A letter from Mom:
Thank you all so much for your kind words and condolences in regards to the passing of Lucy. It's true that the love you put out into this world comes back to you because I felt it in all of your messages. Please don't be sad for me. I want you to be happy for me because I feel like I am one of the lucky ones to have had something that hurt so bad to lose. I can take a bullet to the heart and keep going because I still have so much love to give and giving brings me more joy than receiving.
Everyone who knows me knows how much I love dogs. Dogs are amazing creatures. Pure unconditional love. In fact that is probably why most people love dogs because the love they give feels so good. Don't get me wrong I love that too but the thing about dogs I love the most is watching them chase the things that make them happy. They live life to the fullest. It brings me the utmost joy to do what I can to bring that joy to them. To love them and bring them the happiness they deserve. It is hard to say goodbye to someone you love but if you love someone you always want them to be happy even if its not with you. Thats what helps me let go of her. I know she is happy now running free and back to chasing her happy and that makes my heart smile. She loved to run and she ran like the wind. It was a beautiful thing to watch and that is how I will always remember her.❤️ We should live like Lucy and chase the things that make us happy. 🥰
Love always
Sarah (Lucy and Emily's forever mom)