Birthday: June 28, 2024
Highlights: Affectionate, Playful and Smart
Likes: Wand toys, the highest spot on the cat tree and tube treats
Dislikes: Dogs
Hi there, my name is Peppermint, and I do think it suits me … I’m sweet with just enough spice to keep things fun!
Like most kittens, I love to play and nap and eat, but most of all, I like to make new friends! But one time, it got me into some big trouble.
I was happily going about my kitten business when I met a big beast of the canine sort. I thought we might be friends, but that dog did not see me as a friend. It saw me as a chew toy or perhaps worse … lunch! I realized too late, and now I had painful wounds in my side and chest to show for it. That day, I learned the hard way that not everyone wants to be my friend.
As my wounds got more and more painful and infected, I realized I needed to find some real friends and fast if I was going to make it. Thankfully, Furever Friends found me, and I knew right away that they would be my friends… its right in their name!! They brought me to the vet where friendly people cleaned me up and gave me medicine. Those people also I had to wear a funny plastic cone on my head for a while, but I was warm, cozy and fed so I couldn’t complain. The best part is I finally have lots of friends! Feline friends, human friends, friends that do not think I’m a chew toy! I’m still working on the canine friends… I have some trust issues there.
I have all these friends but what I really need now is a family! Do you think I could be your friend? Or maybe even your family?
To adopt Peppermint visit our website www.fureverfriendsaltona.com