Meet Atlas! He is a 40 lb mixture of playfulness and eagerness to bond with someone…he is ready for a home!
He is one of the five dogs rescued from the abandoned trailer on New Year’s Day. Even with his past, he is truly one of the friendliest dogs you would ever meet. He just has a big smile on his face all the time! If you think Atlas might be a good fit for your family, please visit our website at for our applications!
Cutest little German shepherd mix puppies ready for adoption!! Here are the girls! Applications at!
This is Teddy! He looks so good from his grooming appt at one of our all time favorite groomers Dog 4 Dog Grooming!
Teddy is a 2 year old poodle/doodle (?) with the friendliest and happiest personality! He loves people and other dogs. He is a big boy at 82 lbs and is looking for his forever home! If you are interested, please visit our website at Experience with poodle/doodle is a plus!
Applications can be found on our website!
Christmas Dogs
Dawson & Juliet
#makingchristmascards #fosterdogs #timetoadopt#homeforchristmas
Denali is a 10 month old Pyrenees mix! He adores kids and is ready to spend Christmas with his forever family!
Meet Scarlett
Hi everyone!! It's my turn to introduce myself to you. I'm Scarlett. I am the most beautiful little black lab mix if I do say so myself. My foster mom says I'm the best baby she has had. I don't have accidents in the house with access to a doggie door, I'm past the chewing phase, I'm very caIm in the house, and I love to cuddle but am also very content laying at your feet in my own bed. I'm a little cautious at first, but It does not take me long to warm up with encouragement. Who would blame me with everything I have been through in my short life? I was found emaciated on the streets. I love, love, love dogs big and small!!! I love to bounce around my foster brother like a kangaroo until he plays with me! Sometimes he plays hard to get and I have to show off my tap dance moves, which no one can resist. With that said, I'm a couch potato and spend my afternoons snoozing. So if a gentle, 1-2yr old, 40lb, sweet as pie, black beauty is what you are looking for, I'm your girl!!