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Complete 180k9 - Family Dog Training Relationship Driven; Real World Family Dog Training!


But wait- can’t you see this dog is clearly stressed? Ears back, mouth closed, “whale eye” and lip licking!!! 🤣🤣🤦🏼‍♂️



Yes, I’m still here. Yes, I’m still learning and advancing. Yes, I’m STILL.TRAINING.DOGS! 😬

I just choose not to advertise. Not now. 🤷🏼‍♂️

This informational video is a bit of a soap box rant about health and longevity for dogs.

Did you know that a 5yr old dog is now considered a senior? 😳

Did you know that more than 1 in every 2 dogs will come down with some type of cancer? 🤯

Why is it that dogs aren’t living as long as years past? 🤨





In this video, Ivan discusses a huge problem facing present day dog training.The American Veterinary Society of Animal Behaviorists along with the "Positive ...


The Real Facts About Science Based Dog Training: A Training Without Conflict® PodcastArguments about dog training are reaching a boiling point and I decided ...



Such a common yet complex word. All living beings have some sort of Play engrained in their DNA.

Chase & Catch, Possession Games, Tug Play.

*Proper* Tug Play is as very powerful tool that helps build your relationship with your dog.

Tug Play mainly focuses on:
- targeting
- self control
- impulse control

Bodies’ parents called me back to work with Bodie on proper leash walking skills and car rides.

I had asked them if Bodie liked to play Tug and they felt he really wasn’t into it.

So, I had to test Bodie myself.

Come to find out Bodie actually LOVES tug play after all!

Here is a very short snippet of Bodie and his dad playing tug… (short as Bodie is a whopping 100 pounds! 😳😳)

Though their tug play isn’t perfect… yet.. as we need to hone both of their skills (like learning the Out Command vs. Drop It, presentation and movement; things that will come with time), I was absolutely ecstatic when I received this snippet from Bodies’ mom!

Keep up the great work folks! 🙏🏻



Chews are popular, which makes sense considering chewing is a normal behavior for canines and felines. However, I only recommend certain types. Some examples of chews I recommend (making sure they’re an appropriate, safe size for your pet):
▫️ Raw meaty bones
▫️ Safely sourced, raw animal parts (neck, feet, ears, etc.)
▫️ Collagen chews
▫️ Lamb horns (made of keratin/hair)

Some things I don’t recommend:
❌ Rawhides
❌ Yak chews (too hard and splintered when we tried them)
❌ Antlers (too hard)
❌ Cooked bones (splinter)
❌ Smoked or flavored animal parts
❌ Animals parts from bad sourcing
❌ Plastic bones

Some key things I look for when selecting chews:
☑️ Safe sizing
☑️ Good sourcing
☑️ Digestible
☑️ Healthy nutrition profile

I have a whole collection of treats and chews I trust here:


“Do not feed your dog people food” This is a HUGE fallacy! If YOU eat healthy, most of what you eat can be given to your dog! The list of *don’ts* is small. The *do’s* are simple! Supplement your kibble daily!


Fu***ng STOP buying Shock collars for your dog without proper training! This highly beneficial tool is being banned over the pond for its’ incorrect AND overuse. Hire a goddamned *reputable* trainer!


Mamma knows best! 🤷🏼‍♂️

A long but worthy read…❤️🐶🐶

A long but worthy read…


Love is ... love your dog enough to become knowledgeable about what is in the food that you are feeding them. Feed them food that contains actual absorbable nutrition and helps to support a thriving gut microbiome.

Food As Medicine Or As A Toxin?
By Margit Maxwell

Regardless of the massive amount of new findings showing that we are only as healthy as the food we eat, there are still some dog owners who are just not making the connection between feeding poor quality food and the chronic and sometimes fatal illnesses in their dogs.

I hear comments like, "I have been feeding the same [cheap quality grocery store brand] for 10 years and my dogs have never had a problem before. I see no need to change their food now.”

Are you sure that the dogs are as healthy as it is believed or is it just the owners and the Vets have never really connected the dots to food as the cause of all of those little chronic problems like constant ear infections and digestive issues? Many chronic ailments found in dogs these days are directly attributable to the lack of nutrition from their food and from the introduction of harmful chemical compounds into their bodies at every feeding.

If your dog displays chronic cycles of the following conditions, you may well be dealing with the ongoing effects of feeding poor quality food to your dog:

Constant infections and flare ups of the GI tract, ears or skin,
Constant digestive issues attributed to allergies,
Failure to thrive problems,
Problems with major organs not functioning (heart, kidneys, liver, thyroid etc.),
Constant cycle of breed specific health issues,
And early onset of organ failure and cancers.

The body cycles through a daily list of body processes like cell regeneration, digestion, and supplying nutrition to all parts of the body. If there is insufficient or poor daily nutrition, body process go unmet and over time the lack of sufficient nutrition results in chronic physical illness that may eventually result in the development of major illnesses like cancers.

Fresh Whole Food Diet Is Best

The balanced Raw Food Diet is best for delivering unadulterated good nutrition to dogs. But what happens if for some reason, like the unavailablity of raw food, someone just cannot feed a raw diet to their dog? Yes, I know that there are a lot of ways that you could make a raw diet work but for some people the reality is clear, they are just not going to feed raw. So what can we do to help those people who choose to feed a (k)ibble diet? At the very least, we can make sure that they know what ingredients to look for in a nutritious (k)ibble diet.

But please remember, feeding the same narrow scope of nutrition to your dog for every meal will create nutrition that is both under represented AND over represented within the diet. Too much or too little of daily macro and micro nutrients will eventually create health problems for your dog.

The First 5 Ingredients On The Dog Food Label

Here is a short but important list of ingredients that you can check for on a dog food label. Your first 5 ingredients should address the kind of protein that your dog will be getting, whether the food contains grains, and how much starch is in the food. The less quality in the protein, the more grains contained in the food, and the more starch is contained in the food, the less nutrition from meat protein it will deliver to your dog.

Ingredients to watch for when choosing (k)ibble:

Protein From Real Meat

1. Meat should be the first item on the ingredient list. If the first thing listed on the label is a grain then nutrition will suffer. A dog requires protein from meat sources to remain healthy rather than from plant protein. The source and quality of the protein in the food is important for your dog's health. Food is like medicine to the body.

Look for quality whole fresh meat sources to be at the very top of the ingredient list ( eg: beef, turkey, lamb or chicken). This protein should be a one-word description, not an animal by-product or a mystery meat combo. You would be appalled to know what kind of meat proteins end up in being allowed yo be used as "meat by-product".

Dog food manufacturers are, by AAVCO standards, allowed to use diseased animals that were rejected from human food consumption chain to be ground up and used in the manufacturing of dog food. As well, other non-nutritional food items such as feathers, beaks, and animal hair also qualify as animal by-product.

2. The next ingredient of better quality food will probably contain a meat source followed by the word “meal.” Meat meal (with the meat source identified as a specific animal) is considered to be a relatively high-quality protein source by processed pet food standards.

Carbs and Starches

3. Dogs do not have a high carbohydrate requirement unless they are working or racing dogs. Even then if carbs from grains (wheat, corn, soy, white rice) and from starches (potato, peas, and beet pulp etc.) are abundant and very near to the top of the ingredient list then you know that your dog is going to be getting too much carbohydrate in his diet.

This also means that less nutritious carbohydrate is replacing more nutrient dense meat protein. An over-abundance of carbohydrate also plays host to problems with dogs becoming easily overweight and having an overly acid body chemistry causing a yeast over growth. It can also help create large amounts of tartar to adhere to your dog’s teeth.

Ingredient Splitting To Deceive The Consumer

You should also be aware of a common labeling practice known as “ingredient splitting”. Splitting occurs when different components of the same ingredient are listed separately for the sole purpose of disguising how much of an ingredient actually appears in the food.

As an example: listing the ingredients in their whole form on an ingredient label might show ingredients to appear like this: Corn 30%, Rice 20% and Chicken meal 18%. But by using ingredient splitting they can alter the perception of the food content by listing the ingredients thusly: Chicken Meal 18%, Corn Meal 15%, Corn Flour 15%, Rice Gluten 10%, Rice Bran 10%. Suddenly this food now shows chicken as the primary ingredient and it does not really accurately portray that this food actually contains 50% grains and contains only 18% chicken meal.


Grains are added to dog kibble primarily because they are abundant and a less expensive ingredient than meat. They are also the "glue" that holds the extruded (k)ibble shape together. Their appearance in a food has very little to do with delivering nutrition to your dog. Many "grain free" foods these days might be wheat, corn, or soy free, but they use a lot of starch from potatoes, rice, or legumes, to hold the (k)ibble together making these foods still too high in starch.

Avoid corn, wheat, soy or beep pulp and also avoid formulas with “grain fragments” as these are empty fillers ingredients that hold no nutritional value for your dog. Corn is a cheap filler and most often comes from GMO'd crops. It contains no nutrition for your dog and it is also known to be common allergen that causes many medical issues in dogs. Soy is estrogenic and it wreaks havoc on your dog's endocrine system creating hormonal imbalances and thyroid issues and its related illnesses.

Many grain crops are genetically altered to be able to withstand the applications of herbicides like (g)lyphosate. This herbicide remains in the grain crop and even the high heat processing used in the manufacturing of the extruded (k)ibble does negate its effect. Once in the body, (g)lyphosate will continue to break down human cell walls creating the foundation for many modern day chronic illnesses seen in middle aged dogs.

Organic grains, like brown rice, are preferable to use where grains have been included in the food but remember rice, even organic rice, is not a good substitute for high quality meat. So if rice appears high on the ingredient list it tells you that the food contains primarily starch rather than protein.

4. Ingredients three and four should be vegetables from whole sources. Look for whole vegetable sources rather than processed vegetable parts. Whole fruit sources as a PORTION of the ingredients found in the third and fourth position are fine especially if they replace grains but look for the source of the fruit.

Fruit and vegetable renderings like tomato pomace and barley millings do not have the nutrition of whole food sources. These are placed there as cheap source of filler and to give the illusion of healthy ingredients. Too much fruit is also not good because it will deliver too much sugar and this is something that your dog does not need.

5. If you see that a dog food contains artificial colors, extra flavor enhancers, sweeteners, or preservatives this is a sure sign of a poor quality unhealthy food.

If you see ingredient names like BHT, BHA, ethoxyquin, and propyl gallate, you can be sure that artificial preservatives are present in the food. Instead of artificially preserved foods look for foods that are preserved using vitamins E and C ( tocopherols).

Ingredients Appearing By Initial Weight (before the cooking process)

It is also important to note that on food labels, ingredients are also listed by weight. It is because meat contains water and is heavy that it is natural for it to be listed first on the ingredient list. But when the water is removed from meat, as is the practice when (k)ibble is produced, the meat is now reduced in weight by nearly 80 percent. This means that the bulk nutrition of a food is probably coming from ingredients two, three and four and yet the meat could still appear as the first ingredient because the manufacturer deceptively added the descriptor words (weight before cooking).

Even though they admit to using before cooking weights, people see the meat in the first position on the label giving the false impression that the food in the bag primarily contains protein when that is clearly not the case.

Become Your Dog’s Health Advocate

As you can see with all the deceptive practices and false and misleading advertising used by food manufacturers today, you cannot rely on advertisements and food packaging to give you an accurate estimate of the quality of the food contained in a dog food bag. You must not only become an avid food label reader but you must also become savvy at understanding the information that is being conveyed by the food label.

Learn how to read between the lines of the ingredient list. Educate yourself about the deceptive ways manufacturers try to hide poor quality ingredients in their food. Learn to recognize when a dog food is created around hype, myth, and misdirection.

A good quality dog food should come with an easy to read and easy to understand packaging label. You should be able to easily recognize an ingredient as those that come from whole source natural foods. Unrecognizable chemicals and processing terms means that this food is filled with over processed foods that lack any kind of nutritional quality. Good food manufacturers have nothing to hide and as a result, their food labels are clear and easy to understand.

The best way to deal with chronic health conditions in dogs is to prevent them from happening in the first place. Don’t just feed your dog in a way that only addresses his hunger. Feed your dog in a way that uses food as the “medicine” that brings him great health and vitality.

Don’t forget, we are all only as healthy as the food we put into our bodies. It is no different for our dogs. Your dog does not get a choice about what he eats so make sure that you are his health advocate. Choose to provide your dog with a healthy and nutrition filled diet.

Love your dog enough to make sure that you supporting his nutritional needs so that he he can share a long, happy, and healthy life with you.



 ! All rescues take note! 🙏🏻

! All rescues take note! 🙏🏻

Joint disorders are of particular interest when it comes to juvenile spay/neuters because it removes important s*x hormones that play key roles in body processes such as closure of bone growth plates.

In one study,, the occurrence of at least one joint disorder in neutered males was three times that of intact males.

Seven percent of intact males were diagnosed with one or more joint disorders, compared to 21 percent of males neutered prior to a year of age.

The main joint disorders studied are hip dysplasia (HD), cranial cruciate ligament tears (CCL) and elbow dysplasia (ED).

Cranial cruciate ligament (CCL) surgery is the most common orthopedic surgery performed in dogs and is said to make up 85% of all dog orthopedic surgeries performed every year.

In another study,, there were no cases of cranial cruciate ligament tears diagnosed in intact males or females, but in early-neutered males and females the occurrences were 5 percent and 8 percent, respectively.

Across several breeds, a study of CCL found that neutered males and females were two to three times more likely than intact dogs to have this disorder.

Neutering has also been shown to be associated with a threefold increase in excessive tibial plateau angle, a known risk factor for CCL.

Hip dysplasia (HD) – In this study,, of early-neutered males, 10 percent were diagnosed with HD, double the occurrence in intact males.

Elbow dysplasia (ED)–In this study,, the occurrence of ED in intact males was about 1.75%, which increased to 4.4% and 5.3%, respectively, with neuter ages less than 6 months and 6–11 months.

The blanket recommendations of the past that every puppy get “fixed” by 6 months is outdated and irresponsible, in my opinion. Each dog and each individual situation deserves consideration of the possible health outcomes on each side of the spay-neuter decision.

Check out my blog to learn more about how early spay/neuter can negatively affect your dog's health




The #1 goal in dog training should be to get your dog to listen to you during high states of arousel.

This is accomplished through Play. Yup, I said it- PLAY!

*Proper Play* can transfer over to real world situations where your dog and you continually struggle. Chasing squirrels, seeing other dogs & people, reactivity towards environmentals outside of the home.

What does *proper play* teach?

With all training comes a set of rules and guidelines to set and you must know what signals to watch for when adding to your play games with your pup!

Need help? Feel free to contact us to set up a consultation and we can go from there.

Happy Training!




🎤💧🔥🔥Ivan BalabanovRobert Cabral


Ivan Balabanov
Robert Cabral

It’s called Institutional Capture. Which is a fancy name for when corrupt ideologically driven entities invade and overtake established, esteemed, and highly credible institutions and organizations, and turn them into mouth pieces and enforcement arms for the ideology—using the perceived credibility of the institution or organization to give the ideology…credibility and power.

And if you think this is a dog training-centric issue, you haven’t been paying attention.

You’ll find Institutional Capture in politics, corporations, big tech, education, media, the arts and many other important domains.

In fact, it’s happening just about anywhere you dare to look closely enough. Even the military and police are having a go.

But back to Zak, and the countless others like him. Why is he so confident, cocky, brazen, and condescending? Because he has all the institutions and organizations backing him. If you’ve got a laundry list of what many perceive to be the top shelf of “science-based”, unbiased, and well-intentioned dog training/dog welfare institutions and organizations backing your every word, you’d be cocky too.

The problem is, what he, and the captured institutions are spouting are obvious lies. They toy with reality and present the latest highly questionable “science” as unquestionable fact. But if you don’t know this, you presume you’re hearing something credible and sound. Which is precisely the goal.

Which is why he can cockily debate and question people like Ivan Balabanov and Robert Cabral (if he controls the narrative and the platforms used to insulate himself and his disastrous ideas from real time scrutiny). Because he simply retreats to the safety that’s provided by the most popular dog training/dog welfare institutions/organizations. He’s well aware of the institutional capture, the cover they’ll provide, and the perception of these institutions/organizations as credible sources to the mainstream (unaware) population, and he’s leveraging it for all it’s worth.

If you had all these institutions and organizations behind you, and being in bed with them provided you status, money, and unearned virtue, you too might be tempted.

So when your head starts spinning because you know there’s something rotten in the state of Denmark—meaning reality and observable results are no longer valued—you now can have a clearer understanding of the game(s) being played.

While I applaud Ivan and Robert for their attempts to sensibly address and unravel and expose this parasitic ideology which has consumed much of the training world, and caused so much damage, I fear that if they go toe to toe science-wise, they will simply hit the wall of the Institutional Captured forces that Zak will inevitably hide behind and leverage…and sneer down from in his highly crafted “passive aggressive passing for kind and contemplative and unbiased” thinking and rebuttal. And I’m not entirely confident they can win with this approach—because the non-reality deck is stacked so tremendously against them.

When you’ve got the powers of the world on your side, it’s easy to be cocky. Could Ivan and Robert expose Zak if they were able to engage in a reality-based exploration of skills and abilities? No doubt. But we all know that Zak will never let that happen. He’s too busy being the darling mouthpiece of the corrupt and insane force-free movement, and garnering all the benefits which go along with that choice.

If we’re going to win to win this, it’s critical to know your true enemy, where and how they’re fighting, and what their true goals are.

As for why Institutional Capture is occurring so widely and perniciously in so many domains, that’s a topic for another day. Just know, when insanity seems to be the accepted reality, some f*%ckery is a definitely afoot. And Zak is dancing happily to what is most certainly a temporary moment/movement in the culture—he just doesn’t realize it will come for him, like reality and the exposing of lies always do.


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“Cutter-James the 1st”... ... My Inspiration!

This coming February, 2018 will be Cutters perceived 4th birthday! I am honored to celebrate his special day with him. Honored, because, you see, the past two years have not been all “rainbows and butterflies”, far from it...

How it all began...

Cutter found me on that cold Saturday afternoon February 2016. He didn’t have his photo on his shelters website, but his stature drew me to the bulletin board fopr a “look-see”.

His block head, his chiseled chest and distinct hairline, his floppy ears (shhh.. one larger than the other but please don’t mention this to him), his liver markings, his white fur, his soft mascara lined, bronze-colored, deep loving hazel eyes...