We are absolute suckers for a good stocking stuffer - here are our top 5, which are guaranteed to please both your chooks and hen-loving friends!
Anything you'd add?
Browse and find a stockist here: https://www.nettexpoultry.com/products/
Clare Taylor, better known as The Chicken Whisperer, gives us the rundown on keeping chicken equipment and eggs clean and chooks healthy with Nettex Poultry Sanitiser and Egg Wash Solution.
'Tis the season!
Have you checked your chooks and coops?
While making your run compliant with the requirements for Avian Influenza lockdowns, don't forget to make sure that there is plenty of ventilation too, so airflow at the top and bottom of the rain covers so that they don’t overheat and the condensation and ammonia fumes are carried away.
The run will need to be as dry as possible over this period to minimise any build-up of bacteria and parasite eggs in the run bedding.
Make sure that your coop and run are in good repair before the cold weather starts and check that the housing has adequate ventilation above head height to prevent a build-up of condensation inside.
Share a picture of your exemplary coop in the comments!
Nettex Poultry Fireworks amended
#BonfireNight Most hens will sleep happily through bonfire night fireworks, but some very close bangers may startle them. Perhaps shut them in to roost a bit earlier than usual, but resist the urge to check up on them unless you hear anything untoward.
Find a stockist, here: https://buff.ly/3lgqf2K
Hygiene Heroes video
As the days get shorter, we can all find our hygiene routine slipping. But it's so important for our chooks' health. Make sure you keep our three hygiene heroes to hand: DEFRA-approveved Nettex Virocur Disinfectant, Nettex Poultry Sanitiser and Egg Wash, and Nettex Ground and Bedding Sanitiser Powder. They'll help you keep your coop, run and equipment spanking clean, and your chooks happy and healthy.
Find a stockist here: https://buff.ly/3lgqf2K
Health Check4.2
When was the last time you gave your birds a proper health check? The more you handle your birds the better you will be at noticing changes in their general wellbeing. Combine your health check with a check for pesky pests and you'll be right on top of things. Our Chicken Whisperer takes you through the process step by step in her Eggspert video. Find Eggspert videos on pesky pests, worming and more below.
Stay alert for Scaly Leg Mites. These pesky pests burrow under the leg scales and cause our chooks a lot of irritation. To ease the symptoms, they often peck their legs which results in painful sores.The good news is that Scaly Leg Mites can be managed in two simple steps using Nettex Scaly Leg Spray. Find out how, here: https://www.nettexpoultry.com/news/pesky-pests-in-poultry/
Summer Lovin' 21 Reasons to monitor_1
There are four main reasons why your flock will benefit from supplements over the summer.
1. They're recovering from a pesky pests infestation
2. They're suffering from heat stress
3. Your hens are laying
4. You've acquired new birds.
Show your flock some extra lovin’ with 10% OFF Nettex Poultry Seaweed, Vit Boost Tonic and Egg and Shell Support Powder, designed to support your chicken’s health and productivity during periods of stress. Offer ends 31st August 2022.
Find a stockist here: https://buff.ly/3lgqf2K
Nettex Poultry June 22 Total Hygiene Powder
Pesky Pests such as lice and mites can live not only on your chickens and the housing but also in the dustbath too. Dustbaths in your covered run encourage social behaviour, but remember to sprinkle Nettex Total Hygiene Powder in the dustbath as this helps to create an uninhabitable environment for lice and mites.
Find a stockist here: https://buff.ly/3lgqf2K
Nettex Poultry June22 Struggling to check your chooks
#BugBustingDay It's a good idea to check your birds regularly for pesky pests. If your chickens are a bit funny about being handled, then wait until they’ve gone in to roost. Give them an hour to settle and then head out there with your headlight torch on and take them out while they’re all drowsy and compliant. Find out more about how to tackle and deter pesky pests including mites and lice, here: https://buff.ly/3jqxVRF
We are hearing reports that there is still a reservoir of avian flu strain H5N1 in some areas of the UK. To be clear, there is currently no call for a flockdown. But, we poultry-keepers should be prepared in case it resurfaces. Now is a good time to make sure you have a bio-secure run that is more than big enough to contain all your birds for a few months. Also, it may be wise to think twice before hatching or adding to your flock. Check out our top tips to keep your birds safe: https://bit.ly/3mxy47s
We'e got everything you need for happy, healthy chickens
Whether you're a new chick on the block or a seasoned poultry keeper, Nettex has everything you need for happy, healthy chickens. What's more,, whenever you buy Nettex products you're supporting our friends at the British Hen Welfare Trust.
Find a stockist: https://buff.ly/3ubaQc3