OBEDIENCE DOG TRAINING starting 5th,6th & 7th September 2023 at Ta' Qali.
Practical, Fun and Effective Dog Training that Really Works.
Training your puppy or dog should not be stressful or particularly difficult, but it will make a real difference and set the tone for a lifetime of enjoyable and relaxed companionship.
Call or send a msg on +356 77456675 for more details.
Group obedience class information
The duration of the programme is of 12 weeks, one hour per week. The cost for each set of 12 one hour sessions is of Eur 200
Programme Structure:
Lesson no 1: Introduction to food drive and eye contact
Lesson no 2: Introduction to body language and food rewards
Lesson no 3: Walking on lead, right and left turns, about turns
Lesson no 4: Walking on lead right, left turns, introduction to Sit commands
Lesson no 5: Walking on lead, right left turns, introduction to Sit and Down commands
Lesson no 6: Practice Sit, Down, introduction Stay commands
Lesson no 7: Practice Sit, Down, Stay, introduction to recall commands
Lesson no 8: Practice Sit, Down, Stay, recall, commands
Lesson no 9: Practice Heel, Sit, Down, Stay, recall, commands with destructions
Lesson no 10: Covering all basic techniques, one to one assessment Heel, Sit, Down, Stay, recall, commands with destructions
Lesson no 11: Social walking- Ensuring reliability outside the training facility at the strand Sliema
Lesson no 12: Course conclusions - one to one to improve other types of behaviour like social manners. We'll address jumping up, barking, biting, and stealing inappropriate items and any other behaviour causing problems