Breaking! It's happening; the massacre has started - cats- puppies- dogs with collars. Please help
For the last week, we have reported about Yulin. We have shown you the markets daily with dead dogs. We have seen over 300 restaurants. Our team went to the neighbouring areas and found live-kill places. We also uncovered dozens of dog farms and farms where they kill puppies. Every village is breeding for meat - on a small or larger scale. Now we are back in the centre of Yulin. It is on 18 June. Vans are collecting small dogs. There are cats too. The atmosphere at Dongkou and Qianonan Market is tense. The police and security guards are everywhere. But they are not there to stop the killing. They jostle and push anyone who wants to film. Our small team are Chinese. We are defiantly wearing our NoToDogMeat shirts. We need help to get our footage to all media. We also continue to rescue. When we thought we were broken by all we have witnessed to date, the public demonic feeding frenzy will begin. Pray for our team. Pray for the dogs. Speak Out, friends. Take to the streets, and call your officials. Please help us. Help us now.
To use our footage please contact us
As the year draws to a close our many rescues wish you the happiest 2023 and dream of loving homes.
please donate to
Every month in China, we feed over 700 dogs and cats in our small Beijing shelter and big Hebei one. We also support Tet in Cambodia. It's a massive undertaking, but rescues need good food. Sometimes the suppliers let us have food on credit, but we have to keep paying, or they will stop, and in China, lockdowns have not ended, so we can't risk that.
The best way to help us is with a monthly #buyabag donation, and every £$ adds up. Another way is to buy our lovely 2023 Calendar, which features the many dogs and cats we have saved from the brutal dog meat trade.
To find donate or shop, please visit
#Thankyou #PawsUp
#NoToDogMeat on this 4th July we want to thank all our amazing supporters around the world and invite you to join our team as a volunteer. There are so many things you can do where you live and also online to help us. Please check out our video and meet some of the lovely animal lovers who like you make so much difference . #JoinUs #NoActionTooSmall #4thofjuly
Happy Easter From Our Rescues
Happy Easter everyone. Our rescues are so grateful for your support. Every donation, every shirt bought helps care for their daily needs and we so long to find them all sponsors and homes. Have a lovely weekend everyone. #PawsUp
Diary Date World Awareness week May 18th
#nationalloveyourpetday Anna and all the rescues from the #dogmeattrade who absolutely love her.
Every dog you see needs a sponsor and a home. #NoToDogMeat #adoptdontshop
Happy New Year from Our Rescues
#NoToDogMeat Cold now for our rescues but thanks to a generous supporter our small dogs have coats. So hope they find homes and love in 2022. Please continue to support us
Illegal dog farm in front of Pocheon school closed completely by August 31
This is a big achievement. Please help our friends at GAON and donate so they can build a temporary shelter for the dogs.
Pay pal :[email protected]
통합시민 사회단체 가온은
포천시 신읍동 학교앞 불법 가축시설의 개농장을 폐쇄 시키기위해 고소 고발 계속적인 단속과 민원으로 이번달 8 월31일 까지 완전 패쇄 하기로 답변을 받았습니다
동영상을 보셨듯이 큰아이 작은아기들이 케이지속에 뒤엉켜 먹을수 있는 음식도 이 더운 태양 아래 마실수있는 물도 보이지 않는 고통속에서 죽음을 바라보고 있는 아이들입니다
제발 폐쇄되는 이곳에 더이상 고통속에 죽어나가는 아이들이 없기를 바랄뿐입니다
통합시민 사회단체 가온 과 함께 해주십시요 여러분의 한분한분의 힘이 가온을 움직입니다
현장에서 뛰며 현장에서 싸우는 단체 가온은 개 고양이 식용을 금지 를 위해 나아갑니다
함께 해주십시요
주관부서] : 안전건설국 건축과 [답변일자] : 2017-08-09 08:49:18
[작성자] : 유승일 [전화번호] : 031-ㅇㅇㅇ [이메일] :
[답변내용] : 1. 귀하의 가정에 항상 행복이 가득하시길 기원합니다.
2. 귀하께서 우리시 신읍동 365-1번지 상 제기하신 민원사항에 대하여 아래와 같이 답변드리오며 기타 문의사항은 포천시 건축과 건축지도팀(☎031-ㅇㅇㅇㅡㅇㅇㅇ), 축산과(☎031-ㅇㅇㅇㅡㅇㅇㅇㅇ) 및 청소자원과(☎031-ㅇㅇㅇㅡㅇㅇㅇ)로 문의하여 주시기 바랍니다.
- 아 래 -
가. 건축과 답변사항
1) 귀하께서 제기하신 민원사항에 대하여 검토 결과 「건축법」 위반사항이 확인되어 행정조치가 진행 중임을 알려드립니다.
나. 축산과 답변사항
1) 개사육시설과 닭사육시설은 가축분뇨배출시설 규모 미만이지만 농장주로 부터 이달 8.31일까지 개, 닭 사육시설을 폐쇄 조치하겠다고 하오니 이점 양지하여 주시기 바랍니다.
2) 앞으로도 살기 좋은 도시환경이 될 수 있도록 시정에 반영하여 지역 주민의 삶의 질 향상에 최선을 다하겠습니다. 감사합니다.
다. 청소자원과 답변사항
1) 위 소재지의 개사육시설을 현지 확인한 결과 현장에 음식물류폐기물을 반입한 사항을 확인하지 못하였으며,
2) 추후 폐쇄전까지 지속적인 지도?단속을 통해 주변 환경 저해 및 환경오염이 발생하지 않도록 하겠습니다.
예금주 : 통합시민단체 가온
후원 계좌번호
301-0200-7284-01 (농협)
Pay pal :[email protected]
[통합시민사회단체 가온]
통합시민사회단체 가... 밴드에 들어오세요.
from. 가온 봉사
On July 10, 2017, the integrated civil society group gaon requested removal immediately after visiting illegal dog breeding grounds in front of the school
경기도 포천시 신읍동 365ㅡ1 학교앞 불법 가축시설 개농장 제보시 방문 과 함께 바로 철거 요청
통합시민사회단체 가온 은
2017년 7월 10일 경 방문한 포천시 불법개농장 및 소사육시설에 대한 철거를 요청합니다
이곳은 악취가 심하고 학교앞 200미터 이내 시설된 가축 사육시설로서 개.닭.소등을사육하고 있었습니다 또한 심한 악취 및 음식물쓰레기를 개.닭에게 급료하고 있었습니다
이에 강력한 철거를 요청합니다
통합시민사회단체 가온은 이곳 불법 개 소 사육장을 신고 하고 바로 철거요청을 보냈습니다
포천시청과 공무원의 신속한 대처를 바라며 철거가 되지않을경우 바로 여러분의 민원 들어가겠습니다
아이들이 교육하고 좋은 진정한
교육을해야 하는 학교앞에 불법개 농장은 있을수 없습니다
추후 답변후 다시 공지 올리겠습니다
예금주 : 통합시민단체 가온
후원 계좌번호
301-0200-7284-01 (농협)
Pay pal :[email protected]
[통합시민사회단체 가온]
통합시민사회단체 가... 밴드에 들어오세요.
from. 가온 봉사
I would like to extend my sincere heart to you and your esteemed animal protection activists.
"You, ever give up!"
"Do not give up on me!"
"You, Never give up!"
"Do not give up on me!"
"You !, Never give up !!"
"Do not give up on me!"
I would like to invite you as a representative of the Integrated Civil Society Organization
Gaon is a group that charges and illegally fights illegal dog farms to ban dog cats.
In the process of demolition, we think that the world is all in the cage, and that children who do not walk, eat, or drink do not see their children dying and feel sick. They are doing these things with patience. As I look at the life of these children, I do not want to worry about that. I am not a solid financial organization, so I can get rid of the dog farm and free myself, but I can not help but see the children who are just dying. I can not tell you to put up with the heart that's gone now.
Our integrated civil society group, Gaon, is trying to do its best to rescue the young and the young at the time of dismantling the dog farm.
These things are the wishes of the members of Gawon,
I start with a sigh of family worrying about me and I take pride in thinking that all these things are my mission.
Now we will set up a shelter on the spot while removing the Pocheon dog farm in Gyeonggi-do. There are about 350 children in the process of negotiations. This is a lot of money. But I will try my best without worrying anymore.
The representative and the members of the English group No to the dog meat who help us with our promises are doing our best to help you with the help of our staff and helping you to rescue the children.
The pain and tears of these activists are all the same. Just look at the children who can be rescued. I want you to protect your young life and to support the children's shelter.
We are the only group to fight on-site for dog cats. Please join us.
It's the total cost of our shelter.
(Shelter establishment quotation)
Shelter area a
Korean Dog Farm dismantled
Another dog farm is in full dismantlement
2017 년 6월 말일 경
통합시민 사회단체 기온은 포천시 제보받은 개농장을 현장 방문 하면서 발견한 개농장입니다 이 농장은 전영로 15 ** 로 내에있는 규모 소형 개체수 모견 아기견 포함 150 마리 성견 300 ~400 마리로 추정되는 농장입니다 이곳은 제보지로 가는 길목에 숨어있던 불법개농장 으로 대표님께서 가는길에 의심되는 개농장을 발견하여 즉시 경찰과 행정부 와 함께 현장을 급습하여 확인하였습니다 이에 업주는 당장에 철거는 힘들다며 빠른 시일내로 협의를 통한 철거를 약속받으셨습니다
이에 가온은 지금 완전 철거를 위한 협의중에 있으며 남은 새끼 아이들을 위한 협의도 함께 하고 있습니다
통합시민 사회단체 가온은 많은 일을 하고 있습니다 가온과 함께 해주시고 가온의 회원이 되어주셔서 힘이 되어 주십시요
여러분의 힘이 곧 개 고양이 식용금지로 한발 다가갈수 있습니다
예금주 : 통합시민단체 가온
후원 계좌번호
301-0200-7284-01 (농협)
Pay pal :[email protected]
[통합시민사회단체 가온]
통합시민사회단체 가... 밴드에 들어오세요.
from. 가온 봉사
Hello, No to Dog Cat Meat Korea members and representatives Julia I am Jin Young , Gaon's manager
Nice to meet you. We Gaon signed and compiled today for the revision of dog cat and animal law in Gwanghwamun. Thank you very much for being with you. We will continue to work for animals. Thank you for joining your heart.
Gaon, an integrated civil society organization, has accused and punished Pocheon illegal dog farms
All members of Gaon and all those who oppose dog cats
It's a bit of a nuisance and a tough process, but please make a complaint about the dismal and hell-cracking demolition of the Eden Farm here
I would like to ask the mayor of Pocheon city here.
Please raise a complaint asking for the removal of illegal dog farm in the name of Gaon. Please do not complain about personal complaint.
# Task reporting #
(Currently estimated 20 illegal dog farms)
1 • 20 ~ 30 dog farms on Incheon Munhak Tunnel
2 ᆞ 8 Pocheon farms
Currently, we have detected complaints, accusations and illegal acts against a total of 20 farms
The findings are as follows
1. violation of environmental laws 4 cases
2. Building Law 2 cases
3. Land Act 1 time
4. Two violations of the Forest Protection and Protection Act
# Especially, 770-1 (Hwasungbyeong general) 770-1
The Eden Farm is where we need our complaints.
Filing complaints about the illegal dog farm demolition in the river site
The dog farm in this place is a facility in the public waters as a river site, and it is known as a zone where the river law can not install such facilities. In addition, the Yu Gyeonggi Protectorate and Dog Farm in Siheung City, Gyeonggi Province, received
I request the dismantling of the farm in the river site. I think that there is a problem in Pocheon that I had left such a facility for a long time in the Pocheon city which has an obligation to protect and preserve the river.
I strongly urge you to dismantle illegal dog farms here.
Main Telephone: 031-538-2114
Architecture: 031 -538-2400
I went to Pocheon market
(# Request illegal dog farm Eden plant on river site.
I strongly urge you to dismantle illegal dog farms on your river site.
In Siheung City there is a case of dismantling the shelter / dog farm in the river site.
Account holder: Integrated civic group warming up
Sponsor account number
301-0200-7302 -11
UK Protestors Speaking Out
영국 동물보호가의 녹색당 지지
아시아의 동물권운동을 지지 하는 저희 NoToDogMeat는 한국의 동물권을 위해 녹색당을 지지 합니다.
NoToDogMeat are really pleased that Korea's Green Party are ready to consider animal rights on the forthcoming electoral agenda. Welfare Sustainability and Development are key to change and progress.