Cleaning Extractor
Cleaning the extractor. Getting ready to start extracting honey today! 🐝🍯
Swarm Trap Full of Bees Survives Fall From Tree
This is what happens when I don’t follow the rules I teach for swarm trap capture. Always take the box down and transfer the bees in 24 to 48 hours max. Unavoidable circumstances caused me to leave this one in the tree for 15 to 18 days during the nectar flow. Box became too heavy due to honey, broke the hanger, fell 12ft, bounced, rolled a couple times and landed upright, only a few feet from the river.
Could have been a lot worse. I’m going to close it up tonight and move it to another location and transfer it to a hive tomorrow. I’ll post follow up pics/video and a condition update. 🐝🍯 #hardenhillhoney #freebees