The Miller Shelties of The Shire

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The Miller Shelties of The Shire Fun puppy pics, videos, and thoughts -- just a fun place to visit. And the beauty of this site is simple -- if you don't like it, you are free to leave :)

Don Diego - he's SUCH a character. It's rare that he smiles; it's almost unheard of that he'll "cuddle with me." Well, f...

Don Diego - he's SUCH a character. It's rare that he smiles; it's almost unheard of that he'll "cuddle with me." Well, for whatever reason, the stars aligned today. Not only were we "snuggle buddies," BUT, he also gave a HUGE smile. 😎

"Hey, B, it's time to eat breakfast."But I'm SO, SO sleepy. And SO comfy..."I know little lady - we did have a busy yest...

"Hey, B, it's time to eat breakfast."

But I'm SO, SO sleepy. And SO comfy...

"I know little lady - we did have a busy yesterday - but you need to wake up to eat breakfast and then have potty time."

Ugh, how about a couple snoozes on the alarm?

"We've already hit the snooze 3 times - and I have to get ready for work."

Okay - but tomorrow I'm gonna sleep even longer!

[Life & Times w/ Queen B]


If this little man gets to June he'll be 17 years old... Hard to fathom that he's "getting old." It feels like yesterday...

If this little man gets to June he'll be 17 years old... Hard to fathom that he's "getting old." It feels like yesterday when we adopted him and brought him home as a youngster. This is a pic from yesterday at my office; my gals give him so much love and he is SO comfortable around them. Don Diego is an amazing little man. I've said it before and I'll say it again - "he is the most interesting sheltie in all of the world..." ❤ ❤


2 thousand and 551 hundred "Magic Balls" later... Once again "The Queen" has killed another... 😁😁 Sing with me - "Another One Bites The Dust!" 🤣🤣 She was on her best behavior at the office yesterday! LOLOLOL

The epitome of a "Heart-Dog" and a truly incredible sheltie... She's SUCH an amazing little lady... There is nothing els...

The epitome of a "Heart-Dog" and a truly incredible sheltie... She's SUCH an amazing little lady... There is nothing else that I need to say... I truly adore this little girl...

We cleaned up the yard today - these are ALL of 2022's "victims" as far as Magic Ball Murders... Yes, I was a busy girl ...

We cleaned up the yard today - these are ALL of 2022's "victims" as far as Magic Ball Murders... Yes, I was a busy girl last year! --Queen B 😂😂

Yesterday was my birthday. I received this card from  I honestly thought it was for me... And then I opened i...

Yesterday was my birthday. I received this card from I honestly thought it was for me... And then I opened it and realized it was for sweet little Lucky Duck (Lucky Girl, LG). I could NOT post this yesterday as my heart was SO broken thinking of the day we lost her... But today is a new day. LG was SO special to me for SO many reasons - I WILL NEVER, EVER forget the fact that she and I shared the same b-day! I miss you LG - I will always love you and I'll never, ever forget you. You were an awesome little girl! 💔💔

Warm and cozy on a VERY cold night! —Queen B

Warm and cozy on a VERY cold night! —Queen B

It's rare. No... It's actually a COSMIC event if I'm being totally honest... BUT, Don Diego SMILED big-time for this pic...

It's rare. No... It's actually a COSMIC event if I'm being totally honest... BUT, Don Diego SMILED big-time for this pic... I've possibly taken 9.2 thousand photos of him and he's maybe smiled 0.001% of the time. Well, this evening The Don was ALL smiles! I just had to share this photo of my "kids." I LOVE them so much. Yes, I AM biased - but they are two amazing shelties!

Queen B in front of the tree - taken with my new iPhone 14 Pro Max and edited in Apple Photos - makes me smile!

Queen B in front of the tree - taken with my new iPhone 14 Pro Max and edited in Apple Photos - makes me smile!

Update on Thor - our rescued little "Kitty-Monster" - my wife rescued him back in July. He came to us fitting in the pal...

Update on Thor - our rescued little "Kitty-Monster" - my wife rescued him back in July. He came to us fitting in the palm of our hands and weighing roughly 4 pounds. He's now up to 9.2 pounds! Abby's cat, Munchkin (the calico), seems to enjoy "mothering him." Thor is growing like a w**d and he is a pure and total "wild child!" LOLOL When he's not running around the house at 260 mph he's the sweetest little man on the planet. We speculate he's gonna be a "big boy" when he grows up.

Dad had to take me back to the vet again - I'm having some recurrent "GI issues" with my belly (let's just say I have be...

Dad had to take me back to the vet again - I'm having some recurrent "GI issues" with my belly (let's just say I have been experiencing a case of "the runs")... Dad and Doc talked a lot and Doc thinks I have some IBS issues (inflammation of my gut - etiology uncertain but my prior blood work, prior physical exam, and today's physical exam were NL) - since I responded so well last time to a short-acting steroid injection dad requested that we try a long-acting steroid injection and doc agreed. In addition I'll be getting new kibble for "seniors" - I guess that means I'm getting old, but it's worth a try. We are going to start to transition from my old food to my new food over the next several weeks. Dad and Doc hope that this will help my belly issues. I tried to tell them both that an old man that is 16 1/2 years old is likely to have some belly issues - they both giggled and simply said they want me to feel better. I guess they're willing to try any and every thing to help "The Most Interesting Sheltie in the World!" --Don Diego ❤️

I am SO pleased to report that my brother from another mother, Diego (I actually call him Little Doug-Bug, hehehehehe), ...

I am SO pleased to report that my brother from another mother, Diego (I actually call him Little Doug-Bug, hehehehehe), is doing so MUCH better this morning. Another night with no accidents; he ate his kibble and has held it down, and after that steroid shot yesterday he seems to be more mobile (dad says the anti-inflammatory effects of the steroid must be kicking in and helping his arthritis - I'm no doctor, but dad plays one on TV - hehe 😂). We thank y'all for your thoughts, prayers and concerns - mom, dad, and I are relieved to know that he's feeling SO much better. Love and hugs to all, Queen B ❤️❤️

I think that we are BEYOND fortunate to have a veterinarian that is SO awesome; she literally spent close to an hour wit...

I think that we are BEYOND fortunate to have a veterinarian that is SO awesome; she literally spent close to an hour with us this evening. (Without trying to sound like a bragger) - it really helps that I am a physician and I can converse with her and understand potential health issues that are potentially affecting my puppers and discuss treatment options... Diego had a TON of blood work this evening and in a nutshell his liver, kidneys, and pancreas showed NO issues. His blood counts indicated no evidence of infection or anemia. Doc thinks his gastrointestinal issues are either related to gastritis (source uncertain at this time as his stool sample was within normal limits; there has never been any blood in his stool, and there is no fatty appearing tissue either) OR a VERY remote chance of a gastric/intestinal lymphoma (in non-medical terms gastrointestinal cancer). But, she did not feel any evidence of a mass lesion on his physical exam. Doc offered various options and I (as I do with my patients) will start with the least invasive option. Treatment started tonight with a long-acting steroid injection and tomorrow an oral antibiotic for 7 days. If there is no improvement or worsening we have options of x-ray evaluation to assess for inflammatory changes in the abdomen; ultrasound to assess for some type of mass lesion; or ultimately biopsy IF there is an abnormal finding on any of the more advanced testing. We WILL and ARE doing everything to make sure that this little man is well and is comfortable. ❤️❤️

Bailey has ALWAYS been a "one human pupper" - UNTIL my daughter's boyfriend came this weekend. I've been sitting in my o...

Bailey has ALWAYS been a "one human pupper" - UNTIL my daughter's boyfriend came this weekend. I've been sitting in my office (and she's always on the chair next to my desk in my office when I'm in here) most of the morning with NO companion.... I was wondering where she was and found her curled up next to Josh and my daughter on the couch. Bailey knows "a good egg" when she finds one. ❤ ❤

I miss you, little girl. You were an awesome pupper.

I miss you, little girl. You were an awesome pupper.

She ALWAYS makes me smile...

She ALWAYS makes me smile...

The old chair in my home office broke; I purchased a new one and it arrived today; "someone" got to sit on it before I d...

The old chair in my home office broke; I purchased a new one and it arrived today; "someone" got to sit on it before I did... Any clue who that "someone" might be? 😂😂

Love this little lady and I'm pretty certain she loves me too...  Enough said... ❤️❤️

Love this little lady and I'm pretty certain she loves me too... Enough said... ❤️❤️


I was cleaning up the backyard this evening in preparation for winter - and decided to drag out the "old tunnel." It's been a long time since we've used it; but she didn't miss a beat! She's my little rockstar! ❤ I LOVE this little lady.

Happy Halloween - Queen B 👻💀👹🎃

Happy Halloween - Queen B 👻💀👹🎃

My girls - pic taken August 01, 2021... I just can't type in words how much I miss Lucky Girl (LG)... 😔 She was an amazi...

My girls - pic taken August 01, 2021... I just can't type in words how much I miss Lucky Girl (LG)... 😔 She was an amazing little lady!

I AM THOR - hear me roar! I AM a Wild Child!

I AM THOR - hear me roar! I AM a Wild Child!


Here's a challenge for y'all that play guitar - serenade your pupper with some bluesy tunes with a treat in your strumming hand and see if y'all can properly pick the strings - I failed... LOLOL Queen B would NOT takes her eyes off of my picking hand or her mouth off of my picking hand as she was INTENT on getting her treat! In the end she won as I quit playing and she got her treat! 😂😁😂

I know this is not a sheltie post, but I thought it'd be a good time to give an update on our new little man, Thor. This...

I know this is not a sheltie post, but I thought it'd be a good time to give an update on our new little man, Thor. This guy is our new "Wild-Child" who is also a HUGE cuddler and a little love-bug when he's not running around the house at 240 miles per hours! He's growing like a w**d - he's now up to 5lbs 8ozs @ 6 months of age and is likely going to be a Big Boy! I think he's realized that he's hit the jackpot after my dear wife rescued him and brought him home. And for the record - I now have a posing sheltie (Queen B) and a posing kitty-cat (Thor).

Since I'm her dad I'm allowed to say this - she is a pure and total Goober. 😆😆 Actually she's a spoiled brat and it's al...

Since I'm her dad I'm allowed to say this - she is a pure and total Goober. 😆😆 Actually she's a spoiled brat and it's all my fault. And I'd have it NO other way!! 😁😁

While sitting at our vet's office this AM I was overcome with feelings and emotions about my sweet, little Lucky Duck......

While sitting at our vet's office this AM I was overcome with feelings and emotions about my sweet, little Lucky Duck... I was hit with a "ton of bricks..." I honestly shed some tears as I thought about this sweet little soul. I MISS her so much. RIP, Lucky Girl - and I hope you know that dad loved you to the moon and back. 😥💞

Tomorrow is dad's receptionist's last day... I'm REALLY gonna miss Auntie Tonya - she has ALWAYS been so good to me (esp...

Tomorrow is dad's receptionist's last day... I'm REALLY gonna miss Auntie Tonya - she has ALWAYS been so good to me (especially when I was healing up after my crazy cancer surgery)... Dad's REALLY gonna miss her too... Dad and I love ya, Ms. Tonya - best of luck on your new adventures - we wish life's best to you and your family!!! --Queen B ❤️❤️

We're finished with insanely expensive, supposedly "awesome," pet vacuums. We've had "the pet versions" of both Dyson an...

We're finished with insanely expensive, supposedly "awesome," pet vacuums. We've had "the pet versions" of both Dyson and Shark - BOTH HIGHLY expensive and neither lasted >2 years. So, we're trying something new; we bought it online; paid about a third to a fourth of the price of the supposed "good ones." As you can see in one of the pics it really "sucks," as it should (in a good way). Online reviews were fabulous. I'll be sure to fill out the warranty card. And if it lasts as long as the last two "awesome ones" I'll be able to buy 3-4 for the price of one of them.

Photoshoot with my gal... (and paying a tribute to our sweet Little Lucky-Duck - RIP, little lady - we REALLY miss you.....

Photoshoot with my gal... (and paying a tribute to our sweet Little Lucky-Duck - RIP, little lady - we REALLY miss you...) ❤️❤️

Good Sunday Morning, everyone! I hope that y'all have a wonderful day! --Queen B

Good Sunday Morning, everyone! I hope that y'all have a wonderful day! --Queen B


I had a member request for a "guitar playing video." I'll give y'all a very brief background on my guitar playing history. I've "played" since 8th Grade (yes, there were dinosaurs walking the Earth at that time)... I never had any lessons or formal training until this past January (2022) when I signed up for online classes on two different sites. Since then my knowledge of the fretboard has immensely grown. I'm far from a pro, but have elevated above a total amateur. And I play because I enjoy it - to me it's "mental therapy." Here's a little tune I learned in the last 24 hours called "Gimme Three Steps" by Lynyrd Skynyrd. It's SO much fun to play.


This little lady is simply amazing - TRULY always by my side NO matter what I'm doing. I've been playing a TON of music over the past several weeks - and she seems to be a BIG fan of mine. LOLOL 😎

I've always believed this girl was a "Rock-Star" - and after 7 years she's proving it to me. 😎😎 Y'all ought to hear her ...

I've always believed this girl was a "Rock-Star" - and after 7 years she's proving it to me. 😎😎 Y'all ought to hear her jam out some blues on the "6-string!" LOL I absolutely adore this little Fur-Monster. ❤️❤️

This is my DEAR friend, Kay... She is a retired OR Tech from my local hospital with whom I had worked with for MANY year...

This is my DEAR friend, Kay... She is a retired OR Tech from my local hospital with whom I had worked with for MANY years until she retired. She was TRULY amazing - I swear she could read my mind; I rarely if ever had to ask for an instrument during surgery, as every time I turned her way she was ready to pass the instrument that I needed next... She is ALSO a fellow sheltie-lover as is evidenced by her purse and wallet. Yesterday, completely out of the blue, she stopped by my office "just to say hello..." I was elated, as I hadn't seen her in nearly 10 years. After multiple hugs and exchanging pleasantries she let me take this pic. This little lady is a GEM! I wish I could somehow bring her back to the OR and work with her again... ❤️❤️

I was being a little silly tonight for this photoshoot! Bet y'all a nickle I made y'all smile. 😁 -Queen B ❤️

I was being a little silly tonight for this photoshoot! Bet y'all a nickle I made y'all smile. 😁 -Queen B ❤️

I will be the very first to admit that I am without a doubt the most biased sheltie-dad on this planet. When it comes to...

I will be the very first to admit that I am without a doubt the most biased sheltie-dad on this planet. When it comes to my gal I can only say that she is a pure and total GEM... We had a little photoshoot this afternoon and as is always the case she 100% ROCKED it! ❤️❤️


Just a typical day with my gal… She’s such a sweet little lady.




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