growth growth growthhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh and boom.
liz is having a great week.
#lizmaggedon #GeneralElectionNow #torychaos
For whom the bell tolls.
I'm sorry but I simply can't vote for a man that sings chop suey this baddly.
Mean while in Scotland a gentleman was spotted taking his FIRE for a nice afternoon walk....
And now a word from our new Prime Minister. Liz.
AND now the weather report with me.
Minumn effort was put into this due to waking up feeling very covidy. but will carry on being creative regardless of how sh*t im feeling today.
plus todays a day to celebrate.
The Squad House 3rd floor, Pear Mill Stockport Road West SK6 2BP Stockport, UK
Spamalot tickets available now! see:
A youth theatre company based in Stockport but open to Greater Manchester for membership for all aged
coming soon to channel 5!!
we've put Rishi Sunak in a house and given him a budget of ten thousand pounds a day.
Can he survive?
lets play MEAL or No MEAL.
This Is Stockport Historia, a complete recreation of Stockport town centre as it was in 1900, it includes the train station, the old fire station, the hat works, the viaduct, underbank and Stockports Historical market, ive also added trams, birds, and actuall people. Some walk around, most just stand there. Theres weather too, soft rain with a orange crisp sun setting over the roof tops. Its been a long road to get to this point where I’ve been confident enough to actually show it off, but I’m very very pleased with the results.
Stockport Historia will be a history tour through 1900s, the medevial era and a section during the Blittz. It is a passion project that I want to share with everyone.
So here it is, the work so far.
ALSO. If you want to support this project you can via our paypal, but in these utterly sh*te hard times where everyone is against high energy prices and the cost of living crisis I can understand if you don’t. We’re all in this together, there have been times I’ve ran out of gas, electric and even food believe it or not, but regardless, I’ve soldier on, and will continue to do so.