We have had a few inquiries about puppies and young adults. We do not anticipate having any puppies until the end of 2025. And all of our adults are remaining here.
If you are looking for a puppy, the Mid-Arizona Shetland Sheepdog Club has 2 sable puppies available - one male & one female (around 13 weeks old). They are up to date on shots and worming. I added their pictures to this post. Jesse (boy) is on the left and Gracie (girl) is on the right. Call Phyllis if interested 602-421-8992.
If you are looking for a young adult, contact Tammy Riggs at 623-824-5226 or [email protected]. Also, Janet Lindsay has two 3-year-old bi black Shelties available. She can be reached on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/janet.lindsay.16
Feel free to share this information.