game. I was watching him, and I must have flopped my head at just the right angle to end up like this - with drool dangling from my ear.

It kind of looks like an earring, don't you think? A weird, slimy, drippy, droopy earring.

Monsieur takes offense at my drooling, and not only when I get it on him. He gets annoyed when I do it at all. He thinks it's disgusting, but a dog's gotta drool when a dog's gotta drool, right?

I'm going to try to fling my head the other way so I can have a drool earring on my other ear. I think I look pretty good.

Have a great Sunday, friends!

Current mood: Laurel Leaf is at school. Honey Bee is at school. Madame is at the airport. It’s a double blankie and soft...

Current mood: Laurel Leaf is at school. Honey Bee is at school. Madame is at the airport.

It’s a double blankie and soft pillow kind of morning.

What do you do when you’re sad? For me, nothing is better than a blankie. It’s the most comforting thing of all.

Thank goodness Monsieur and Aunt Stephanie are still here. And I’m so glad the Youngest Son will be home in a few hours. Otherwise it could get ugly here.

On a positive note, my intestinal distress seems to have resolved. Hallelujah! The only thing worse than having the p**pies is having them while Madame is not around. That would definitely be a catastrophe.

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend. And if you need to borrow a blankie let me know. I have plenty.

Honey Bee officially moved into her dorm yesterday. Laurel Leaf moved in on Monday. My nest is now empty again. The baby...

Honey Bee officially moved into her dorm yesterday. Laurel Leaf moved in on Monday. My nest is now empty again. The baby birds have flown. But this is how I spent the entire evening on Thursday—snuggled up as close as I could to Honey Bee for hours and hours.

I knew she'd be leaving soon. Dogs have a sense about things like that. Just like I know Madame is leaving tomorrow. She's going to St. Louis to spend time with the Middle Son. This is upsetting, but thanks to the fact that we seem to have a constantly revolving door at our house, the Youngest Son is coming home again. He'll arrive only hours after Madame leaves.

I'm getting a little dizzy with all the people coming and going this week. And I'm having another problem as well. Madame noticed it this morning when she let me outside for my morning poo-poo.

I had the trots. The runs. Montezuma's revenge (except I've never been to Mexico). I squat-walked around the yard this morning, p**ping everywhere, covering as much area as I could. I created a virtual minefield of p**pies in our back yard.

Dogs can't cry when they're sad. I express my heartache through my intestines.

Madame is in a quandary. This always seems to happen when she's pressed for time, and right before she's leaving on a trip. It's my modus operandi of making her feel both guilty and worried when she abandons me. It's very effective. You should try it.

Thank goodness the Youngest Son will be here. He is very familiar with the location of the vet. And Madame is hoping my morning case of Delhi belly (sorry—I just learned that one and had to use it!) has more to do with my recent bad habits and excessive snacking, and less to do with an actual illness.

Keep your fingers crossed for us, and enjoy this sweet photo of me with Honey Bee. It was the calm before my diarrhea storm.

Sigh. I see pumpkin in my future. It's going to be a long week.

Good morning! It’s Thursday, which means we have another adorable adoptable from the good folks at Judge's Park Small An...

Good morning! It’s Thursday, which means we have another adorable adoptable from the good folks at Judge's Park Small Animal and Exotic Rescue. Meet Larry!!

**Larry is a featured pet, so his adoption fee has been sponsored!**

Here is more about him from the people at the shelter:

*single male guinea pig
*black/brown/white shorthair
*Born January 2024

-These three boys came in from a shelter in VA where they had been surrendered.
-They are super active, excitable little guys who are just pure baby energy.
-Larry is living alone, and can be adopted on his own or as a friend for another male guinea pig.
-Like all guinea pigs, they run initially when you go to catch them but settle in quickly when you hold them.
-Interested adopters should check out for information on recommended cages and for information on care and feeding.
-Interested adopters can fill out our adoption application here:

Do you know what the best thing is about being a dog? I mean other than the obvious (meaning we have no fiscal responsib...

Do you know what the best thing is about being a dog? I mean other than the obvious (meaning we have no fiscal responsibilities and we can p**p anywhere)?

Hope. Doggies always have hope.

Hope is what keeps me under the table at every meal, thinking something just might drop onto my head. Hope is why I come back into the house every time Madame offers me a cookie, even though half the time she's a lying liar who lies and there is no cookie at all. Hope is what makes me think if I wait long enough, I might be able to kiss to my little lady love, Evie, in spite of the electric fence that divides us.

Hope is a gift.

Emily Dickinson wrote a great poem about it. Oddly enough, she represents hope as a bird.

"Hope" is the Thing With Feathers, by Emily Dickinson.

“Hope” is the thing with feathers -
That perches in the soul -
And sings the tune without the words -
And never stops - at all -
And sweetest - in the Gale - is heard -
And sore must be the storm -
That could abash the little Bird
That kept so many warm -
I’ve heard it in the chillest land -
And on the strangest Sea -
Yet - never - in Extremity,
It asked a crumb - of me.

What's this all about? No worries. I shall give you a very brief Labradorian literary analysis.

Emily isn't writing about an actual bird (duh). She's writing about the hope that lives inside all of us. She represents it as a bird, but it's actually that miraculous, unexplainable, unseeable thing that somehow shines through even during the darkest times, and helps us stay positive. And it's what saves us from despair and gives us the strength to move on when really horrible things happen. Because hope doesn't stop those things from happening, but it helps us endure them.

Hold onto your hope, no matter what storm you're living through right now. No matter how bad things might seem. And share it with others. One person's hope might be the little bird Emily spoke of, but can you imagine if we combine our birds of hope together? We'd end up with a pretty big freaking flock of feathered hope birds.

I'm still hoping food will fall on my head. It might not happen today, and it might not happen tomorrow, but it'll happen eventually. Because I have hope. And because Madame drops things a lot.

Have a great day, everyone. Stay hopeful.

Hi there! I’m Bluebell. I am spayed, five-years-old and weigh seven pounds. I’m a lovely little lady looking for my fore...

Hi there! I’m Bluebell. I am spayed, five-years-old and weigh seven pounds. I’m a lovely little lady looking for my forever home.

I've been at the shelter since June. The staff here call me a Domestic Shorthair, but I think my breed should be Goodest Tiny Baby Cat. I really am such a sweet little girl.

There is something you should know about me … I have Feline Leukemia. It’s sad, but I try to stay positive. Sometimes it’s hard though. I get looked over at the shelter due to my illness. When that is all people see, they miss out on what a nice cat I am.

I love any sort of attention. Cuddles, pets, being held—you name it! I’m a fun girl who’s just looking for the right person to take me home.

Here’s what the staff have to say about Bluebell:

“I got to spend some time with Bluebell today! I sat on the floor in front of her kennel and opened the door. She came out and immediately laid in my lap. She was making biscuits and rubbing all over. I really don’t know why she’s still here, she’s such a sweet girl! If you don’t have any cats that have tested negative for FeLV, she would be perfect!”

For more information about Bluebell, please contact: The Beaver County Humane Society, 3394 Brodhead Road, Center Township 15001, or call 724-775-5801.

The nieces and Aunt Steph are here! Huzzah! And this is what I looked like the whole time. I'm giving you the back and f...

The nieces and Aunt Steph are here! Huzzah!

And this is what I looked like the whole time.

I'm giving you the back and front views. This is my "begging for food" face. It's adorable. And when it's combined with my "sitting pretty" pose, I'm darned near irresistible.

Yesterday, I got to eat half of Aunt Steph's chicken sandwich roll, several of Honey Bee's truffle potato chips, and a lot of veggie straws courtesy of Laurel Leaf. This is in addition to my regular meals and snacks, and the peanut butter filled bone that Madame gave me to make me shut up. I also got to lick cupcake icing off of fingers, which was a real treat.

But upon looking at the view of my posterior, I realize that my excessive food consumption might already be having an impact. I have what can be known as "junk in the trunk." And if I keep eating like I did yesterday, it's going to get even worse.

Do I care?

Franky speaking, I do not. I'm a Lab. I'm food-motivated. It's kind of my thing.

Also, I always think about the people on the Titanic. I'm sure some of them were watching what they ate, and decided to skip dessert. Then the ship sank, and they died, and it was a total waste. They missed their last chance at ice cream, and that is something I will never, ever do.

That might be my new battle cry. Remember the Titanic!

Laurel Leaf is moving into her dorm today. Honey Bee will move in Thursday. Aunt Steph will be here for a while, but this is my last opportunity for triple prizes, and I am got to go for it.

These are the packages that arrived just yesterday from UPS. To be clear here, it is not Christmas. I expect this sort o...

These are the packages that arrived just yesterday from UPS.

To be clear here, it is not Christmas. I expect this sort of deluge in December, but it's August. That had me very perplexed until I realized what was going on.

School will be starting soon, and that means three of my favorite people will be here with us again: Honey Bee, Laurel Leaf, and Aunt Stephanie! And they are arriving today!

Honey Bee is starting her sophomore year at the University of Pittsburgh ( !). Laurel Leaf will be a freshman there. Aunt Steph is here to move them in and get them both settled. I'm going to be the emotional support dog for everyone involved.

I can't wait. Emotional support dogs get so many snuggles and treats. It's going to be amazing.

If anyone knows someone starting at Pitt this year, let us know. It's a big adjustment moving from Istanbul to Pittsburgh. The more friends we all have the better!

For all those parents and grandparents sending their babies off to college this week, I see you. I know it's hard, but I hope that any sadness or worry you feel is tempered by the excitement of watching those you love so dearly embark on such an incredible journey. This is a big moment for them. Relish it, even if you do end up sobbing the whole way home.*

*I speak from personal experience here. Madame was very, very good at holding it in until the ride home. Then it was a weep-fest, and there is nothing wrong with that at all.

So, get their rooms set up. Make sure they have plenty of snacks. If you cry, that's okay. The Youngest Son always found it hilarious when Madame cried. And remember, you are only a phone call away.

Also, if you need an emotional support dog, I am available for hire for a nominal fee (dog treats—I would like to be paid in dog treats please). This service is mostly for parents. The kids are going to be just fine.

Have a great Sunday, everyone! I'll be sitting by the door, waiting for my girls to arrive.


Tails on the Trails Pet Walk

Items being raffled off:
🐾A golf package at Seven Oaks Country club, includes: foursome with cart and green Fees. Valued at $475.00
🐾A spa package at Sewickley Spa and professional products from The Cut Company valued at $200.00
🐾A large Steeler Quilt
🐾A wine Basket
🐾A Frame full of Lottery tickets
🐾A Beer Basket

Register here:

I would like to gently suggest that perhaps Madame needs to clean the windows. It appears someone (or something) has dro...

I would like to gently suggest that perhaps Madame needs to clean the windows. It appears someone (or something) has drooled all over them. Clearly, this is a problem.

Note: It was me. I drooled on the windows.

In my defense, I could not help it. My nose is long. I sometimes forget where it is and bop it on the window when I'm trying to look through it.

You'll notice there is as much slobber on the outside as there is on the inside. I don't play favorites. I drool on both sides. But there is more to the story than this.

Yesterday morning, I was outside. Madame came home with a box of Oram's donuts. If you have not experienced Oram's before, they are magnificent—made with fresh and delicious ingredients. Their bestselling donut is a cinnamon roll as big as my head. They take donuts to a whole new level.

Anyway, this was my face when I realized Madame had walked in carrying a giant box of Oram's donuts. It's also the moment I realized she wouldn't share any with me.

The drool on the windows? I don't feel bad about it anymore. Madame deserves slobber on her windows. It's not really drool. Those are tears of sadness, but instead of coming out of my eyes, they are dripping out of my mouth.


I really want a donut. Poor me.



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