Durban temp today: 35 Β°c
Real feel temp: 38 Β°c
This goes up to 40 Β°c this weekend with real feel temps being higher. The UV Index (exposure to the sun) is extremely high, together with the humidity and other atmospheric factors, the real feel picks up.
Please ensure that you stay hydrated.
Please ensure that your pets are sheltered and have enough COOL/COLD water. Ensure that they drink water regularly to stay hydrated before lethargy sets in.
*Signs of heat stroke in dogs*
A heatstroke is a life-threatening condition that occurs when a dog's body temperature rises too high and can't be cooled effectively.
Early signs of heatstroke in dogs include heavy panting (progressing to distressed or noisy breathing as the heatstroke worsens), drooling, red gums or tongue, increased heart rate, vomiting, or diarrhoea, being warm to touch, a dry nose, being quiet or poorly responsive.
Advanced signs include lethargy, confusion, weakness or collapse, seizures.
Extreme signs can include blood from mouth or in stool, muscle tremors, ataxia (staggering), coma, death.
*What to do if you suspect your dog has heatstroke?*
1. Remove your dog from the hot environment to a cooler space.
2. Gradually lower your dog's body temperature by wetting them down with a hose or bucket of cool water (not ice-cold water to avoid shock)
3.Ensure that they drink water, even if you have to use a syringe. Tap water (15-16Β°C) has been found to be the most effective at cooling dogs with heat-related illnesses, although in a true emergency, any water is better than nothing.
4. Transport to a vet immediately
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