One of Ted’s favourite games.
Happy 3rd birthday, Mr Ted. You’re 21 in dog years!! 🎉
His reflexes are a bit slow, but the spirit is willing. 🐾❤️🐾
He feels terrible and can’t settle. Two seizures and a general anaesthetic in one day. Poor guy.
This poor little guy is unwell again. He’s been at the vet’s all morning. A general anaesthetic revealed he has an acute upper respiratory tract infection. He can’t bark. Even wearing his collar is painful. The infection is probably what caused his two grand mal fits this morning. He’s on a cough suppressant and an antibiotic. He’s also been started on a different anti-convulsive medication for his epilepsy. Feel so bad for him. Just look at his eyes in the video.
Ted’s helping deal with a red wine spill... He loves the stuff. 🍷
The suckling, paddling puppy.
Lost it again. Getting boring now...
Success. Got it back! Seems a good plot for a new soapie - Days of our Dogs.
Oh no, treasure stolen by big brother, Bernie. Not happy.
Ted loves stealing some little treasure from the garden, bringing it in to chew up on the couch.
Here's the lovely boy playing with his favourite ball. Love how the slow motion shows off his coat. We've been a little annoyed with the vet we were using because, after a year of writing repeat scripts for Ted's Omeprazole, they suddenly insist on seeing him before they'll write a script. We have a letter from Stewart Ryan stating that Ted needs to be on the medication for life. It's not as if you can look at him and see into his tummy. Annoying and expensive. Still, Ted repays it all many times over.
When are you coming home, Mum?
Cardboard chewing fun with big brother, Bernie. So much enthusiasm!
Teddy's wrestle buddy is home for the night for the first time since he moved away. His reaction is gorgeous.
It's been a year since Ted's major surgery and he hasn't looked back. He is such a loving dog who takes every opportunity to show us he cares. The video below is just one example.
Teddy very excitedly climbing aboard the RV. He's one happy camper!