Carolina Basset Hound Rescue

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Carolina Basset Hound Rescue CBHR's mission is to rescue, rehabilitate and rehome unwanted basset hounds - NC & SC only.

It is with heavy hearts that we share the sudden passing of Dudley, a beloved CBHR alumnus and current foster hound. Alt...

It is with heavy hearts that we share the sudden passing of Dudley, a beloved CBHR alumnus and current foster hound. Although Dudley's time with us was too short, he lived a wonderful life since joining CBHR. Treasured by his previous owner and adored by his foster family, this spunky, belly rub lovin' guy left paw prints on all our hearts.

Our deepest condolences to Joe, Dudley's previous owner, who provided nearly 7 years of care, patience, and unconditional love. We also extend our sympathies to Dudley's foster parents, Larry and Mary, who welcomed him into their home and helped prepare him for his forever family. To Dudley's future adoptive parents, Lori & DJ, thank you for opening your hearts to Dudley.

Rest in the sweetest peace, our lovely Dudley. You will be dearly missed. 🌈❤️

It’s World Emoji Day! Which emoji best represents your hound? 😴

It’s World Emoji Day! Which emoji best represents your hound? 😴

This pupper is pooped! Searching for your furever family is hard work! 🥱Learn more about what Hal's pawfect family looks...

This pupper is pooped! Searching for your furever family is hard work! 🥱

Learn more about what Hal's pawfect family looks like by clicking the link below!

Hi furiends, howl you doin'? Remy here, just checking in since I lost my best bud, Alex, last month. I'm doing okay with...

Hi furiends, howl you doin'? Remy here, just checking in since I lost my best bud, Alex, last month. I'm doing okay without my pal, still searching for my furever home while I'm getting some medical issues sorted out. So if you have a spot in your home for a sweet ol' gent like me, have your people call my people.

Click the link below to learn more about our lovely Remy! 💕

We are still fig-hting for Fig! 💜Since last week, Fig has shown a remarkable recovery and is fighting and improving each...

We are still fig-hting for Fig! 💜
Since last week, Fig has shown a remarkable recovery and is fighting and improving each day!
Although Fig is on the mend, we now have high medical expenses due to his extended hospital stay that involved life-saving care. Your contribution will make a lasting difference, ensuring Fig and many others like him receive the continued care and attention needed for a bright and healthy future.
Click the link below to donate and have a hand in providing the love and care that these hounds deserve.

Thank you to all of those who have donated and shared our post. Your contributions and voices have helped us save this hound's life.🐾

FUNDRAISER ALERT! 📢Meet Fig, a 1.5-year-old hound who joined CBHR from a local shelter just a few weeks ago. Fig arrived...

Meet Fig, a 1.5-year-old hound who joined CBHR from a local shelter just a few weeks ago. Fig arrived needing urgent medical attention as he was struggling to breathe and refusing to eat. Since then, he's endured multiple overnight vet visits where he received additional oxygen supply and various treatments to combat this intense bout of pneumonia. Despite his ordeal, Fig remained a gentle soul who craved nothing more than cuddles and comfort. We're dedicated to giving Fig the care he deserves, but we can't do it alone. With your support, we aim to cover his extensive medical expenses that were necessary to save his life. Please join us in ensuring Fig continues to receive the treatment he needs to recover and thrive. Together, we can make a world of difference in Fig's life.
Click the link below to donate and help us fig-ht for Fig - every contribution counts! Whether you can donate or simply share this post, your support means the world to us and our brave Fig.

Did you know you can perform CPR on your hound in an emergency? It's a crucial skill every pet owner should know! Check ...

Did you know you can perform CPR on your hound in an emergency? It's a crucial skill every pet owner should know! Check out the link to explore the comprehensive guide from American Red Cross on dog CPR techniques and be prepared to act when it counts. Share this post to spread awareness among other pet owners. ❤


Considering becoming a foster parent? We asked our volunteers to share their experiences fostering with CBHR, and boy di...

Considering becoming a foster parent? We asked our volunteers to share their experiences fostering with CBHR, and boy did they not disappoint. Grab a tissue and join us as we share the heartfelt experiences from our incredible foster parents.
Ready to lend a paw and join the CBHR family? Click the link below to apply!

Introducing the King of Sploots (aka Dudley)! 👑Dudley is a CBHR Alumnus who was adopted as a young lad back in 2018 by a...

Introducing the King of Sploots (aka Dudley)! 👑

Dudley is a CBHR Alumnus who was adopted as a young lad back in 2018 by a US Veteran. "Dudster" spent over 5 years with his loving owner but recently made his way back to CBHR in hopes of finding a family who could provide the life his owner believes he deserves. This now mature king is back at 9 years young, ready to find his furever family once again!

Dudley's perfect place would be a home filled with lots of love: canine siblings to hang with, pawrents who are home often, and time to play with toys! This goofy guy is coming out of shell and has been making his presence known. In keeping with typical basset fashion, he likes the sound of his own bark. (I mean, who doesn't?)

Think this hound is perfect for your home? Check out his profile in the link below to learn more!
We'd like to thank Dudley's previous owner for his service and for providing a loving home to this hound for many years. ❤

It is with profound sadness that we share the news of the sudden passing of Harvey, a CBHR hound who was finally ready t...

It is with profound sadness that we share the news of the sudden passing of Harvey, a CBHR hound who was finally ready to call his foster parents his furever family.

Harvey, previously known as Harvest, came to CBHR in September 2022 and was welcomed into the Jamison's home immediately. Carole & Richard agreed to tend to Harvey's extensive medical needs while he was in their foster care, but quickly fell in love with this easy-going guy. After almost two years of receiving the medical attention that he deserved, this hound was finally ready to officially join the Jamison family when he bid farewell to all those who loved him.

Although Harvey was taken from us too soon, he will always be remembered as a loving hound with unwavering resilience. We extend our deepest condolences and gratitude to our incredible foster parents, Carole and Richard. Your selflessness and unconditional love truly transformed this dog's life.

You will certainly be missed by all who had the pleasure of meeting you, Harvey. Rest in peace, sweet boy. ❤

What’s that saying? When life gives you lemons, adopt a Basset Hound? Yeah that sounds right.I’m Hal, a handsome 3-year-...

What’s that saying? When life gives you lemons, adopt a Basset Hound? Yeah that sounds right.

I’m Hal, a handsome 3-year-old lemon, but I’m anything but sour! Give me all the attention and snuggles, and I’ll be the happiest hound. You could say I have a serious zest for life - I'm always down for some long walks and playtime with my favorite squeaky toys.

I would thrive in a single-dog home with no children so I can continue my training with a seasoned pawrent who has experience with positive reinforcement training. Patience and lots of love would be appreciated - I've been workin' real hard with my trainer and foster family!

Sound like you’re the pawfect family for me? Well what are you waiting for? Squeeze the day and click the link below to learn more about me!

Hello furiends, we just wanted to take a moment to thank each and every one of you for helping us to find these sweet si...

Hello furiends, we just wanted to take a moment to thank each and every one of you for helping us to find these sweet sisters a foster home on short notice last month. Lulu and Rosie came to CBHR after they needed to vacate their loving home as their dad was undergoing medical treatment. Because of your likes, comments, and numerous shares of our post, we able to find a wonderful foster home for these ladies and (drumroll please) 🥁...
They are adopting them! Although nervous and wary at first, these girls are now attached to their pawrents, and the feeling is mutual. Lulu and Rosie were thriving - and the daily coffee shop trips with dad just sealed the deal!😋

ADOPTION PUPDATE!🐾Anne, now Annie (aka Annie F***y) has made herself right at home with her new furever family! This que...


Anne, now Annie (aka Annie F***y) has made herself right at home with her new furever family! This queen of cuddles settled in quite quickly and is getting along well with her new sister/CBHR Alumna Sadie Mae. When Annie isn't on someone's lap, you can probably find her curled up under her dad's desk keeping him company! 💜

Today we share the unfortunate passing of our beloved friend, Winston. Winston came to CBHR with his pal Edwin in Januar...

Today we share the unfortunate passing of our beloved friend, Winston. Winston came to CBHR with his pal Edwin in January of 2023. During his time with CBHR, he endured extensive medical treatment, but found true happiness in his foster/furever home with a family who loved him dearly. Winston fought bravely and brought joy to all those who had the pleasure of meeting him - a true hero.

Rest in peace, sweet boy. ❤🌈

It is with profound sadness that we share the loss of Alex, a sweet senior basset who was on his search for his furever ...

It is with profound sadness that we share the loss of Alex, a sweet senior basset who was on his search for his furever home with CBHR. Alex had to say goodbye to his brother Remy and his foster mom, who loved and cared for him dearly. We'd like to express our deepest condolences and heartfelt gratitude to Ruth, whose unwavering love and support made a world of a difference in this hound's life.

Rest in peace, our sweet Alex❤🌈

Adoption pupdate and back my pupular demand...You may remember this ol' gent and his incredible success story. Rudy and ...

Adoption pupdate and back my pupular demand...

You may remember this ol' gent and his incredible success story. Rudy and his pal Molly came to CBHR in January and did a complete 180 in the time that they spent with their foster family. Nicknamed "Bob Barker" by his foster pawrents, Rudy transformed into a boisterous, sweet hound who demanded ear rubs 24/7... or else.

But before he was available for adoption, Rudy had some underlying medical issues that needed tending to. His inability to gain weight and severe dental issues required numerous vet visits in order to determine the underlying issues and create a treatment plan.

Enter Cheryl & Jim. These two incredible horse-saving heroes were interested in this handsome senior hound at first sight. They supported Rudy's foster pawrents during his emotional health journey, and when the time came, they welcomed Rudy into their home with open arms as his forever foster parents.

Fast forward to today and Rudy is absolutely loving the farm life with his new brothers, Jake and Cody. He's warming up to those big dogs with the long snoots in the barn, and he has taken a special interest in his feline brother, Spud. After a long walk in the woods with his family, he enjoys lounging in "his" chair and admiring the beautiful landscapes.

Rudy is a testament to the power of second chances. His story highlights the impacts of selflessness and dedication to improving an animal's life, regardless of their age. Because of our wonderful CBHR medical manager and two incredible forever foster parents, Rudy is now living out the rest of his days in pure bliss.

It is with deep sadness that we share the passing of Husker, a beloved CBHR Alumnus. A word from Haley, Husker's furever...

It is with deep sadness that we share the passing of Husker, a beloved CBHR Alumnus. A word from Haley, Husker's furever family who spent nearly 7 wonderful years loving this hound:
"Having Husker was the greatest joy of my life; he was the absolute best dog and his loss has been absolutely devastating. The only consolation I have is knowing he was such a happy boy and lived a good life."

Rest in the sweetest peace, our handsome Husker. ❤🌈

ADOPTION PUPDATE!Molly came to CBHR this past January, frightened of what her future held. She left the comfort of her h...


Molly came to CBHR this past January, frightened of what her future held. She left the comfort of her home with her brother, Rudy, and (em)barked on a new journey. Molly thrived in her foster home within a week of being there. Her foster parents knew that whoever was lucky enough to adopt this spunky girl would love her immediately.

Fast forward 5 months and Molly is absolutely thriving with her furever family. She adores her pawrents and is enjoying the company of her new brother, Cooper. Molly's days now consist of long walks, suntanning, and lounging on her favorite recliner (that she stole from her dad). Another happy hound in the books! 📚🐾


When you can't find your bone, but your ear will do just fine...

Walter didn't have to look too far to find his furever home - his foster parents are adopting him! But there is plenty more bassitude to go around. Check out the link below to see all of our available hounds right now!

Today we celebrate the remarkable journeys of resilience and hope embodied by our hounds. From the moment they enter CBH...

Today we celebrate the remarkable journeys of resilience and hope embodied by our hounds. From the moment they enter CBHR's care to the day they find their furever homes, these long-eared heroes inspire us and teach us about compassion, loyalty, and the power of second chances. As we honor National Rescue Dog Day, we also recognize the tireless efforts of our dedicated team of officers, foster pawrents, adopters, and supporters who make every wagging tail and joyful howl possible. We're not just rescuing Basset Hounds - we're transforming lives. Happy National Rescue Dog Day from all of us at Carolina Basset Hound Rescue, where every awoo tells a story of love and redemption!❤🐾

Ready to start your rescue journey today? Take a peek at our available hounds by clicking the link below!

Bloat, formally known as Gastric Dilatation-Volvulus (GDV) complex, occurs when the stomach fills with air, preventing b...

Bloat, formally known as Gastric Dilatation-Volvulus (GDV) complex, occurs when the stomach fills with air, preventing blood flow from the hind legs and abdomen from returning to the heart. Additionally the stomach will flip and take the spleen and pancreas with it, cutting off blood circulation to these vital organs. GDV is responsible for killing 30% of the dogs it affects.

Signs of bloat can include salivating, retching, restlessness, an enlarged abdomen, and whining if the abdomen is touched. If you notice signs of bloat, seek medical attention immediately. Time is of the essence - without treatment, the dog’s heart rate will quicken and eventually lead to death, typically within an hour or two.

There are multiple, conflicting arguments as to why bloat happens, so it’s important to stay up to date on current studies and take the necessary precautions to avoid this from happening. Currently, it has been agreed upon that dogs with larger chests (i.e. Basset Hounds) are at a higher risk. Increased activity after mealtimes also increases the risk of bloat. This includes playing with other dogs, jumping on the couch/bed, and even long walks. Large meals and eating quickly are also key contributing factors to a dog experiencing bloat. To minimize the risk of experiencing bloat, we recommend feeding your hound multiple small meals a day using a slow feeder, followed by scheduled relaxation time.

GDV is a frightening disease, but with the proper knowledge, awareness, and treatment, we can continue to keep our hounds healthy, happy, and safe.

Disclosure Statement:
The information provided in this post is intended for general advice and informational purposes only. We are not certified veterinarians, and the content shared here should not be considered a substitute for professional veterinary advice, diagnosis, or treatment. For specific concerns regarding the health or well-being of your pet, we strongly recommend consulting a qualified veterinarian or animal healthcare professional.



We are still looking for a foster parent in NC or SC for these sweet girls, so please continue to share!🐾❤

Lulu and Rosie are a pair of 4-year-old bonded sisters currently located in Landrum, SC. This sweet duo had to leave their loving home as their father is undergoing cancer treatment and he must be in a germ-free environment. If you're able to open your hearts and home to these lovely ladies right now, please contact our application coordinator, Cindi Carter at [email protected].

Lulu & Rosie
Age: 4 yrs
Gender: Females, spayed
Housetrained: Yes
Health: Lulu is on medication for incontinence and Rosie is on medications for seizures, but both conditions are under control.
Notable behavior:
- Have never been around children
- Lulu is a little anxious meeting new people
- Non-aggressive growls with neighbor dog, as per previous owner

For more info on fostering with CBHR, click the link below:



Lulu and Rosie are a pair of 4-year-old bonded sisters currently located in Landrum, SC. This sweet duo had to leave their loving home as their father is undergoing cancer treatment and he must be in a germ-free environment. If you're able to open your hearts and home to these lovely ladies right now, please contact our application coordinator, Cindi Carter at [email protected].

Lulu & Rosie
Age: 4 yrs
Gender: Females, spayed
Housetrained: Yes
Health: Lulu is on medication for incontinence and Rosie is on medications for seizures, but both conditions are under control.
Notable behavior:
- Have never been around children
- Lulu is a little anxious meeting new people
- Non-aggressive growls with neighbor dog, as per previous owner

For more info on fostering with CBHR, click the link below:





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