The Delaware breed was developed in America during the 1940's. The goal was to create a faster growing and more attractive meat bird. Delawares were created by crossing male Barred Plymouth Rocks with female New Hampshires, and then carefully selecting the next generations for the proper feather color and body type. Delawares were a popular meat bird until the development of the Cornish Cross. We
are working with a recreated line of Delawares, originally bred by Kathy Bonham. The Oregon Delaware line began with a recreated line of Delawares, originally bred by Kathy Bonham. Rosanna Caswell had the fortune of purchasing fourth generation chicks directly from Kathy back in 2013. After growing them out, she sold a trio to Leslie Joyce. In 2014 after our first season of breeding these lovely birds, Leslie donated a trio to the Pacific Northwest Poultry Association Youth event and Caryn Ackerman's daughter, Logan, won the raffle! Thus, the team inadvertently began with our small group dedicated to the preservation and improvement of this wonderful Delaware breed. As a team, we rolled up our sleeves and went to work with the help and mentoring of Master Breeder and Poultry Expert Robert Anderson, APA Judge. Robert has been a staunch supporter and key to our success so far. Many thanks to Leslie for making initial contact and bringing him on board! NPIP certification became part of the plan and all of us at our different farms were approved in 2015. This was the responsible thing to do and makes for ease of showing, and legality for shipping eggs/chicks. In 2017 after four years of further development of this line we are proud to offer hatching eggs and shipped chicks. Already, we can say that these are the best Delawares in existence, that we are aware of. Oregon Delawares have even higher hopes for this 8th generation. We are excited to offer and share this wonderful, useful breed. Estimated timing for the first shipments will be sometime in March, always we are dependent on the birds! Please keep in mind that we are small, local breeders, not a large hatchery and will do everything in our power to meet demand. Please check back frequently for updates and thank you for your interest in Oregon Delawares. Hatching eggs: $100/breeders dozen, shipping will depend on number of eggs and zip code. 1 dozen minimum for shipping, $10/egg for less than a dozen local pick-up. Chicks: $20/chick, 25 chick minimum for warmth during travel. Shipping is $60 which includes the box and gro-gel. Larger orders may require an additional shipping charge. Local pick up available, with no minimum order on chicks.