Noodle and Thea listening to the music.
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Feel free to call 941-234-6182 or email
[email protected]
🐾 3 week board and train
🐾 10-week private lesson program
Hades belongs to a friend of Melissa's. He is a retired IGP (sport) dog and is enjoying the comforts of retirement. While Melissa and his owner are out of town, our trainer (with permission from his mom) had a little fun with his commands. It doesn't matter what words you use as long as the dog understands what behavior goes with that sound. Enjoy a clip of Hades the Dutch Shepherd with his new recall and down commands.
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Feel free to call 941-234-6182 or email
[email protected]
🐾 3 week board and train
🐾 10-week private lesson program
It was a busy morning for our kennel manager Emma and her dog Aspen. We used the crowds at the farmers market to get Aspen use to the crowds at the Taste of Punta Gorda. You may be able to see Aspen at our booth this year!
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Feel free to call 941-234-6182 or email
[email protected]
🐾 3 week board and train
🐾 10-week private lesson program
Nemo and Thea are friends. For the most part, he respects her space, and she respects his. She is also a lot older and has corrected him when he was a young puppy for being what she deemed, obnoxious. We had them in the yard together for a few minutes before we added Theas housemate, Impulse. Impy is boisterous and loves to play! You can see when she first comes into the yard that Nemo runs to great her. He also shows his insecurity when Emma walks in by jumping on her. That's one of his tells that he is nervous. None of these dogs are aggressive, so we let them adjust on their own. After a few seconds, Impulse looses interest in him and goes for her favorite yard toy instead. Nemo then settled in, and they did play together before we put them up.
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Feel free to call 941-234-6182 or email
[email protected]
🐾 3 week board and train
🐾 10-week private lesson program
Nemo is back for a few days of boarding and refresher training. He and Thea went for a walk around the park together this morning. Nemo is always loved by the staff, and our personal dogs love him, too.
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Feel free to call 941-234-6182 or email
[email protected]
🐾 3 week board and train
🐾 10-week private lesson program
Gracie is learning the come command.
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Feel free to call 941-234-6182 or email
[email protected]
🐾 3 week board and train
🐾 10-week private lesson program
Interns Courtney and Luisa are working on their leash skills! We are so impressed with the two of them.
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Feel free to call 941-234-6182 or email
[email protected]
🐾 3 week board and train
🐾 10-week private lesson program
We are often asked about walking dogs off leash. Where we live, it is legally required to have a leash on your dog if you are off your property. But that doesn't mean you should have to rely on just your leash. If you practice the skills we teach you, then yes, you should absolutely be able to control your dog without needing the leash. (It is, however, still required in our county.) Our goal is for all of our clients to be able to walk their dogs without the need for the leash!
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Feel free to call 941-234-6182 or email
[email protected]
🐾 3 week board and train
🐾 10-week private lesson program
Marco is getting ready to go home tomorrow, so today she got a spa day. It was a little cold to use our outdoor bathing station, so we took her to @petsupermarket and used their self-serve bathing area. Marco was a pro at bath time.
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Feel free to call 941-234-6182 or email
[email protected]
🐾 3 week board and train
🐾 10-week private lesson program
Today Chessie turns 1 so we made it special! Birthday cookie just for her.
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Feel free to call 941-234-6182 or email
[email protected]
🐾 3 week board and train
🐾 10 - week private lesson program
🐾 2 week puppy imprinting🐾 Weekly Puppy imprinting
We LOVE the staff at our local @petsupermarket . They are always willing to work with us and the dogs we have for training. Noodle is nervous of new people. She has a firm belief in stranger danger. The staff got on her level and never imposed themselves on her. They let her approach and retreat on her terms. They never reached to pet her and let her approach to sniff them. They threw treats to her and let her choose how the interaction went. This visit was stressful for her but also beneficial. She recovered very well and walked away from them with some confidence (and not in a panicked pull to get away)
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Feel free to call 941-234-6182 or email
[email protected]
🐾 3 week board and train
🐾 10-week private lesson program
Little Lucy is holding her stay while we greet new people. Thanks, Shiloh, for volunteering to be our stranger.
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Feel free to call 941-234-6182 or email
[email protected]
🐾 3 week board and train
🐾 10-week private lesson program